2� 1 ���4�9
<br /> Pa�ment of 1'rincipal a�d I�fieres�; ��her�ha�ge5.Barr�w�r shal�promptl�pay v��en due�he princ�pal of and
<br /> �n��res��n the de��owed under�he�on�ract and late�harges�r any�ther fees and charges due under the�C�ntract.
<br /> Appiicable Law. As used �n th�s Security Ins�rument, the �ernZ "App�icabie Lav�" shal� �.ean a�l ct�ntrolling
<br /> app�icahle �ederal, sta�e and �ocal statu�es, regula��ons, ard�.nances and adm�nrstra�ive rules a�d orders ��ha�have
<br /> the effec�af law}as�ve�l as all app�icable fina�,n�n-appea�able�ud�cial op�ni�ns.
<br /> �harge5; Iliens. Borrower shal� pay a�l taxes, assessmen��s, �harges, f�nes and impas��ions a�tri�butala�e �o �he
<br /> Proper�y which may a�ta��n priority over th�s Se�ur��y �nstrumen�, and leaseho�d payments �r br�und ren�s, �f any.
<br /> At�he reques�af Lend�r,Borrov�er sha��pr�mp��y furnrs��o Le�der r��elpts eviden�ing the p�yments.
<br /> Borrower shall prornp�ly disc'harge any lien v�hich has priori�y��er th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�unless B�rrav��r: �a}
<br /> agrees �n wri�inb to �he payment of the ab�iga�ion secured by �he I�en �n a manner accep�able to Lender; ��bj
<br /> cont�s�s in goad fa��h �he I�en by, �r defends against enf��cemerit af the i�en in, legal proceedings vvh�ch xn �he
<br /> L�nder's o�inion vpera�� �� pr�vent �he �nfar�emeri� of the �ien; ar �c} secur�s firom the hol�er of th� Iien an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory to Lender subord�na�ing the lien�o�:h�s S�curity rnstrumen�. If Lender determines that any
<br /> par��f the Property is subject to a I�en�vhi�h may atta�n pr�ority aver this Secur��y �ns�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> B�rrawer a no�ice ide�tify�ng�he �ien. Borr�v�'er shall sa�isfy�he Iien�r take ane �r mare of�he ac��ons set f�r�h
<br /> abo�e with�n I�days of the gi�ing�f n��ice.
<br /> Hazard or Prvper�y InSurance. Borrvwer shall keep the �mprovements novv existing or h�r�after erected on the
<br /> Proper�y�nsured aga�ns�l�ss�hy f�re,hazards inc�uded vvith�n�he term"ex�ended co�erage" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> �nclud�ng fl�ods �r f�o�ding, f�r wh�ch L�nder requires insuran�e. Th�s insurance shal� be ma�nta�ned �n �he
<br /> arn�un�s and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier pravid�ng the insuran�e sha11 be chosen by
<br /> Barrovv�er subject t� Lender's appro�a� vvhich shall n�� be unreas�nab�y v�rithheld. If Borro�ver fails �o mainta�n
<br /> coverage described ab�ve, Lender may, a� Lend�r's apti+�n, ob�ain �o�erage t� �r�te�t L�nder's r�ghts in the
<br /> Praper�y in accordanC�v�i�h secti�n�itled]Pro�e�ti�n of L�nd�r's Y2.ights in th�Property.
