2� 1 ���43�
<br /> 4�ont�nued� �age 5
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> Death or insol�ency. The dea�h of Trustor, the insol�ency af Trustar, the appoin�ment of a recei�er far any par�vf
<br /> Trus�vr's prap�rty. any assignm�nt far the bene�it vf creditors, any type o� creditar warkout, or the
<br /> comm�n�ement o�any praceeding under any bankruptGy❑r insol�ency laws by�r against Trustor.
<br /> Creditor ❑r Farfeifiur� Prviceedings. Cvmmencement af fore�lvsure or farf�iture praceedings, wheth�r by judicial
<br /> Qraceeding, self-hefp, repossession or any other method, hy any cr�dit�r vf Trus�or�r by any go�ernmen�al agency
<br /> against any praperty s�curing the Indek�tedness. This in��udes a garn�shment of any a� Trus�ar's accounts,
<br /> including deposit accQunts, with Lender. Hawe�er, �his E�ent of []efault sha[I not apply if there is a gvod faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as to the �alidity or reasona�[eness of the �laim which is the basis ❑f the c�-editvr �r farf��tur�
<br /> p�oceeding and i� Trustvr gi�es Lender wri�ten n�tice of the �reditor or forf�iture pro�eeding and dep�sits w�th
<br /> L�nder monies or a surety bond for the creditor vr fiorfeiture praceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its
<br /> sale discretian, as being an adequate reser�e or�and far the dispute.
<br /> Breach of�fiher Agreement. Any �reach by Trusrvr und�r the terms o#�any vth�r agreemen# be�ween Trustor and
<br /> Lender �hat is not remed�ed within any grac� period pr��ided therein, including without limitation any agreem�nt
<br /> �oncerning any indebtedn�ss or ather vhligativn❑f Trustor�o Lender, ►rvhe�her existing now ar�a�ter.
<br /> Even#s A�ffect�ng Guaran�or. Any v�the preceding e�ents vccurs with respec�to any guarantar, endorser, sure�y,
<br /> a� accommadation party of any o# �he Cndebtedness or any guarantar, endorser, su���y, ar accommada�ian party
<br /> d�es or b�c�mes incompet�nt, o�- re�okes or disputes the validity of, ar �iab�lity under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse �hange occurs in Trustor's financial conditian, or Lender belie�es the
<br /> prospect af payment or performan�e❑f�he Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in good fai�th be�ieves itse[f ins�cure.
<br /> Right to Cure. if any default, other�han a defauft in payment, is curabfe and if Trus�tor has not been gi�sn a natice
<br /> of a �reach of the sam� pr�vision of this ❑eed o�Trus�within the preceding tw�ive {1�� mvnfihs, i�may�e cured i�
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends written n�ti��to Trustvr demanding cur�o#such de�auit: �1} cures the de�ault with�n
<br /> twenty ���} days; ar ��� i� the cure requ�res more than tvuenty ���� days, immediately initiatss steps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's svle discretion to he suffi�ien� to cure �he de#au�t and thereafter c�ntinues and
<br /> compiet�s alf reasonable and necessary steps suffi�ient ta produce complian�e as saon as reasanably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDlES �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent flf Defaul�❑ccurs under this Deed �f Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Truste�or Lender may exercise any an�or more o�the fvllawing righ�s and remed��s:
<br /> Acceleration Upvn �efault; Additional Remedies. If any E�en� of []efault occurs as per the te�ms of the Nate
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declar�all I ndebtedness secured by this ❑eed vf Trust to be due and payabie and
<br /> th�same shall�hereupan bec�me due and paya�le w�thout any presentment, demand, prvtest ar no�ice v�any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lend�r may:
<br /> �ay Either in person or by agen�, wi�h or withvut bringing any action ar proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appointed hy a court and withvut regard to the adequacy �f its se�urity, en�er upan and take pvssession
<br /> ❑�fihe Praperty, ❑r any part ther�afi, in its❑wn name vr in th� name of Trus�ee, and do any acts rrvhich it
<br /> deems n�cessary ar desirabfe to preserve the�alue, marketa�ility ar�entability vf�the Praperty, ar part of
<br /> the Prop�rty or interest in the Property; increase �he in�om� from �he Praperty �r protect th� security ❑f
<br /> the Property; and. wi#h ar wi�hout taking passessivn ot the Prop�rty. sue #or or otherwis� �allect the
<br /> ren�s, issues and prv�its a�th� Property, in�luding those past due and unpaid, and apply �he same, less
