2� 1 ���4�3
<br /> in the Praperty and rights under�his Security Instrum.ent; and�d� takes such ac��an as Lender ma�
<br /> reasonah�y requir�to assur��hat L�nder's interest in�he Proper��r and rights under this Securi�y Ins�ru�nent,
<br /> and B�rrov�er's �biigatian�o pa�r�he sums secured by th�s Security �ns�rumen�, sha�l can�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barr�wer pay such reins�atement sums and exp�nses in one ar nZ�r��f�he follo�ing
<br /> f�rms, as se�ected by Lender: �a�cash; �b�mone�arder; �c} c�r�i�ed�heck, bank che�k, �reasur�r's c�ieck�r
<br /> cashier's che�k, prov�ded any such�heck is drawn upon an inst�tu���n whos�d�pos��s are�nsured b�a
<br /> federa�agency, ins�rumenta�i�y or entity; or�d} Electronic Funds Transf�r. Upon reinstatezr�en�by Borrower,
<br /> this Securit��ns�rument and ob��gations secured hereby shall r�ma�n fu�iy effective as if no ac�eleration had
<br /> accurred. �3owe�er, �h�s right�o re�nstate shal�nnt apply �n th�case of acce�eration under Sect�an ].8.
<br /> �4. Sale of Note; Ghange of Lvan Servicer; Notice of Grie►►ance. The Na��ar a partia� �n�erest�n the
<br /> Note��ogeth�r w��h th�s Security�nstrumen�}can be sald on��r more�.i�nes withaut pr�or n���c�to
<br /> Borr�wer. A sa�e m.�g�.t resu�t�n a change in�he enti��r �knovvn as the "Laan �`ervicer"} �.ha�c���ec�s P�ri�dic
<br /> Pa�rments due und�r�he No�e and this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�and p�rf�rms o�her mor�gage laan servicing
<br /> abiigations under�he Nate, this Securi�y Ins�rument, and App��cab�e Law. Ther�als�miitgh�be c�ne or more
<br /> �hanges of the Loan.Servxcer unre�ated to a sa���f�he Note. If�here is a change of the Loan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borrower w���be g��en wr���en na�ice of�he c�ange wh�ch wiil sta���h�name and addr�ss af the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address�o which payments shou�d be made and any oth�r�nformat�on RESPA requires in
<br /> conne�tion�i�h a notice af transf�r of servic�ng. �f��e Na�e is sald and thereafter the Loan is ser�iced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than�he purchaser of the Note, the mor�gage�oar�servicing obl�ga��ons�o Borrawer vcrx��
<br /> remain w�th�he Loan Servzcer�r be�rar�sf�rred ta a sucGess�r Loan Se�-vic�r and are nat assumed by�.he
<br /> Note purchaser un��ss otherwis�pro�ided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> N�i�her Borrower nor Lender may commenc�,�oin, or be�ained to any�udicial ac��on�as e�ther an
<br /> ind���dua1 l�t�gant or�he member of a class} �hat arises from th�ather par�y's aGtions pursuan�to this
<br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�flr that alleges tha��he o�her party has breach�d any provzsior�of, or an�r du�y av�ed by
<br /> reason ofy this Securit� Ins�rumen�, until such Borrower�r Lender has notified��e o�.h.er par�y �v�ri�h such
<br /> na�ice given in compl�ar�ce w��h the requirements of Sec�ion I53 of such all�ged brea�h and afforded the
<br /> a�her par��hereto a reasonable per�ad after the g���ng vf such not�ce�o take correct�ve action. �f App�i�able
<br /> Law pra��d�s a�ime period which must elapse�efore cer�a�n a�tian can be taken, �hat time p�riod wi11 be
<br /> deemed��be rea�onabie for pUrp�ses�f th�s paragraph. 'I`�ie no��ce�f accelera��on and oppor�unity�a cure
<br /> g��en�a Borrov�er pursuant tn Se�tion 22 and the no�ice af a�celera�ion g�ven�o Borrower pursuant�o
<br /> Se�t��n �S s�rall b�de�m.�d to sat�sf�th�nat�c�and opport�nity ta�al���arr��ti��ac��an pr��r�s�ans af�his
<br /> Sec��an 2�.
<br /> ��. Hazard�us Substances. As used �n�his Sect�on 2�: �a} "�Iazardaus Sub�tances"are�hose substances
<br /> de�ned as toxic nr hazard�us substances, pal�utants, or wast�s by�nvironmen�al Law and the follow�ng
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammab�e or�oxie pe�raleum pradu�ts, toxic pesti�ides and herb�cides,
<br /> valat��e so��ren�s, ma��r�a�s conta�n�ng asbestos ar forma�dehyde, and rad�oa�t�ve materiais; ��3
<br /> "Envirortmental Law"means f�dera� Iaws and�avws of the�ur�sd�ct�on where�he Prop�r�y is�oca��d�ha�
<br /> r��at���hea�th, safe��or en�ironmental pro�e���on; ��} "�nvir�or�mentar Cleanu,�"xnc�ude�an�r�sp�nse
<br /> act�on, reme�ial act�on, or rema�al ac�i�n, a�defined in Environmental Lav�; and�d� an ".E`nvironmental
<br /> Cor�ditio�t"means a condi�xon that can cause, contribu�e ta, �r other�vise trigger an En�iranmen�al Cieanup.
<br /> Borrower sha��na��ause ar permi.t th.e presence, u�e, d�sposal, s�orage, or release�f any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�anc�s, or thr�a�en�a release any Hazardous Su�stanc�s, on ar rn the Prop�rt�r. Borrower sha��no�do,
<br /> nor allow anyon�else to do, any�hing affect�ng�he Fr�p�r�y �a} �ha� �s in v�olat�on of any En�ironmen�al
<br /> La�v, �b3 vvh�ch creates an En�iranmen�al ��nd�t�on, or��} whxch, due ta the presence, use, �r rel�ase�f a
<br /> �azardous Su�stanc�, crea�es a candition�hat ad�erse�y affects�he�aiue nf the Proper�y. The pre�eding��ro
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle�amily-�ar�nie MaelFr�driie Ma�[JNIF4RM INSTFtUMENT �orm 3428 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6tNE)�'!3�23
<br /> Wolters K�uwer Financiaf Ser�ic�s Page 7 3 af 17
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