<br /> A�1 �nsurance policies ar�d renev�a�� sha1� be a�ceptab�e �o Lender and sha11 incXude a s�andard mortgag� clause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e the righ�to hQld the palicies and renewa�s. �f Lender require�, Borrower sha�1 pr�mpt�y g�ve tfl
<br /> Lender a�l receipts of paid prem�ums and renewal n���ces. �n the event of 1oss, Borrovver sha�l g�ve pr�mp�notice
<br /> to the�nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender ma�make proo��of loss�f nat made promptly by�orrov�rer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrorn�er otherv�ise agree in wr��ing, insurance proceeds shail be applied to res�ora�ion flr
<br /> repa�r af�he ProperCy dan�aged, if, in Lender's sale d�scretion, �he res��ra�ion or re�air is economicail� feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is no� lesse�ed. �f, �n Lender's so�e �liscre�ion, t�.e res�oration or repair is no� ecflnam�cally
<br /> feas�ble or L�nder's security would be lessened,the�nsurance pr�ceeds sha�l be app�ied�o the sums secur�d by�his
<br /> Securit,� �nstrumen�, v�heth�r or no� �hen due, wi�h any e�c�ss paid t� Barrower. If Borrav�rer abandons �he
<br /> Property,or d�es not ansvrrer within�he num�aer of days prescribed by Appl��able Lavv as set fo�h in a noti�e from
<br /> Lender�o Borrov�er�ha��he insurarice carr�er has �ffered to s�ttle a��aim,then Lender may colle��the �nsuran�e
<br /> praceeds. Lender ma�r use the proceeds to repair ar res�flr� the Pr�perty �r to pay sums se��red by thi� Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrumen�,whether��no��hen due.The per��d of t�3m.e for Bflr��wer t�ansv�er as se�for�h in the no��ce��1�begin
<br /> rn�hen the n����e�s giv�n.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borro�uer otherw�se agree �n wri�ing, any applica�i�n flf proceeds to principal sha11 not extend
<br /> �r pos�pone�he due date of�he payments due u.nder�he Con�ract ar�hang��he amount af�he payments. If under
<br /> the section����ed Accelera��an; Remed�es, the Praper� is acquired by Lender, Borraw�r's righ�t� any �nsurance
<br /> pol ic�es and pr�ceeds resul�ing fr�m damage �� �he Prop��-�y �rior ta the acquisi�ifln sha�l pass to Lender t� the
<br /> ex�en��f the sums secured by�his Secur��.y�nstru�rnen��mm�dia�e�y pr�or t�the acquisi�i�n.
<br /> PreserWa��an, IVlaintenanc� and 1'rotectiun of the Property; Borrower's Lnan Applicatian; Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrov�er shal�not destro�, damage or impa�r the Propert�, a�l�w�he Proper�y�o deteriora�e, or carnm��v�as�� on
<br /> �he Proper�y. Bflrrov�rer sha��be in defau�t if any fQrfeiture ac���n�r pro��eding,vvhether civ�l or cr�mina�,is begun
<br /> tha�t in L�nder's gaod fai�h judgment could resu�� in forfeit��re of the Praper�y �r o�herwise ma�er�al�y impair the
<br /> lien created by this Secur�ty Instrumen� ar Lender's securi�y in�erest. Borr�wer may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reins�ate, as pr��ide� in se�tion�i��ed Borrawer's I�igl�t to Rei�state, by causing th�e action vr pr�cee�ing t�be
<br /> dismissed vv��h a ruiing tha�,in Lender's go�d faith de�erm��a�ion,prec�udes forfeiture of�he BQrrov�er's iri�erest in
<br /> the Proper� or o�her ma�erial impairmen� of the �ien crea�ed by this Security �nstrument or Ler�der's security
<br /> interes�.Borrower sh�ll also be in default if S�rrower,duri�ng��ae��an applica�i�n process,ga�re mater�a�ty false or
<br /> inaccura�e inf�r�na���r� or s�atements t� Lender �or fa�led �� provide Lender wi�h any mater�a� i�forrna��on� in
<br /> connec��on wi�h the �aan e��den�ed by the Cfln�ract. �f th�s Securi�:y Ins�rument is on a��aseho�d, ��rro�wer shall
<br /> comply v���h a��the pr�vis�ons�f the�ease. �f Borr��er acqu�r�s fee tz�le t��he Property,the Ieasehold and�he fee
<br /> ti�c�e shal�na�merge unless Lender agrees t�the merger in writing.
<br /> Prntect�on of I.,ender's R.ights in the Pr�perty. If B�rrovver fai�s �o perform the c��renants and agreements
<br /> c�ntained�n�his Security Instrument, or�here is a�egal prr�ceeding that may s�gnxfican�ly affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> fih� Pr�per�y �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, prabate, far condemnat�on ar f�rfe�ture �r ta er�force la�vs or
<br /> regulat��ns�, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha��ver is r�ecessary �o protec� the �a�u� of the Praperty and
<br /> Lender's rights �n the property.Lender's actions may�nclud��aying any sums secured by a Iien v�rhich has pri�rity
<br /> o�er th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�, appearing in court,paying r�asonabl�attorneys'fees and entering on the P'raper�y t�
<br /> make repairs.A��:hough Lender may take ac�ion under this section,Lender does no�have to�.o so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his section shall become addi�ionat debt of�orr�w�r secur�d �y �his
<br /> Security �nstrumen�. Il�.less Borra�ver and Lender agree �o ��her �erms of payment, thes� amounts shall bear
<br /> GQ 2d04-2015 Campiiance Systems,In�.8C54�CAF3-20�5.I 1.3.1 fl98
<br /> Cons�3ner Reat Estate-Security Instrument DL2Q3b Fa�e 2�f 5 www.cozxkplaancasystems.com
<br />