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2� 1 ���572 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: �D��9��39 �Cantinued� Pag� �D <br /> Default. Ths word "�3stault" means ths ❑�fault s�t forth in this ❑ssd ❑t Trust in ths ssction titled "�3etau[t". <br /> Environmental Laws. Ths wo�ds ''En�ironmsnta! Laws" msan any and a!1 stats, tsd�ra! and loca! statutss, <br /> r�gulations and ❑rdinancss r�lating �❑ th� pro�sction ❑f human hea�th ❑r ths gn�ironmsn�, including wi�hout <br /> lim�ta�ion �he Comprsh�nsi�s En�ironmsnta! Responss, Compsnsation, and Liabili�y Act ❑f 138U, as amended. 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5�ction 3�U1, gt seq. �"CERCLA"�, �he 5up�rfund Amsndmsn�s and Rsau�horE�ation Ac� ❑f 138�, Pub. L. <br /> No. 39-433 �"SARA"�, th� Haza�'dous Ma�srials Transpor�at�on Act, 43 U.S.C. 5�ction 18U1, st seq., th� Rssource <br /> Conssr�at�on and Rsco��ry Ac�, 4� U.S.C. 5sction �3U 1, et ssq., ❑r ❑thsr applicable stat� ❑r tsdsra! l�ws, rules, <br /> ❑r r�gula�ions adop�ed pursuan��hsrs�o. <br /> Event of Defau�t. Ths words "E�ent ot❑stault" msan any ot ths s�snts of dsfaul�sst forth in this ❑esd of Trust in <br /> �hs e�sn�s ❑f default ssc�ion of�his ❑eed ❑t Trust. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. Ths words "Existing lndsbtsdnsss" msan ths �ndsbtsdnsss describsd in the Existing LEsns <br /> pro�ision❑f this ❑eed ot Trust. <br /> Guaranty. Th� word "Guaran�y" msans th� guaranty trom guaran�or, endorssr, surs�y, or accommodation party�o <br /> Lend�r, including wi�thou�limitation a guaranty❑t a!!or pa�'t❑t ths No�e. <br /> Hazardous 5ubstances. Ths words "Hazardous 5ubstancss" msan matsrials �ha�, b�causs ❑f their quan�i�y, <br /> concen�ra�ion ❑r physical, chsmica� ❑r intsc�ious charac�eristics, may causs ❑r pose a presen� ❑r potsntia! hazard <br /> to human health ❑r�hs sn�ironmsn�wh�n impropsrly used, tr�a�sd, s�orsd, dispossd of, g�nsratsd, manufac�ursd, <br /> �ransportsd ❑r o�hsrwiss handl�d. Ths words "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" ars us�d in thsir ��ry broad�st ssnss and <br /> include wE�hou� limitation any and all hazardous or �oxic substancss, matsrials or waste as d�fin�d by ❑r lis�ed <br /> undsr�hs En�ironmsn�a! Laws. The�srm "Hazardous 5ubstances" a[s❑ includ�s, w�thout limitation, ps�rolsum and <br /> pstrol�um by-products ❑r any trac�ion thersof and asbss�os. <br /> �mprovements. Ths word "Impro�smsn�s" means a!! exist�ng and futurs impro�sments, buildings. s�ructures. <br /> mobils hom�s aftixsd ❑n ths R�a! Property, fac���ti�s, addi�ions, replacsmsnts and o�her construction ❑n �he Rea! <br /> Propsrty. <br /> Indebtedness. Ths word "lnd�b�sdness" msans a!! principal, int�r�5t, and ❑thsr amoun�s, cos�s and �xpsnsss <br /> payable undsr ths Nots o� Rsla�ed ❑ocumsn�s, �ogsthsr wi�h a�! renswals of, �xtsnsions ❑f, moditications ❑f, <br /> consolidations ot and subs�i�u�ions tor�hs No�s or Rsla�sd ❑ocuments and any amoun�s sxpsnd�d ❑r ad�ancsd by <br /> Lsnder �❑ dischargs Trus�or's ❑bliga�ions or gxpsnses incurrsd by Trustes ❑r Lsndsr �o snfores Trustor's <br /> obligations undsr �his ❑ssd ❑f Trust, �ogsthsr with in�srss� on such amounts as pro��dsd in this ❑�sd ❑f Trus�. <br /> 5pecifica!!y, wi�hout limi�ation, lnd�b�sdnsss includ�s ths futur� ad�ancss sst for�h in th� Fu�urs Ad�ancss <br /> pro��sion ❑f�his ❑ssd of Trust, togsthsr wi�h a!! in��r�st th�r�on. <br /> Lender. Th�word "Lsnder" msans Fi�s Poin�s Bank, its succsssors and assigns. <br /> Note. Ths word "No�s" msans ths promissory no�e da�ed January �8, �U 1�, in th� origina� principa� <br /> amount of �99�.DDD.DD from Borrow�r t❑ Lendsr, toge�her wi�h a!! rsnswals of, extsnsFons ❑f, moditica�ions <br /> of, �sfinancings of, conso�tdations of, and subs�itut�ons for ths promissory nots ❑r agrssment. <br /> Personal Property. The words "Persona! Propsr�y" msan a!! squipment, fixtures, and ❑�her ar�iclss ❑f p�rsona! <br /> prope�ty now or hereaftsr ownsd by Trus�or, and now or hereaftsr attachsd ❑r affix�d �o ths Reaf Prop�rty; <br /> togethsr wi�h a!! accsssions, par�s, and additions �o, a!! rsplacem�nts ❑f, and a!� substitutions tor; any of such <br /> propsrty; and tog��her with a!1 procssds �including withou� limitation a!! insurance procssds and retunds ❑f <br /> pr�miums� trom any sals or o�hsr disposition ❑f�hs Propsr�y. <br /> Property. Th�word "Propsrty" means co!l�c�i�ely th� Rea! Propsrty and ths P�rsonal Propsrty. <br /> Real Property. Th� words "Real Propsr�y" msan�hs rsa! propsrty, �ntsrss�s and rights, as fur�h�r describsd �n this <br /> ❑ssd ot Trus�. <br /> Re�ated Documents. The words "Rsla�sd ❑ocum�n�s" mean a!! promissory no�es, cr�d�t agr��msn�s, loan <br /> agr��msn�s, sn�ironmsnta! agrssmsn�s, guaran�iss, sscuri�y agrssm�n�s, mor�gagss, deeds ❑f trust, sscurity <br /> dssds, collatsral mor�gages, and a!! o�hsr ins�rumsnts, agresmsn�s and documsn�s, whs�hsr now ❑r h�r�after <br /> �xis�ing, �xscu��d in conn�c�ion with�h� lndsb�edn�ss. <br /> Rents. The word "Rsn�s" means al! present and future rsnts, r���nuss. �ncoms, issuss, royalties, protits, and <br /> othsr bsnefits dsri�sd from�hs Propsr�y. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trust�s" means Fi�� Points Bank, whoss addr�ss is P.4 Box 15U7, Grand !sland, NE <br /> �88U�-15U7 and any substitu�s❑r succsssor trustsss. <br /> Trustor. Th�word "Trustor" msans MARK A GL4E and ❑!AN M GL4E. <br />