2� 1 ���5�5
<br /> t� �r�ce��v� � refund �f a�y Mortgage In��xr��c� pre�niums that �ere �near�xed at �he tanr�e vf
<br /> �uc�. can�ell�tian ar terrn��.ation.
<br /> �'1����si�r��n�nt�f I�i���l���e�u��r��e�d�; F���it��r�.,�1�Mi���llane�us�'roc�eds ar��ze�•eby
<br /> ass�gn�d to a�.d s�all b�paid to Le�.c�er.
<br /> If tY�.��'�op�rt�is damaged,��uch Misce��aneo�.s�'roceed.s sha�l�be appli�d�o r�stora�ian ar r�p�i�a�th�
<br /> Praperty�if�h�res�oratio�or r�pa�r�s e�o�ami�a�l�y feasib�e and Len�.er's secux��r�s�o�lessened.During
<br /> such rcp�.ir and restorati�n period,�.enc�er shall h�.�re the ri�h�to��1d s�.�h��sce��ax�eau.s Pra���ds unt��
<br /> �.ender�ias had an o�par�un.�ty��insp�c���.��l�ra�aex������s�a.r�th�v�Qr��ha�be��comp�eted��L��d�r's
<br /> satisfac��a�.,pr�vid�d that suc�i�ns���t�on s�a��be under�ak�n pro�np�ly.���der�r�ay pay�a�r�he r��airs
<br /> a.�d��st�rati.o�i�a si�zg�e�.�sb�u.rse�n��.t or i�a.a�er�es o.f pro��ess pa�n�n.�s as�h��v�rl�i�c�mp�e�ed.
<br /> �nless ar�agr��m�nt is made�n v�r��i.�g ar�:p�l�cab��Law r�qu�res i�teres��o be pai�a��uc�
<br /> N�isc�l��.neaus Pr��eeds,�end�r s���.�no�1��r�qu�red��pa��orr�we�ax��r�nteresx�r ea.�a.��.�s��su�cY�
<br /> ��scel�laneous.Pr��e�ds. �f��ie xes�vra���n ar r�pa��is na�ecanam��a��y.�eas�b�e ar��nder's sec�.r�ty
<br /> would be���se�ed,the M�.s�e��an�eous l��o�eeds sha�l be app�i�d�o t�.�sum�se�ured���l��s Se�t���ty
<br /> Instrurne�.�,�rh����x ar����hen�-ue,�v�th.��.��xc�ss, ��a�.�r,pa�d t�Barro��r. Such:Mi�c���an�vus
<br /> pra��eds s�a11�e a��a���d�n�he orde��ro�rid�d f�r xri��c�ion 2.
<br /> Ir�the���n�o�a to�ar tal�i�lg,d�structio�, or lc�ss�r�value o�`�he 1'ropex•ty,���M�sce��a�.e�us l�roceeds
<br /> shal��e a����ed to���st�s sec�.red.by�hi��e�ur��y In$trur��n�,v�he�her or n���h��du�,wi�h�he e�cess,
<br /> �#'a��,pa��ta�c�rro�ver.
<br /> In th�e��n�af�.par���.l�a�ai.x�g,desi.-�uc��on,�r lass�n va�ue ofthe p�oper�y��.wh���.�h��a�x n�ar���v�.��e
<br /> �f'�he Pr�perty�mmed�a�e�y befo�e the par��al ta�in.�;, d�strc�.ct�on,��la�s in val�e is equa�to a��reatex
<br /> ��ia�.��.�amo�n,��f�h�sums s�cured by��is Secu��ty Instru�.e�.t i�.�.nedxatel�r b�f�re t�ie pax�tia��a�i�.,�,
<br /> �.es�ru_�t��r�,a���s�in�ra��u�,u�nless��rrvwer and�►��.�.e�r otherw���agre�i��r��t��g,th�sunris s�cu�r�d
<br /> �y t�is �ecur��y Instrum�r�t sh�.��b�re�lu��d�y�he amoun�of�he�Vlisce��aneou�Pr�ceeds m.u������ed b�
<br /> ����o��o�i�.g�rac�ian: �a)the���a�amau�t af th�surx�s s�cure�.in�med�ate��befaxe the part��.�ta.kin�;,
<br /> d��t�u�t�on,or�as��n v�lu�d1v�d���y�b�t�i�fair mar���t�r�.�u�of�h�F�ro�erty�mmed�ate�y befor��he
<br /> ��.��ia��aking, dest�-u.��ion,or��ss jn value.A�zy b�.��.�ce s�all�be p�.��to�arrc�w��.
<br /> Xn th�ev�n�of a par��a�tal�.in�,c�es�ruc�i�r�,or�oss��va.lu��f'the�'ro�er�y i�.v�rhi�h�he fa�r mar���va�ue
<br /> o�t�.�1'�r�pe�cy��m,�.ned�at��y 1��fare��ie�aar��a�ta�ing,de�t�uG�i�n,�r lass in valu.e�s less�h�.�t�e amou�.ti
<br /> of��ie�u��.s se���°��.x�.��.ia�e��r�ei��°��h��a���.�tcal�a.��,ale��uc��a�.,����ss�n va��e,un�ess Bo�rra��r
<br /> and I,�end�x��hervv�se a�r�����rr���ng,�e M�s�ellan�ous�'r�ceed�sh�.�I be�.pp�ied ta th,��u�ns s�cu���
<br /> ��t�.�.S ����f 1�37��15�.1�.����'L�V'�.1�t�1��C��'�.D���1�S�.1Ti1S�.����].L�C�.U.�.
<br /> If the P��aper�y is aband�n�d by��r�ov�rer,or i�',�,�ter x�Qtice by Lender�Q Borrower tha��he�]pp�s��.�
<br /> party�as�.e�n��.�ri the nex�se��er���)�ffer�to��.a�e an a�vard.��se�t�e a cl�.�m f�r da.���.ges,Borrawer
<br /> fai�s�a respo�.�.ta Lender�v�th��:30�ays�.ft�z•��.�date�h�no��ce is g��r�r��L,end��is au��1a�•i�ed�o cali�ct
<br /> �.nd a�p��the,1V,��sce�la�.eous l�r�ce��s e��her�o xes��r�.t�ar�oz•re�a�ar af the�'r�perty ar ta t�.e�ums s��u��d
<br /> �by�1�s ���ur��y I�.s�:�.rn�nt,v�rhe�her�r not��.�n c�u��. "C)ppos�ng Party"means�h���.�r�par�y��.at owes
<br /> Barr�v�rer N���c���a��aus�'r�ceeds��r�he p�.r�y aga��.s�v�hom Bor�ower�.as a�x�h��f actio�.�n r�gard�a
<br /> M�scelTanea�.s Proc��r�s.
<br /> �IC�G-D4359
<br /> iVEE3RA5KA-Sir�gl�Family-Fannfe MaelFr�ddie M�c 11NIF�l�rV1�NSTRUM�NT F�rm 3�28�10�
<br /> VMPC� D71�5
<br /> V►lalter�Kluwer�inanclal 5ervic�s ������2015.2.2,3298-,12�'i 5�7�8Y Page�4 4 af�!7'
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