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2� 1 ���5�� <br /> i <br /> D�E� �F TRL�ST � ' <br /> ��on#inu�d� Pa�e 2 <br /> contra�of the Property; �2� use,operat��r m�n�g�the P�apert�; snd {3� GQlle�t the Ren#s fram the Prop�rty. <br /> Duty ta M��rt. Trustar sh�ll msintain the Proper#y in ten�ntsbl� candition and pr�mptly perfvrm al! repeirs, <br /> replecements'S�d m��ntenanc�necessary to preser�e its v$lu�. <br /> Compliancs W�th En►�ir�nm�ntdl Laws. Trust4r repres�nts �nd war►ants to L�nder that: ��I f During th� period of <br /> Trus#or's ownersh�p o�the Property� there has been no us�� generat�on, manufacture�s�orege, frea�ment.dispvsal� <br /> releas� or thre�t�ned release o'� any Ha�ardous Subs#a�ce bY an� person on. under, abaUt ar from the Pr�party; <br /> t2} Truatar hss na knaw�edge o#, ar resson ta believe th�t there h�s been, exc�pt�s previously disclas�d to and <br /> �cknowledgad hy Lender rn writ��g. ta� �ny hreach vr �ialation o� any En�ironmental Laws, �h� any use, <br /> generatian� rnanuf�ctur�, st�r�ge. treatment, disposel, rs��ase ar threat�ned rele�se of any Hazardous Suhsts��e <br /> on, under, about ar from the Praperty by any p�iar�wners �r ��cupents of the Property, ar �c� sny actual or <br /> threatene� litigatiqn ar claims o#an� kind by eny p�rsan releting to su�h mexters; �nd t3f Eacc�pt as pr�wiou�l� <br /> diaclose�to and acknawledged by Lender in wri#ing, Ra} n�ither T�ustor nar any tensnt, ContreC#or,ag�nt or athar <br /> �uthoriz�d ttser o�the Prap��ty shall use�g�nerate, rnan�faCture,sto��, treat, dispase nf o�rele�se sny Hs�ardaus ; <br /> SubStanCe on, under,abau�or frvm the Praperry;snd Rbf eny such activ�ty shall be conduc#ed in�vmpli�ncs with ' <br /> �E1 a�rpl�cable fed�ra�, s�a�e, and iQcal laws, regu�ation� and a�dinances. including without limitatian a!� � <br /> Enwir�nmental Lsws. Truato� authori�es Lender snd its agents to enter upon the P�aperty ta rnak� such <br /> in�pections an�l testa, at Trustvr's �xpen�e, as Lender msy deern appropriate #o dete�mine compliance af ths <br /> Property with this sect�an of the Deea[ of Trust. Any inspectivns or tests mad� by Lender shall be fQr L�nder's <br /> purposes only�nd shs�l not be c�nstru�d to creat�any re�pansibility or�i�bility an th�p�rt of L�nder to Truator�r <br /> t4 any�ther person. The reprasant�ti�ns and werrsntias conteined herein�re h�sed an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> inve�tigating the Proper�y for Hazardous Substancas. Trustar hereby ��f reless�s and waiw�s any�utur� claims <br /> against Lende�for indemni�y vr cantrihuti4n in#he event Trustor becames liebl�f�r�l�ar�up Qr vthe�costs ur�der <br /> �ny such I�ws; sn� {�y agrees�a indernnify,de��nd, and hvid h�rmless Lender a�ainst�ny end al!cleirns� lo�ses, <br /> liabi�itie�,dsms�es,penaltie�,and gxpenses which Lender may directly or indirectlV sus#�in or suffer r�sulting�r�m <br /> � breach�f this sec#�on o'f the De�d of Trust or as a cans�quenc� of any use, gsneration, manu#acture. storege. <br /> d+spas�l,release ot�ihreatened release��curring prlor ta Trustor's ownership or interest in#he Property� whether or <br /> not