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2� 1 ���428 <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> ��ontinued} Page 2 <br /> Possessian and tJse. Un�il the accurrence of an Even� vf Defau[t, Trustar may �'�} �emain in passessian and <br /> cvntrvf vf the Pr�perty; ��} use,operate ar manage�he Proper�y;and �3} cv�lec�the Ren�s fram�he Property. <br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trus#or shaff maintain the Prvperty in gvod cvnditEvn and pr�mpt[y perFarm a(I repairs, <br /> �eplacemenfs,and main�enance necessary tv preserve i�s�a[ue. <br /> �vrnpl�ance Wi#h En��ronmental Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants tv Lender tha�: {'�} []uring the perivd o� <br /> Trus�ar's�wnership of fhe Property,there has been no use,generativn, manufacture,sfiorage,trea�ment,disp�sa�, <br /> release or threatened reCease o�F any Hazardous 5ubstance by any person �n, under, ab�u� or from the Proper��; <br /> ��} Trustor has no knvwledge vf, or reasvn to bef ie�e�hat there has been, excepf as pre�ivus[y disc[osed ta and <br /> a�knowledged by Lender in wri#ing, �a} any br�a�h vr �iv[ation of any En�iranmenta[ Laws, �t�} any use, <br /> generation, manufac�ure, stvrage, treatment, disposa[, re�ease❑r threatened release❑f any Hazardous 5ubstance <br /> on, under, about or from the Property by any privr owners or ❑ccupants of the Properky, ar �c} any actual ar <br /> threatened f itiga�ion or claims of any k�nd by any person relating to such ma�ters; and �3} Except as pre�i�usly <br /> disclosed ta and acknvw�edged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustvr nor arty tenan�,contractvr, agent or vther <br /> autharized user af�he Proper�y shall use,generate, manu�acture, s�are, �reaf, disp�se a�F❑r re[ease any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance vn, under, abnut vr trom�he Praper�y;and �b} any su�h ac�i�ity shall be condu�ted in camp[iance with <br /> al! app[icable federal, s�ate, and �oca� laws, regu[a�ions and ardinances, including wi#hout f�mitatian al[ <br /> En�ironmenta[ Laws. Trus�or author�zes Lender and its agen�s to enter upvn the Property to make su�h <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropr�a#e tc� determine comp[[an�e of fhe <br /> Property wi�h th[s sec�ion of the Deed vf Trust. Any inspectians ❑r�ests made by Lender shall ae fvr Lender's <br /> purposes only and shall not be canstrued to create any respvnsibility vr f iabi[i�y vn the par�of Lender to Trus�vr nr <br /> tv any other person. The representations and warranties confained herein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Praperty fvr Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trus#or hereby (�} refeases and wai�es any future c[aims <br /> against Lender fvr indemnity or cvntr�buti€�n irt the e�en�Trus�or becvmes liab[e�or c�eanup ar vther costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hvld harm[ess Lsnder agains�any and a[I �laims, IQsses, <br /> I�abili�ies, damages, penalties, and expenses wh�ch Lender may directly or indirec�ly sustain ❑r suffer resu�ting frvm <br /> a breach o�this secfion of�he Deed vf Trust vr as a �vnsequence vf any use, generation, manufacture, storage, <br /> dispasal, release or threa�ened release accurring prior fiv Trus�or's vwnersh�p nr interest in the Property,whe�her�r <br /> no� the same was or should ha�e been knvwn �v Trustvr. The prv�isions of this sec��on of the Deed o�Trust, <br /> �n�luding�he ahligat�on tn indemn��y and defend,shall survi�e the payment afi the Indebtedness and the s�tis�ac��on <br /> and re�on�eyance vf�he[ien of this Deed flf Trust and shal� nat be afFected by Lender's a�quisition of any in�eres� <br /> in�he�rvperky,vvhether by�vre�lvsure❑r otherwise. <br /> hluisan�e, 1Naste. Trustvr shaf[ nv� cause, conduct ar permit any nuisance nvr �ammif, permi�, or suffer any <br /> s#ripping vf❑r waste on or ta the Prcrper�y vr any portion of�he Proper�y. Withvuf limiting the g�nerality of the <br /> forega�ng, Trustor wifl nat rema��, or gran�t�any vfher party the righ�ta rem��e, any timber, minerals�inc�uding <br /> oil and gas},cval,clay,s�aria,soil, gra�el vr rack produc�s wi�hvut Lender's privr written consen�. <br /> Remo�al of Imprv►remen�s. Trustor shall no�dem�lish❑r remo�e any Imprv�ements frorn the Rea�Proper�y wi#hvu� <br /> Lender`s prEor wri�ten consent. As a cortditi�n ta the remv�al ❑f any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustvr�o <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfactvey to Lender to rep�ace such Impro�ements wi�h Impro�emsnts ❑f at least equai <br /> �af ue, <br /> Lender`s Righf to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and rep�esentati�es may en#er upon the Reaf Proper�y a�all <br /> reasonabfe �imes to a�tend #o L�nder's in�erests and to �nspec� the Rea! Proper�y for purposes of Trus�vr`s <br /> �ompliance w[th #he terms