<br /> costs and expenses o�operation and callection attvrneys' fees, �a any indebtedn�ss se�ured by this Deed
<br /> ofi Trust, a!! in such order as Lender may de��rmin�. The �nfiering upon and taking possession �� the
<br /> Praperty, the co!lec�ian afi such rents, issues and prafii�s, and �he applicatian thereof shall n�t �ure or
<br /> wai�e any defau�t or notice o�default under this ❑eed ofi Trust or in�alidate any act dvne in response ta
<br /> such default ar pu�suant to such not�ce of default; and, notwithstanding the cantinuan�e in poss�ssion of
<br /> �he Property �r the cv�lect�on, receip� and application af rents� issues or pro#�ts, Trustee �r Lender shall
<br /> b� snti�led �v exercise e�ery right pro�ided for in the Note ar the Related Documents or by law up�n the
<br /> occurr�nce of any e�ent of default, in�luding the right ta exercise the power of sale;
<br /> ��f Comm�nc� an action ta fareclose this Deed of Trust as a mor�gage, appoint a r���i�er or specifically
<br /> en�vrce any vf the Go�enants hereof; and
<br /> �c} Deli�er to Truste� a►rvri#ten dec�aration of defauft and demand�vr sale and a written natice of d�fault
<br /> and e�ectivn tv cause Trus#ar's interest in�he Prvperty to be sald, which n�tice Trustee shai! cause to �e
<br /> duly filed fvr recard in the appropriate❑�tic�s ��F the Gounty in which the Pr�perty is loca�ed; and
<br /> �d} V11i�h respect ta all vr any part of the Pers�nal Proper�y, Lender shali have all the rights and rem�dies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the Ne�raska �nifflrm �ammercial Cade.
<br /> Fvrecivsu�e by Pvwer vf Sale. �f Lend�r elec�s�a �oreclase by exercise vf the Pow�r ofi Sale herein can�a�ned,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall depvsit with Trustee this Deed �f Trus� and the Note and su�h rec�ip�s
<br /> and e�idenc�ofi expenditures made and secured by this ❑eed of Trusfi as Trus�ee may requ�re.
<br /> �ay Up�n receipt❑f such no�ice from Lender, Trustee shall cause to be recorded, puh�ish�d and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such N�tice ❑f Default and Notice of 5ale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> T�ustee sha��, without demand an Trustor. after su�h time as may �khen be requir�d by law and after
<br /> recordation ofi such Nati�e �f Default and after Natice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Property at the t�me and p�ace �f sale f�x�d by it in such No�tice of Sale, eithe� as a whofe, or in
<br /> separate Iots or parc��s o�items as Trustee shall deem exp�dient, and in such order as i�k may determine,
<br /> at pu�lic auctivn tv the highes� bidder �for cash in lawful money o#th� �nit�d States paya�ie at the �ime
<br /> afi sale. Trustee shaff defi�er to such purchaser ❑r purchasers therevf its g�od and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying the prvp�rty s� s�ld, but without any co�enan� or warranty, express or implied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed af any matters or facts shall be conclusi�e prvof af the truth�ulness thereof. Any
<br /> person, in�luding w�thout limitatian Trus�or, Trustee, or Lender, may pur�hase at such sal�.
<br /> �by As may he permitted by law, af�er dedu�ting all costs� fees and expenses o� Trustee and vf �his
<br /> Trust, including cas�s of e�idence of title in connection with sale, Trustee sha11 apply the pro�eeds of sale
<br /> tv payment of �i� all sums expended under the terms vf this Deed of Trust ar under the terms o�the Note
<br /> not then repaid, including bu� not limited to accrued interes� and late charges, �iif a!! oth�r sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and �iii� th� remainder, if any,to the person�r persons legally enti�led thereto.
<br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner prv�ided by Iaw postpone sa�e a�all or any partion of�he Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and �a�h a� them, sha�l b� enti�l�d to enforce payment and
<br /> perf�rman�e v#any indeb��dn�ss or ob[igations secur�d by this ❑eed v�Trust and ta exer�ise al! rights and pvwers
<br /> under this D�ed v�Trust, under the Nate, under any of the Reiated Dacuments, vr under any other agreemen� or
<br /> any laws now ❑r herea�ter in farce; nvtwithstanding, some vr a!I o�such indebtedness and obligativns secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trus� may now or hereafter be otherwise secur�d, wheth�r by mortgage, deed of trust, p��dg�, li�n,
<br /> assignmen� or otherwise. Neith�r the acceptance o� �his Deed a� Trust nor its enforcement, whether �y court
<br /> �
<br /> .�
<br />