the same ws� or shou�d ha►►e besn knawn to Trustvr, The prorrisions af this se�tivn o� the Deed o� Trust, <br /> including the ab�iga�ian to ind�mnify end defend,shall sunii�e�h�payment of the In�eb�edn�$s�nd the s�tiafatction <br /> end reconveY�nce�f th�lien�f�his Dsed of Trust and sh8��nvt be�ffected by L�nder's�cquisitran af any#nte�est <br /> in th�Property, ►+vhgthe�by far�clflsure ar otherwisa. <br /> Nuisance. Wasta. Trust�r shel� not cause, cQndu�t ar permit �ny nuisance n�r cammtt, permit� �r sur#��r any <br /> stripping af or weste on or to the Pr�perty �r any partian of the Prop�rty. With�ut iimit�ng the generality �f the <br /> #aregoing, T�ustor wi1� not remove, ar grent t�any other party the right ta remo�e, sr�y timbe�, miners�s �including <br /> ail an��asy,coa�, clay,scoria,soil�gra��l ar rock prodUcts with�u#L�nder's priar written consent. <br /> R�mo��l af Ir�nprovernan�. Trustor shatl not demalish or rerr�o�e any lmprv�ements frorn the Real Praperty without <br /> Le�der's prior written�onsent. As$cn�diti�n t�the remo�a�of any Improv�ment�,Lender m�y requ��e Trustor ta <br /> make a�rengements satisfactflry ta Lend�r tQ replace such Improuement� with Imprav�m�nts Qf st least equal <br /> vaf ue. <br /> L�ndvr's�#ight ta Errt�r. Lender and Lender's agents and representatE�res mey enter up�n th� Real Praperty at ail <br /> r�asanebl� timss to atten� to Lend��'s interests an� to inspe�t the Rse! Property for purposas of Truatar's <br /> camp#iance wi#h the terrns en�J Gandit��r�s of this��ed of Trust. <br /> �ompliance with Gn�arnmentel Requiramants. Trustor shalt promptly �orrrply with sli laws, ardinsnces, snd <br /> regui�tions, n�w or h�resft�r in ef#ect, af aEl ga�ernmental authari�ie� applicable to the use �r oc�upan�y af the <br /> Property, including withaut limitet�on, the Amsricans With Diaabiliti�s Ac#. Trustor rrr�y c�nt�st in 9ood f�ith any <br /> such law� 8rdinance, ar regulation and withhold GQmpl�ance during any pr�c$eding, including appropri8te �ppe�l�, <br /> so lon�a$Trustor has noti�isd L�n�er in writing pri8r t�doing so and so i�ng as,in Lender's sole apinion� Lender's <br /> int�rests �n the Property �re not j�apardiaed. Lencier rnay require Trustor to po�t edequate s��urity or � surety <br /> bond. r�esonabiy s�tiaf�ctory to Lender,to protect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Pratect. Trustor 8gree� neith�r ta eband�n �r Iga�we Una##ended the P�opertV. Trustar sh�ll do all ather <br /> ects, in addition to those acta set forth aboWe in thia s�ctian� vWhich from the cher��ter end use ot#h�Praperty��'� <br /> re�sonably neces�ary to protec#a�nd preser�e the Rr�perty, <br /> i <br /> Dt�E�N�ALE-��NSENT��'L�N�E�i. L�nder may, �t Len�er's�ptian,aleclare irnmediste�y due and pa�►able a�l sums ' <br /> se�u�ed by this Deed of Trust upor�the s�ls❑r transf�r,without Lander's pri�r written Gonsent,af all or an�part af the <br /> Rea� Prapsrty, �r any interest in the Real Pr�perty. A "sal�o�tr�r�sfer" me�ns the conv�yance of Real Pcoperty or�ny <br /> right, titl� �r int�r�st �n the Re�l Praperty; whether ��gel, beneficial �� equita�Ea; wheth�r �oluntary or