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2� 1 ���4�3 <br /> sa�isfac�ion, prov�ide�i that such �nspec�ion shal�b�undertak�n prampt�y. Lender may pay far the repa�rs <br /> and restaration xn a szngl�d�sbursemen�or in a series af pr�gr�ss pay�nents as �he�ark z�c��mp����d. <br /> Unless an agreemen�is made zn�vr��ing or Applicable Lav� requ�res�n��r�st tQ b�paid�n such <br /> Miscellaneous Pro�eeds, L�nder sha.�l n�t be required ta pay B�rrovwer any xnterest or earnxngs vn such <br /> Nl�scellaneous Pro�eed�. If th� res�oratzon or repair is not ecan�mica�Iy feas�b�e nr L�nder's s�cur�ty wau�d <br /> be Iessened, �he N��scellaneous Proceeds shall be app�ied�o �he sums secured by thzs Secur�ty �nstrumen�, <br /> whe�her or not then due, v�i�h the exc�ss, xf any, paid to Barro�er. Such Miscel�ane�us Pr�ceec��sha��be <br /> applied in�he arder pr�v�ded for in Sect�on�, <br /> In the e�ven�of a to�a� �aking, des�ruc�ian, or�oss ���alue�f�he Pr�perty, the M�sce��aneous Pr�ce�ds shall <br /> ��app�x�d��th�sums secured b�thi� Secur�ty�nstrumen�, �h�ther or not then due, with th��xc�ss, �f an�, <br /> pa�d to Borrow�r. <br /> �n��.e event of a partia� taking, d�struct�on, or�oss �n va�ue af the Proper�y in which the fair marke�va�ue of <br /> the Pr�per�y �mmediately befare the part�al taking, d�struc��on, �r�oss xn va�ue is equa� to or grea�er than�h� <br /> amoun��f�he sums secur�d b�this Secur�ty Instrum�n��m�n���zate�y b�fore the partza.l taking, des�ruc��on, or <br /> ��ss in value, un�ess Borrower and Lender otherwis�a�ree in writing, the�ums se�ured by�hzs S�curi�y <br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced by�he amount af the Mi�celianeous Pr�cetds mu���p��ed by the fa��ovsring <br /> fract�on: (a� �he�ota� am�unt of��e sums secured �mmed�a�ely b�f�r�th�partial ta.kzng, ���truct�on, or��ss <br /> zn value d��xded b� �b}th�fair mark���alue af�h�Pr�perty immedia�ely�ef�re the partial taking, <br /> des�ru�tifln, �r l�ss in va�ue. Any balance shall be pa�d t�Barrower. <br /> �n the e��nt�f a par�ial taking, de�truction, or�oss �n value of�he Proper�y�n which the fair marke�va�ue�f <br /> �h�Prap�rty �mmediate�y�ef�re�he part�a� tal�i�g, des�ruc���n, �r�oss �n va�ue�s �ess��ar�the axnaunt of the <br /> sums s�cur�d�mumed�a�e��befare�he part�al.taking, des�ructian, or I�ss in�a�ue, un�ess Borr�wer and <br /> L�nder�th�rwis�agre�in wri�ing, the Misce��a�rzeaus Proceed�shall b�applied to the su�rns secured by th�s <br /> Secur�ty�ns�rumtnt whe�her or not the�ums are then due. <br /> �f the Proper��is abandoned�y Borr�wer, or if, after no��ce b�r L�nder��B�rrower tha�the�ppos�ng Party <br /> �as�ef�n�d in�he nex�sentence}offers to�make an award to s����e a cla�m for damages, �3arrower fa�ls to <br /> r�spond�o Lender wz�hin 3�days af�er th�da�e the notic�is giv�n, L�nder is author�zed�o co��ect and app�y <br /> �he N.��sce��aneous Proceeds either to res�ora�ion or repair of�he Pr�per���r to�h�sums s��ure�by this <br /> Securi�y �ns�rument, wh��her or not then due. "�pposing Par�y" means th�third par���hat owes B�rrower <br /> Misce��ane�us Pr�ceeds or�he pa.rty agai�st whom Borro�ver has a right of act�on�n r�gard��N�[isce��aneous <br /> Praceeds. <br /> Borrawer sha.l�be in default if any ac�ian or proceed�ng, wh��her ci��l or�riminal, �s begun�haty �n L�nder's <br /> judgment, �auid r�su�t�n forfei�ure of�he Proper�y or��her ma��r�a� impairment of L�nd�r's in�erest�n�h� <br /> Prapert�or r�gh�s ur�d�r th�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�. Barrawer can cure such a defau�t and, �f acce�erat�on has <br /> occurred, re�ns�ate as pro��ded zn Sect�on 19, by causing the action�r pr�ceedzng��be d�sm�ssed w���a <br /> ruling�ha�, in Lend�r's judgmen�, prec�udes f�rfeiture af the Praper��or o�her m�a�er�a� impairment af <br /> Lender's interes��n�he Pr�per�y or rights under this Securi�y Instrument. The praceed��f any award ar <br /> cla�m for damages �ha�are attributabl�to the impairment nf L�nder's int�rest in the Praper�y are hereby <br /> ass��ned and shall be pa�d to L�nder. <br /> Al� Mise�l�ane�us Pro�eeds that ar�not appl�ed t� res���atinn or r�paxr Qf�he Propert�shall be app�i�d in the <br /> or�ier pra�rid�d far zn S�c���n 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�Z8 11�1 <br /> VMP[� VMPfi�NE}�1302y <br /> Wniter�Kit�wer Finan�ial S�r�ices Fage 1 Q of�7 <br />