2� 1 ���4�9
<br /> Transfer of the Prop�rty or a Beneficia�In�ere5t in Borrflv�e�-o �f all�r any par�of the Praperty�r any�nterest
<br /> �n �� is s�ld ar transferred ��r if a beneficial �nterest �n �orrower is s�ld or transferre� and B�rrov�er is n�� a
<br /> natural person} w�thout L�nder's priar wr�t�en consen�, Lender may, at its opti�n, require irnmedia�e payment �n
<br /> ful� of al� sums secured by this Securi�y Ins�ru�nent. H�v�rever, this opti�n sha�� not be e�.ercised by Lender �f
<br /> exerc�se is prohibi�ed�y federal law as�f th�date�f�his Se�uri�y�nstrumen�. .
<br /> If Lender exercises �his option, Lender sha�l g�ve Borr�v��er �otice of accelerat�on. The n��ice sha�l �provide a
<br /> peri�d of n�t less tha�the min�mum number of days es�ab�ished by App�icab�� La� fram the da�e the n�tice is
<br /> deliv�red or mailed v�i�h�n v�h�ch g�rravver mus� pay ali su�m� secured by �his Securi�y Instrument. If Bo�r�wer
<br /> fails �a pay �hes� sums priar to �he expirat�on af�his period, Lender may �n�oke any remedies perm�t��d by th�s
<br /> Se�ur��y�nstrument wi�hflut further n�tice or demar�d�n B�r�-ower.
<br /> Borrawer'� R.ight �a Reins�at�. �f Borrav�er meet� cer�ain ��nditions, Borra�ver sha�� ha�e the right �� have
<br /> enfarce�ment of�his Szcur��y �ns�rumen� d�sc�ntinued a�any ti�ne prior�a th� ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �ar�uch other
<br /> peri�d as Appl�cat�le Lavv may specify for re�nstat�men�}b�for� sa�� of the Property pursuan�to any po�rer of sa��
<br /> can�aine�l in th�s Secur�ty Inst�-umen�; or ��} en�try of a �udgment enforcing this �Secur�ty Znstrulnen�. Those
<br /> c�nd�ti�ns are �hat Barrower: �a) pays Lender a�1 sums wh�ch �hen wou1� be due under this Security ��strumen�
<br /> arid�he�ontrac�as�f no accelerat�on had occurred;�b}cur�s any default of any o�her cavenan�s�r agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a��expe�ses incurred in enfarcing�th�s Security Ins�rumen�,including,bu�not limited ta,reasonab�e at�orneys'
<br /> fees to the e��en�permit�ed by�a�; and�d}tak�s such action as Lend�r may reasonably require�o assure�hat the
<br /> lien af this Securi�y�ns�rument,Lender's rights in�the Praperty and Borr�wer's obl�ga�ion t�pa��he sums secured
<br /> by th�s Secur�ty �nstrument shali ��n��nue unchanged. Upon reins�a�e�nent by Borr�wer, th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�
<br /> and the oh�igatians secured herehy shal� rema�n fully effec�tive as �f no acceleratian had occurred. H�wever, this
<br /> righ�to reinsfia�e shall n�t ap�ly in the case of acceleration und�r�he secti�n tit]ed Trans�er of the Pra�erty or a
<br /> Benef�cial Interest in:�arrower.
<br /> Hazar�ous Sub�ta�c�s. Barrower sha�1 no1��ause o�perm��the presence, use, dispasal, starage, ar r��ease�f any
<br /> Ha�ardous Substanc�s�n ar in�he Prope�-�y. Borrower shal�nat do,n�r a�Io�anyane else t�d�,an�thing affe��ing
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y tha� �s in �i�la�i�n af any En��ronmen�al L��v. The �receding two sen�ences shall not app�y ta �he
<br /> �resence,use,or storage�n�he Pr�per�y of s�r�a�l c�uan�i��es�.f.Hazardous Substances�ha�are generally r�cogni�ed
<br /> �o be appropr�a�e ta nc�rma�r�siden�ial uses and t�mayntenance of�he Praperfiy.
<br /> Borrower shal�prom���y give Lender v�ritten na�ice�f any inWestigat�an,claim, demand, lawsuit or��her ac�ion b�
<br /> ar�y g��ernmenta� nr regulatary agency �r pri�ate part�r �n����in� �he Prope�-ty and any Hazard�us Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironmen�al Law of v�hi�h Barr�v�er has actua� kn�w�edge. If Borrower �ear�s, or is no�ified by any
<br /> go�ernmental or regu�atory auth�ri�y,tha�any remoWa�nr othe�r�mediat�an of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affec��ng � ,
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borrawer sha�l prompl;Iy ta�e a�� necessary remedial actions in accordance wi�h ��
<br /> En�rironmen�ai Lav�.