in��lunter�; <br /> wh�th�r by outright ssl�, deed� inst�llmgnt �a�e cantract, land contract, contr�ct far deed� �easehold in#erest with a <br /> term greate�than th►ee �3� ye�ra. laas�-option cantract, ar by sale, assi�nment, or transf�r of any bene'f��iel interest in <br /> or to any I�nd trust holding title to the Resl Prope�y, ar by en� ather methad of con�eyence of an interest in th� Re�l <br /> Property. Howe�er, this vptior� �hall not b� exercised by Lender if su�h exercisa is prohibit�d by �eder�! law ar by ' <br /> Me�raska law. <br /> � <br /> TA]iES AND LtENS. The following pro�isions relatin� ta the taxes and liens vn #ha Prop�rty are part of thi� Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymarrt. Truator shal!pay wh�n du� {�nd in all events prio�to delinquencyf ell tax�s.special t�xes,esssssments, <br /> che�ges t+ncluc311ing w8t�r and sQwer�� �in�s$nt�ir�npQs���Q�ievied age�nsi�r an��caunt of the Prop�rty, �nd shsll <br /> p�y when due all cl�ims fur wark done an ar for services rendgred or rnateri$I �urnished ta the Rr�perty. Trustar <br /> sh$1! msintain the Praperty ires of all liens h��ing priarity over ar equal ta#he�nter�st of Lender und�r this Deed of <br /> Trust, ex�ept for the li�n of taxss and essessm�nts nat due and except as oth�rwi�e pravided in this I�e�d �f <br /> Trust, <br /> Right ta Contast. Trustar may wtthhold ps�rmen��f any tax� essessment, o�cl�i�n in canne�ti�n with a gvod taith <br /> dispute a��r the oblig�tion to pey, so Iong es Lender's intereat in the Praperty ia n�t�eopardized. I#a lien�rises o� <br /> is filed as a result of n�np�yment, Trustar shall within fift�en (15} deys efter the lien arises �r. i# a li$n is filed, <br /> within f�fteen �15} da�rs �f�er Trustar has n�tice af the f�ling, $ecur�the dis�harge a� the I�en� ar if requested b� <br /> Lender,depvsit with Lender�ash or a sufficient���pvrate sur�#y band or other security aatisiactvry tv Lender in an <br /> amount sufficisnt to d�scharge the�ien��us any costs�nd attorneys' fees� or oth�r ch�rges thst Gould e�crue es a <br /> resuit af e�Q��clasur�or s�le under the lien. In any c�nte�t�Tru$tor shall defend itself and Lender and ahal��atisfiy <br /> any e��erse judgment be��re errforcement ageinst the Pr�perty. Trustor shall name Lender as an 8dditional��1�gee <br /> under any�utety bond furnished in#he contest pr�ceedings. <br /> E�idencs af P�ymsnt. Trustor shall Upon demand fu�n�sh tfl Lender sstisfa�tary evidence of p�yment�f the tax�� <br /> �r assesaments and ahall authocize the appropriaxe go�e�nmental affi�ial to del��er ta Le�der ai an�r tims e wr�#t$n <br /> st�tement Qf tha t�xes and assessments aga�nst the Praperty. <br /> Na�ti�ca af�ons�ru�ti�n. Trustar shefl n�ti�y Lender at ieast fifteen {'15f da�s befare a�y work �s c�mmenGed, �ny <br /> senrices sre fu�nished� or an� materi�ls are supp�i�d to the I�roperty. i��ny mechanic's 1ien, materialmen's lien, ar <br /> �ther lien �ould be ss�e+rted on a�count of the worl�, s�rvic�s, ar mate��als. Trustor wi#! upan re�}uest Q# Lender <br /> furniah ta Lender ed�en�e �ssuran�es satis��ct4ry t4 Len�er that Trus#ar �an and wili pay the ��at �f such <br />