2� 1 ���49�
<br /> Tr�nsfer of the Property �r a Beneficial Inter�st in B�rrflv��r.I�'al��r�.n�paxt of the Prop�r�y or an�i��eres�
<br /> in �t is s�ld or �ransferred tflr if a benefzc�al interes� i�. B�rrawer �s s�ld or �ransferred and B�rrower �s�na� a
<br /> na�ra� persan} vvi�hou� L,ender's pri�r v�rri�ten conse�t, L�nd�r may, at i�s op��on, require immedia�e pa�m�nt in
<br /> fu�1 of a�1 sums secured by �h�.s �ecuri�y �ns�rrient. Hovvever, this �ption shall not be exercised b� Lender if
<br /> exe�cise is prohibi�ed by federal Iaw as of�he date Qf�his Se�urity Ins�rumen�.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this apt�on, Lender shall give Borra�ver no�ice of accel�ratian. The no�zc� sha�X prov�d� a
<br /> period of ri�t �ess �han �he minimu.rn number of days es�abl��hed �y Appli�ab�e Lativ from�he da�e the n�tice is
<br /> de��vered or mailed within which Borrovver mus� pay a1� sums s�cured by �his Security Ins�rumen�. �f Barrovver �
<br /> � fails �o pay�hese sums pri�r �o the expiratian af th�s per�od, Lender may inv�ke any remedies perm���ed by�his
<br /> Se�uri�.y Ins�ent wi�hout further nfltice or demand an Barr�Wer,
<br /> Barro�vver's Right t� R.einstate. �f�3orrower meets certain conditians, B orrovver shall have �he right �o have
<br /> enforcement af�his Security Ins�trument d�sc�nt�nued at�.�y�ime pri�r to t�e ear.�ier�f (a� S da�rs �or such o�her
<br /> periad as Applicab�e Lavv may specify for reins�a�ement�bef�re sa�e of the Property pursuan�to any pow�r c�f sale
<br /> conta�ned in thxs Securi�y In�trument; or �b} entry of a j�.dgment enfor�ing this 5ecurity Ins�rumen�. Those
<br /> canditions are that Barro�ver: �a) pays Lender aIl sums ti�trhi�h then vvfluld be due �nder this Security �nst�rrumen�
<br /> and the Cantrac�as if no accelera�ian had occurred;�b)cures any defaul�of any other covenants ar agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enfvrcing this Securi�y�ns�rument,inc�ud�ng,bu�na�Iimited�a,reas�nab�e a��oxneys'
<br /> fees to the ext���permi�ted by Iau�; and �d}�akes such a�t�on as Lender ma�reasonably require�o assure�.aat�he
<br /> �ien af�his Security Instrument, Lender's righ�s in the Pr�perty and Borraw�r's ob�iga�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by �h.is 5ecurity�nstrument sha�� c�n�inue unchanged. Upon reins�a�ement by Borrower, th�s Security �nstrument
<br /> and the ab�iga�ians secured hereby shall remain fully eff�ctive as if no acc�leration had occurred. Ho�v�ver, th�s
<br /> righ�to reinstate shal�no�app�y in the case Qf accelerati�n under�he sect�an�i��ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Benefic�a�Intere5t in Barr�v�er.
<br /> Ha�ard�us SubStance�,Borrovsr�r shail not cause or perrnit the presence,u�e, disp�sal, storage, or re�ea�e af any
<br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances o�or in t�ae Prap�rty.B�rrower shall nat dfl,nor a1�fl�rv ar�yone e�se to do,a�ything aff�cting
<br /> �he Proper�y tha� is �n viola�ion af any Env�xonmen�al Law. The preceding �w� sen�enGes shall nat app�y�o the
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�h�Proper�y of small quanti�i�s�f Hazardaus Subs�a.nces�hat are genera�ly recognized
<br /> �o be appropriate t�normal residential uses and�o main�enanc�of the Proper�y.
