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2� 1 ���49� <br /> Payment of Prxne�pal a�d Interes�; U�her Charge�.B�rroW�r sha11 promp�ly pay vvh�n due the principal of and <br /> interest an�he d�b�ovved under�h��ontract an�late charges�r any other fe�s and charg�s due under the�ontrac�. <br /> Applicable Law. As used in �his Se�urity Instrume�.�, the �erm "A�plieable Lativ" shall mean a�� c�n�r�l�ing <br /> applicable federa�, state and loca� s�atu�es, regu�ations, ordin�.nces and administra�ive rules and orders �tha�;have <br /> the effect nf lau�}as well as alI applicable fina�,non-appea�ab�e judicial opinions. <br /> Charges; Lien�. Barrower sha11 pay aIl �axes, assessments, charges, fir��s and imposi�i�ns a�tribu�.b�e ta �he <br /> Property which may a��a�.n priority�ver�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument, a�ad leasehold payments �r grau.nd ren�s, �f any. <br /> At the request af Lender,BorraWer shall promptily furnish to Lend�r receip�s evidencing the paymen�s. <br /> Borrotiver sha�l promptly discharge any�ien vvhich has pr�ori�y over this Se�urity Ins�trument unl�ss B�rravv�r: �a} <br /> agrees in vvr�ting to th� payment of�he obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner accep�abl� �� Lender; �b} _ <br /> contes�s in go�d fa�th_the �ien by, ar defends agains� enforcemer�t 4f the lien in, Iegal proceed��.gs whi�h in the <br /> Lender's apu�i�n o�erate to pr�ven� the enforcernent af the Iien; or �c} se�ures fr�m �ie halder of the Ii�n an <br /> agreement sa��sfactory ta Lender subard�ating�he l�e�t� �h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�. �f Lender determir�es�hat any <br /> part af�he Praperty is subj ect t� a �i�n v�hzch ma�r a�tain pxiority over �his 5ecuri�y Instrument, L,end�r ma�r give <br /> Borravver a not��e identifying�he Iien. Borrovver sha�l sa�isfy the Iien or talfe one or more �f the actions set farth <br /> abov�w��hin I�days of the giving af notice. <br /> Ha�ard or PrapQrty In�uran�e. Borrawer sha�l ke�p �he imp�-�vements n�w existing�r hereafter ere�t��i on the <br /> Property�nsured against Iass by�re,hazards included wi�hin�he�erm"extended coverage" and any o�her ha�ards, <br /> inc�uding floods or flaading, far w�iich Lend�r requires in�urance. This insurance shall be main�a.ined �n the <br /> amaun�s and far�he periods�hat Lend�r requires. The�.nsuran�e carrier pr�vi�ing�he�.nsurance sha�I be chosen by <br /> Borrower subj ec� to Lender's approval which shall no� be unreasonably w�thhel�. If Borrawer fai�s ta �nain�ain <br /> coverage described above, L�nder may, at Lender's op�ia�., obtain caver�.ge tfl protec� Lender's ri�h�s in �he <br /> Properfiy in accordance�v��h sectian titled Protec�i�n af Lender�s R�ghts in the Property. <br /> All insuran�e polic�es and renevvals sha�l be accep�ab�e to L�nder and sha�� include a standard mortgage �Iause. <br /> Lender sha1l have the right to hald the policies and r�newals. �f Lender ret�uires,Borrn�trer shall prornptl�give�o <br /> Lender all recezp�s flf paid premiums and renewal nn�ices. �n the event of 1�ss,B�rrvvver sha1l gi�re pr�mpt notxce <br /> to the insurance�arr�er an�.Lender.Lender may make proof of Iass if not made pr�mp�ly by Barr�vver. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree rn wr�ting, �nsurance proce�ds shall be applied �o restoration or <br /> repair of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scre�ian, �he restoration or repair �s ecan�mica�ly feasib�e <br /> and Lender's securi�y is no�lessened. �f, ir� Lender's so�e dis�re��on, the res�ara�ion or repair�s na�ec�namica�ly <br /> feasib�e or L�nder's security tivou�d be les�ened,the insu.rance praceeds sha1l�be app�ied to the sums secured b��his <br /> 5 e cu.rity Ins�rument, vvhether or n�t then due, tivi�h any ex�ess paid �o B orrawer. �f B orrower abandons the <br /> Proper�y,or does