� � :� �� � � 2� 1 ���41 1
<br /> Tra�sfer o�f the Property o�r a Benef�cia�Int�rest in Borrsa�er, �f all or a��part of the Proper�y�r any�n�erest
<br /> in �t is sold or transferre� {�r if�a benef�cia� �in�erest in Bc�rr�`�er is so�d ar transferred and Borravver �s nat a
<br /> natura� person) without Lender's pri�r v�rr�t�en�consen�, Len��er :.nay, a� i�s op�ion, require immediate pa�rment in
<br /> fu�l of ail sums secured by �his Security �nstrumen�: H�w��ver; �his op�ion shall nn.t be �x�rc�sed by I�ender �f
<br /> exerc�se�is�pr�hibited�b�federa�,lavv as of�he date�f�his Sec.urity�ris�rum�nt.
<br /> �f Lender exercises th�s op�xon, Ler�der sha�l gi�e Borrovv�lr n��tic� �f accelera�i�n. The no��ce shall p7�ovide a
<br /> period�of not �ess than the minimum nu�nber of days es�abl ishe d by Appli�able Lavv frorxr the date �he �zoti�e �s
<br /> del��ered ar mailed�w�th�n �vh�ch Borr�v�er rilust pay a�l s�:�ms secured by �his Securi�y Instrumen�. �f L��rrower
<br /> fails to pay these sums priar to the expir�.��on of th�� per�aci, L��nder may in�oke any remedies permit�ec�by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument w��.hout further natice or demar�d an Borro�vv��r.
<br /> Borrvvrrer's Right �v l�cinstate. If B�rrawer me��s certa�n �ond���or�s, Borr�wer shall have the righ� to ha�e
<br /> enforcemen��f�his Securi�y �nstrument c��s�ontinu�d at any time prior�o the earlier of �a} S days �or such other
<br /> peri�d as App�icable Law may specify fa��reinstat�lr�en�}�e��o�-e sa�e of the Praper�y pursuant to any power af sale
<br /> contained �n this Security Instrument; t�r �b} �n�y of a �judg;ment enforC�ng this �Security �ns�rumen��. Those
<br /> condi��ons are �hat�Larrov�er: �a}�pays L�nder all�sums v�hi.ch�hen wou�d be�due under th�s Secur�ty �n,��rument
<br /> and the��n�rac�as xf n�.a�celerati�n had occurred;(�}cure��an��default of any ather�o�enants or agreem�ents;�c}
<br /> pays all exp�r�ses�ncurred�n enforcing�his Security Instrumen�, �ncluding,but no�lim�ted to,reasonable attorneys'
<br /> fees to�he e�tent permit�ed by�aw; and �d}takes such ac��on as Lerider may reasanab�y requ�re to assur�,�hat the
<br /> ��en�f this Secur�ty�ns�trumen�, Lender's righ�s in the Pr�pe:r�y��nd B�rrav�er's obligation�o pay the sums secured
<br /> �y �his Secur�ty �nstru��ent shall continu� un�hanged. IJp��� rei�s�aten�ent by Borrawer, th�s Security �n�trumen�
<br /> and the obligations secured hereby shalI remaxn fu.��y effe�t��� �s �f n� acceleratian had �Gcurred. However, this
<br /> right�o r�ins�ate shail not apply in�he case of acce�era�ion u.nde:�the se�tion ti�led Transf�r of the Pr�perty or a
<br /> �enefic�al��terest in B�rrower. �
<br /> �Ia�ardous�ubs�anc��.�B�r�'awer shail����caus�or�erm��:�h�presence,use, d�sposal, s�orage, or relea�e af any
<br /> Hazardaus Substan�es fln�or in the�r�pe�}r.Borr�o�ver sha��no�do,nar a�1ow anyone e�se to do,any�h�ng affe�ting
<br /> the Pr��erty tha� �s �n ��alati�n of any Env�r�n�nental Law�. T��e preceding tv�� sentences sha�1 n�� app ly �o the
<br /> presen�e,.use,or s��rage on�he Proper�y of smal�quantities��f H.a�ardaus Subs�ances�hat�re genera�ly rerognized
<br /> to�be approp�-iate�o no�mal res�den��a�uses ar�d�o ma�ntenarace c�f�he Proper�y.
<br /> �arr�wer shall promp��y gi�e Lender v�ri�ten no�i�e�f any���vestiga�ion,c�aim,demand,�awsui�or other act�on by
<br /> any governrrientai or r�gula�ory agenc� or privat� par�y in��o�v�:ng the Properry and any Hazard�us Substan�e or
<br /> En�ironmental Law of �hich Sorrower has ac�ua� kno��vlec�ge. �f B�rrower �earns, flr �s notified by any
<br /> governmen�a�or regula�ory authorifiy;tha�any�emoval or�t:her remedxa�ion of any Hazard�us Substance affecting
<br /> �he Prapert� is neces�ary, Borra�er s�al� prorn�t�y �ake a�I ne�essary remedial�a�tions in ac��rda��ce with
<br /> En��ronlnenta�Lavv.' �- . . � � . . . � . � .