<br /> Barrower shall promptly give Lender wr�tten noti�e of any invest�ga�ion,�1aim, demand,Iavvsuit or o�her ac���n by
<br /> any governmental or regu�a�ory agency nr private par�y i�vfl�ving �he Prop�rfiy and any Hazardvus Sub�tance or
<br /> Enviranmen�a� L.aw of vvhich Barrou�er has actua� I�nou��edge. �f Barrflvt�er �earns, or is na�ified by any
<br /> gavernmental ar regula�ary authorit�,that any removal or�th�r remediat�an�f any Hazar�ous Subs�ance aff�ct�ng
<br /> �he Pr�per�.y is necessary, Borrower sha�l prflmptly tak� a�I necessary remedial actions in aceordance v�ith
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" are�hose subs�ances defned as�axic �r hazardous substa.nces
<br /> by Environmen�a� LaW and the followin� substances: g�.so��ne, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petra�eu.m
<br /> praducts, toxic pes��cides and herbicides, v�lati�e s�Iven�s, materia�s con�ai.ning asbes�Qs or formaldeh�de, and
<br /> radi�active ma�erials. As used in�his paragraph, "En�vironmen�a�La�v" means federa��aWs and�av�rs of the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska t�iat relate ta heal�h,safety flr enviranmenta�prat�ction.
<br /> Acc��eration; Remedie�. Lender shall give no�ice t� B�rr��ver prYor tfl acceleration follovving �orro�v�r's
<br /> breach of any c�venant or agreement in thi5 SecurYty Instrument nr the C�ntra�t under wh�ch a���ler��ian
<br /> ��permztted �but not pr�or to a�celeration under the s��tivn �ztled Tran�fer of the Praperty or a B�nef���al
<br /> Interest�n B�rrower,unles5 App�i�able Law provaides �therw�se�. The no�iee sha�l spe�ify; ta� the defauit;
<br /> �b} th� action requ�red t� cure the defau�t; ��� a da�e, not �ess than the mi�irnum number of days
<br /> established by.�pplicab�e Law from the date the nat�c�is��ven to Borr�yver,hy wh�ch the defau�t must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that f�ixure t� cure the default on or �efore �he date spec�fied �n the nat�ce ma� resu�t in
<br /> acceleratian of the sums 5ecured by �his S�curity Instrument and sale of �he Property. To th� e�tent
<br /> perm�t�ed by la�v, the n�tice shall further inform Borr�wer of the right tv reinstate after a��e�Qrati�n and
<br /> the right to bring a cvurt action to assert the non-existenc�of a defau�t ar any o�her defense�f Borrower to
<br /> acce�era�ion and sale. If the default is not cured on or bef�re th� date s�pecified�n the notice,Lend�r at fts
<br /> opti�n may re�uire immediate payr�ent in ful� �f a�l surns secured hy this Secu�ity Ins�rument �vithou�
<br /> fur�h.er demand and may�nvoke the power of 5aie an�d any other remed�es permit�ed by ApplicablQ Lavv.
<br /> Tv the ex#ent permitted by Iaw, Lender sha�l �e �ntit�ed t� c�llect a�� expenses incurred �n purs��ng the
<br /> rem�dies provided�n�h�s SectYon,in��ud�ng,but not�irnit�d�o, reasona�le attorneys' fees and c�sts of tit�e
<br /> ev�den�e.
<br /> If the power of sa�e�s�nvoked, TrustQe shall record a noti�e of d�fault�m each �aun�y�n which any part of
<br /> �he Property�s lo�ated and 5hal�mai� copies af such n�t��e�n �he manner prescrib�d by App�icab�e Law to
<br /> � Borrvwer and to the other pers�ns prescr�bed by App�i�ab�e Law. Aft�r th� tim� requ�red by Appli�ab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public nat�c� af sale ta the pers��s and in the manner prescrib�d by �As.pplicab�e
<br /> Law,Trustee,w��h�ut demand�n Borrov�ver, shall�e��th�Property a�pub�ic auc���n�Q the highest bidder
<br /> at the t�me and place and under th�terms d�5ignat�d�n th�notice�f 5a��in one or rnore par�e�s and in an
<br /> Y
<br /> order Trustee determines. TruS�ee may postpvne sa�� of all Qr.any parce� of the Property by public
<br /> annvunc�ment at the tim� and pla�e�f any prev�ously�ch�duled sale.Lender ar fts des�gne�may purc�ase
<br /> �he Property at any sa��.
<br /> Upox� receipt of payrn�nt of the pr�c� b�d, Trustee sha�� deliver to the pw�rchaser Trustee's dQed �Q�vey�ng
<br /> �he Property.The recita�s in �he Trus�ee's deed shall b�prima fac�e ev�den�e af�h.�tru�h vf the 5�atennents
<br /> �2444-2�1 S Campliance Systerns,inc.8�54-112D-2Q15.I�.3.1 a98
<br /> Consumer ReaI Estace-5ecurity Znst�-ument DL2435 Page 4 Qf5 www,compliancesyste�ns.com
<br />