not ans�rer wi�hin th�number of days prescribed by Appli�able Lavv as set forth in a�ot�ce fr�m <br /> Lender to Borr�wer that�he insurance carr�er has offered to se�tle a c�aim, then Lender may caliect�he insu�ance <br /> proceeds. Lender ma�use �he proceeds to repa�r�r res�are �he Propert� or�� pay sums secured by this S�curity <br /> �nstrument,whe�her or no��hen due. The p�r�ad of�ime for Borrower to ans�er as set f�rth i.n the r�otice will b�g�n <br /> �rhen the natice is given. <br /> IJnless Lender and Bor�-ovver o�herwise agree in wri�i�g, any application of proceeds to principa� shal�not e�tend <br /> or p�stpone�he due da�e af�he payments due under the Con�rac�or change the amaunt of�he pa�nents. �f under <br /> the sec�ion tit�ed Acce�erai�an; Remedie5, �he Prape�.y is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to any i�.surance <br /> pal�czes and praceeds resu�ting fr�m da.mage to the Property privr �o the a�quisi�ion sha1l pass to Lend�r t� the <br /> extent of�he sums secured by�his Securi�r Ins�rurnent immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> Freser�at�on, Main�enance and Protect�on �f �he Prope��y; Borrower's Laan App�i�atxon; Lea�ehn�ds. <br /> Bflrrower s�a11 not des�ro�, damage or impair�he Property, a���vv�h�Property�� deteri�rate, or commi��waste on <br /> �he Property.Borr�yver sha�l be in default if a�y fflrfe�ture ac�i�n or praceeding,tivhether Civi�or�r�minal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's gaod fai�h�udgment �au�d resul� in forfeiture ❑f�he Praper�y ar a�herw�se ma�eria�ly impair the <br /> �ien created by �his Security Instrument ar Lender's securit�r interes�. Barrower may cure such a d�fau�t and <br /> reinstate, as provided�n se��i�n�i��ed Borrovver's Right to R.einstate, by causing�he act�an or praceeding�Q be <br /> dzsmissed with a rulu�.g�hat,ln Lender's good fazth de�ermi.nati�n,pre�Iudes forfe��ure of the Borrawer's inter�st in <br /> the Proper�y or other ma�er�al impa�rr�ent of the lien created l�y �his Securi�y l�n�trur.nent or L�nderf s secu.rity <br /> inter�st.Borrower sha�l also b�1n defaul�if Borrawer,during the Ioan app�icatinn process,gave mat�r�a��y fa�se or <br /> �naccurate informatian ar sta.temen�s �o Lender �or failed ta pravide L��d�r w�th any ma�eriai informa�ion} in <br /> connecti�n wi�h the loan ev�deneed by the �on�rac�. If�his 5ecuri�Instrum�n�is on a�easehold, Borrovver�hali <br /> comp�y vv�th all the prov�s�ons of the lease. If Borr�vver acqu�res fee ti�Ie t�t�a.e Praperty,the leasehold and th�fee <br /> �itle shal�nat merge unless Lender agrees�o�he n�erger in writing. <br /> Protec��on of Lender's Rights in the PrQperty. If Borro�ver fa�Is �o perfarm the covenants and agreernents <br /> c�ntained in this 5ecuri�y Ynstrumen�,flr�here is a legal prviceeding�hat may signifzcant�y affect Lender's righ�s�n <br /> the Property �such as a pra�eeding �n bankrup�cy, pr�bate, far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or <br /> regulations}, ther� Lender may da and pay for �vhatever is necessary tfl pr�tec� �he value flf�he Praper�y and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�n�he Prop��-ty. Lender's act��ns ma}�inc�ude paying any sum�secured by a lien�hich has prior�ty <br /> over th�s Securit�y�ns�ru.ment, appearing�n caur�,paying reas�nable at�orneys'fees and er�tering on the Prvperty to <br /> make repairs.A��hough Lender xnay take act�nn under this sectian,L�nder do�s no�have�o do so. <br /> Any amounts d�s�ursed by Lender under �his secti�n sha1l becflme add��ion�.l deb� �f I3arro�ver s�cured by this <br /> Secu�-��y Ins�rument. Unless B�rrower and Lender agree �� other terms of payment, these arnounts shal� bear <br /> �2404-2fl15 Compliance Systems,Inc.$C5�#-1 12D-2QI5.1 I.3.I498 <br /> Consurr�er Real Estate-Secu�ity Instrument DL2�36 Page 2 of 5 www,campiiancesystems,Gom <br />