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "H[azardous Subs�ances" are�h�s�e s�::bs�ances def�ned as tox�� or hazard�us s�:�bstances
<br /> by Environmenta� Law and the follow�n�g substances: gaso��n��, kerasene, �ther flamma�le or toxic petr��eum
<br /> products, tox�c pes�ici�es and herbicide�, �olatite solvents, m��ter�als �antain�ng asbest�s �r f�rma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioact��e ma�erials. r�.s used�n�hYs paragraph, "�n�iranm��ntal Lavv"means federa�laws and laws o�th�� s�ate of
<br /> I�e�raska that r�la�e t�hea�th,safefiy or en�ir�nm�nt�l pr��e+�tiori.
<br /> Accel�ration; R�med�es. Lender sha�l give notice to �3orrv�vQr prior to a�ce�e�-a��vn fo�l�vving Bp�rrower's
<br /> �reach of any co�enant or agr�ement in this S�curi�y In:�trument�r th��ontract under wh�ch �cceleration
<br /> �� perm�tted �b�.t na� pr�or�o acc���ra�i�n und�r the sec.tionE tit��d Transfer af the Proper��or a B�neficia�
<br /> Interes� in Bar.r�wer, un�ess Ap.p�icab�e Law pr��ides ❑�he�•wi�e}. The nati�e�hall specify: [a) the default; �
<br /> �b} the action �-equ�red �� cure the d�fau��; €�} a d��te, ��t �e�s than the r�inir�um number of day5
<br /> �s�abl�shed �y App��cab�e Law fr�m t�e da�e the natic� �s gi�en to Borrower, by�vWh��h the defau�t must be
<br /> �ured; and �d� tha� faflure �o cur� th� defau�t �n or b��for�� the d�te �pec�fied in the not�ce may �resul� in
<br /> acceleratian of the �um� s�cured by this Se�ur�ty Ir�strur��nt a�d sale of the Property. Ta the extent
<br /> �ermi��ed �y law, the notice sha�� furt�er�inf�rm Borrower of�he r�ght to reinstate after accel�rat�on and
<br /> �he right to�ring a cvurt actian�a assert�he non-exister��ce E�f a default or any other defense of I3or.rovver tv
<br /> �cce��ration and sal�. If th�default is not cur�d on nr ��efo�-e �he d�te specif��d in the not�ce, Lencler at �ts
<br /> �ptiun may.requ�re �mmed�ate pay.m�nt in fuli of a.�� s�ur��� secur�d by th�s Secur�ty.In�trument .withvu�
<br /> furth�r demand and may invake the �a►�ver of sale and any�.o�her remedi;es ��rm�tt�d by Appiical�le Law.
<br /> To th� e�tent permitted �y law, Len�er sha�l b� �n�i�l+Yd t� c�l�ec� a�l expenses in�urred in pursuing the
<br /> rem�dies pro�ided in this S�ction, inc��uding, bu� nat l�m�Yted� ��, re�sonable att��-neys' fee�and cas�s of t�t��
<br /> ��id�nce. .
<br /> [f the pawer vf sale is in�oked,Truste� shal� record a n���i���of default in each cuunty in which any part of
<br /> the Property is located and sha�l�nai�c�pies of such notice �:� the manner prescr�bQd by Appiicabl�Law to
<br /> Borra�ver and �o �h� other persons pr°escribed by App�i������ Law. After the time requir�d by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee 5ha11 give publ�c n��ice flf sale tu the pe�r•svn� �nd �n the mann�r pr�scr�bed b� Ap�i�cabl�
<br /> Lav�. Trustee,wi�hout demand. o� B�rr�wer,�hali se�l th���rop�rty at publ�c.auct�an �a the��ghe��t bidder
<br /> at the tim�and place and under the terms designated in th�nati�e�f sale in o��or more parcel�and in any
<br /> �rd�r Trustee de�errnines. Truste� rr�ay pos�pone sal�: �f all or any parce� of the Praperty b;� public
<br /> �nn�uncem�nt at.�he time and p�ace o�a�.y pre�v�aus�y s+cheE�uled sale. L�nder ar its designe�may�furchase
<br /> the P�-nper��at any����, � �
<br /> Up�n receipt af payr�ent of the pric� bid, 'I`rustee shall de����r to the purchaser Trust�e's deed c�n�eying
<br /> �he Property. The recitals in th�TruStee's d�ed �hall �e pri;�na fac�e e��dence�f�he truth �f the st�tements
<br /> Q 2�4�-2a15 Compiian�e Systems,Inc.AGSC-6ED4-2415.3.5.14b4
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security�nstrume��t DL2Q35 Page 4❑f 5 www.comp�iar�cesystenns.�am
<br />