<br /> As used in this paragrap�r, "Ha�ardaus Substances" are�hose subs�ances def�.ne�. as t�x�c or hazar-dous substances
<br /> by Env�ronmental Law and �he fo�lowing subs�an�es: gaso�ine, �erosene, o�her flammabl�'�or t��.�c petro�eum
<br /> pr�ducts, t�xic pes�icides and herbi�id�s, vola��le so��en�s, ma�er�als c�ntaining asb�stos or formaidehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac���e materials. As used in�his paragraph, "En�ir�nr�enta�Law"means federal lavvs and laws�f the state of
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�a�e�u heaith,safe�.y ar enr�ironmen�al prot�ct�on.
<br /> A�celera��o�; Remedi�s. I.�e�der sha�� gi�e notic� �a �3�rra��r prior �o acce�eration foilawing B�rrower's
<br /> breach of any��Wenant nr agreement i� thi�Sec��rity In��rume�t�r�the Contra�t under which acce�erat�on
<br /> is permit��d �b�t n�t pri�r�o acc�i�rat��n u�der���s�cti�n �it�ed '�`ran�fer�f t�e Property or a �Benef�c�ai
<br /> �n�erest in Borrower, un��5s App��cak�le Law pro�ides �th��rw�s�}. The natice shal� spe�xfy: (a} th� d�fauit;
<br /> �b} �he activn required t� cure th� d�fault; ��� a date, nnt �ess than the min�mur� number of days
<br /> es�ablish�d �y.�ppl�cable T�a�from the date th�not�c�is g��ven to �orrower, by whi�h the defau�t m�.u��be
<br /> cured; and �d} #hat fai�ur� ta cure �he d�fau�t on or before the date specif�ed in �he nati�e may r�sult in
<br /> accel�ration of the su�ns secured by this Security Ia�str�r��nt and sa�e of the Property. To the extent
<br /> permi�ted b� �a�uv, the nvt��e shal� fur�her infarm Barrnwer of the right t❑ reinsta�� after acce�er�at�on and
<br /> the right�o bring a caur�action�o asser��he non-exi5t�nce of a default o�-any ather defense af Borr�wer�o
<br /> acce�eration and sale. ��the default is no�cured �n ar�efnre the dat�specrf�ed in th� nat�c�, Lernder at its
<br /> option may require irr�mediate payment in ful� of a�� su�s ��cured by ��is �ecurity Ia�strumen� vvi�hout
<br /> further de��nd and may �nWa�� the po�ver of sal� and �r�y othe� r�medies permi�ted by Applica��� Law.
<br /> T� the �xt��t perm��tec� by �a�v, Le�der shal� be enti��ed �o ��il�c� a�l �xpenses �ncurr�d in pursuing �he
<br /> r�med�es pr�vided i� �his S��tiar�, includ�ng, but r�ot Iirr�i�ed ��, reasanable attorneys' fees and ca��s❑f ti��e
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> lf th� �awer of sa�e �s ���ok�d,Trustee�hal� re�ord a �����e nf defau�t in each caunty in which any part�f
<br /> the Proper�y i� loca�e� and shall mai� copies�f such n�t��� i�a the manner prescr�bed by Appl�cabl�Law to
<br /> Borrower and �Q the �ther p�r5ons �res�ribed by Ap�l���.b�� Law. After the time required by A►pp�icable
<br /> Lav►�, Trustee shall ���e pub�ic n�tice af sale to �h� pers��s and in the mann�r pr��cribed by A.pp�icab��
<br /> Law. Trustee,rwith��t de�aand on B�rrower, sha�� sel��he�'raperty at puhlic auctian to the high�st bidder
<br /> at the tim�and place a�nd under the��rnr�s dlesigna��d �n th�notice of sale i�or�e ar m�re parcels and in any
<br /> order 'I'ru5t�e determ�r�es. Trust�e may post�aon� salle of a�� or any p�rcel af th� Praperty lby public
<br /> a�nouncen�ent at the�irne anc� piace of any��e�i��Xs���ch�dul��saie.Lender ar its designee may purchase
<br /> the Prop�r�y a�a�y�a�e.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment�f the price lb��, Truste� sha�l de��r�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed �onvey�ng
<br /> the Prop�rty. The rec��a�s in the Trustee's d��d shalt �� pri�ma f���e e��d�nce of th�truth of the�tat�m�nts
<br /> �2004-2Q 15 Coznpliance Systems,Inc.8C54-CAF3-2�15.1 l.3.��98
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrurnent DL203b Pa�e 4 oF5 www.�a�npliancesysterns.�am
<br />