and conditions vf fhis Deed of T�ust. <br /> Compliance w��h Go�ernmentaE Requirements. Trustor shaf[ promp�ly c�mply wifh aIC laws, ordinan�es, and <br /> regula��vns, naw or hereaf�er in effect, vf alf ga�ernmenta[ authorities appli�able �o #he use ❑r occupancy of the <br /> Prvpe�ty. Trustor may�vnfest�n good faith any such law, ordinance,vr regu[at�an and withhold cvmpliance during <br /> any pro�eeding, inc�uding apprflpr[ate appeals, so Ivng as Trustar has nvtified Lender �n wri�ing prior tcr dving sv <br /> and sa Ivng as, in Lend�r`s svle vpinivn, L�nder's inter�sts in the Property a�e n�t jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustvr#v pvst adequate securi�y or a sure�y bvnd,reasonahly satisfactory to Lender,�a protec�Lender's in�erest. <br /> ❑u�y to Protec�. Trustvr agrees neither ta abandon ar lea�e unattended �he Proper�y. Trustar sha[[ do a[I other <br /> acts, in addition�❑�hvse acts set for�h abv�e[n th�s sectian,wh[ch from the�haracter and use o�F�he Prvpet�fy are <br /> reasonably necessary�� pro�ect and preserve the Property. <br /> DLIE�N SALE -C[]NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's option, decfare immediately due and payable a[!sums <br /> secured by�his De�d of Trust upnn the sale ar transfer, w�thout Lender's privr written cvnsen#, af ali or any par#of the <br /> Rea� Prvperty, or any interest in#he Rea� Pr�perty. A "sale o�-trans�er" means�he con�eyan�e of Rea! Prvp�rty or any <br /> right, �itle vr inferest in �he Real Prvperfy; whether legal, benef�cial or equ�tab[e; whether �aluntary ar in�olun�ary; <br /> whe�her by ou�right sale, deed, ins�a[Iment sal� con�ract, [and contra�t, contrac# for deed, [eas�hold interest wi#h a <br /> term greater than �hree {3}years, lease-optian cvntrac�, or by sale, assignment, ❑r fransfer af any heneficia[ interest in <br /> �r�v any land trust hvld�ng title �o #he Real Prvperty, or by any a�her method of can�eyan�e of an interes� in the Real <br /> F'roperty. However, this optian shall not be exercised by Lender if such exer�ise is prohibited by federaf lav►r or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA�ES AND L1ENS. The fvllvwing pro�isiorts relating �o �he taxes and [iens on the Property are part of this ❑eed of <br /> T ru s�: <br /> Payment. Trus�vr shall pay when due{and�n alf e�ents prior to delinquency}a�l taxes, spec�a!�axes, assessments, <br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines and impositivns le�ied against vr on a�coun�of the Pr�per�y, and shall <br /> pay when due alf claims far wvrk done vn ❑r�or servi�es rendered ar ma#erial �urnished t❑ �he Property. Trus�or <br /> shali ma�ntain the Property free v�al1 liens ha�ing privrity o�er�r equal to the in�erest a�Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trus�, except for the [ien of �axes and assessments nvt due, except for �he Exis�ing Indebtedness referred ta <br /> belvw,and excep�as a�herwise prn��ded in#his Deed af Trust. <br /> Right tv Contest. Trus�or may w��hhold payment❑f any�ax, assessmen�, ❑r claim in cannection wi�h a govd fai�h <br /> dispu�e v�er the ob�igat�on to pay, sv long as Lender's �n�eres#in the Property is nat jeopa�dized. If a�ien arises or <br /> is filed as a resuf�v� nonpayment, Trustvr shalf within fifteen �'�a} days af�er�he [ien arises �r, if a lien is fifed, <br /> within f[f�een �1�� days after Trustor has n�tice ❑f the�iling, secure the discharge o�the lien, vr i� requested hy <br /> Lender,depasit with Lender cash or a sufficient corpora�e surety bond�r other securi�y�atisfactflry to Lender in an <br /> am�unt suffic�ent to discharge#he[ien pfus any costs and attvrneys`fees, or other charges tha�cvu�d accrue as a <br /> result❑f a�orecfosure or sale under the��en. In any�antest, Trustar shafl defend itse[�an�i Lertder-and shali satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment befvre en�orcement agains�#he Proper�y. Trus�ar sha�1 name Len�er as an additianal obfigee <br /> under any sure�y band furnished in the contes�praceedings. <br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustar shall upon demand furnish tv Lender sa�isfa�tory e�idenee vf payment vf�h��axes <br /> or ass�ssmen�s ar�d shall au�horize�he apprapriat�gv�ernmen�al officia[tv de[i�er#v Lender at any time a written <br /> sta#emen�❑f�he taxes and assessments aga�nst the Proper�y. <br /> Nvti�e af Gonstruction. Trus�or shall notify Lender at leas�fifteert {'15}days before any wvrk is cammenced, any <br /> services are furnished, or any materials are supp(ied to the Property, if any m�chanic`s fien, materia[men's[ien, or <br /> other�ien caufd be asser�ed vn account of the work, se�vices, or ma�eria�s. Trustor wilf upvn reques�vf Lender <br /> furnish �a Lender ad�ance assurances safisfac�ory to Lender �ha� Trustvr can and wi[l pay �he cos# of such <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ;� �;� <br />