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: - - . � 2� 1 ���378 <br /> C�EE� �F TRl��T <br /> . <br /> Loan No: ���4�5�7 o�1tx�lu�d} Pa�� � <br /> Substance on, under, a�out or frvm#he Prvperty; and 4b� any such actiWity shall be conducted in comp��ance �nrith <br /> all applicabie federal, sta�e, and l�ca1 Iav�rs, regu[ations and vrdinances, �ncluding wi�h�u� �imi�ation all <br /> Environmen�al Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and i�s ag�nts ��o enter upvn: �he Property �o make suGh <br /> inspec�ions and testsr at Trusta�'s expens�, as Lender rnay-deem appropr�ate �o determine.campliance Q� the � <br /> Prop�rty wFth this s�ec�ivn af the Deed a�F Trus�. Any inspectinns or tes�s made by Lender sha!! he for Lender's <br /> purpases on�y and shal[ nat be Gonstrued�a crea�e any res`ponsibili�y or Iiabi['r�r on fihe par�a�F Lende�-�a T�us�t�r or . <br /> �Q any a�h�r p�er-son. The representations and warran�i�s Gantained herein are based on Trustor�'s due di�igen�e in <br /> inves�ig�t�ng �h� Proper�ty fo�- Hazardous Subs�anc�s.. Trustar hereby t1} re�eases and rrvaives any�u�ure claims <br /> against Lende�r �ar indemnity or �on�ributian in �he event Trus�ar 1�e�omes [iab�e for �leanup ar ��her c�s�s under <br /> any such laws; and t2y agrees�o indemni�y; d�fendr and hold harrri[ess Lender against any and alf claims, �osses, <br /> �iabilities, damages, pen�lties f and expenses whi�h Lender may dir�ctly or indirect�y sus�ain or suff�r resu(�ing frvm <br /> a breach of ti�is sectian o�the Deed of Trust ar as a cansequence ofi any user generatian, manu�Factur�r s�vrag�� <br /> disposa[f re[ease or�hrea�ened re�ease o�curring prior t�Trustor's a�nrnership or inte�est in�he Praper�}�,whether or <br /> no� the same �as ar shauld ha�e been knov+�n �� Trus�or. The provisions n� �his section o��he Deed ❑f Trusfir <br /> including the abliga�ion ta indemnify and defend, shall survi�e the payment of the indeb�edness and the sat�sfaction <br /> and rec�n�ey�n�e.�f�he lien of th�s Deed vf Trust and sha[f not be a�ffecte`d by Lender's acquisi�ion of any interes� <br /> in�he Proper�y►, wvhether�y forec�osure or o�h�rwi�e. _ <br /> Nuisan�e, W'�s#e. Trustvr sha�� not cause. c�nduct or permit an}� nu�sance nar commit, permit, ar suffe� any . <br /> stripping af or was�e an or ta �he Pr�perty ar any part�an a�the Proper�ty, 11Vithaut I�mi�ting �he genera�F�y �f the <br /> ��rega�ng, Trus�ar�rilf not remoWe� �� grant�❑ any ather party�he ��ght�o remove, any�imber, minerals {including <br /> qil and gas). c�a�� clay, scoria, so�l, grave] vr rock pro�ucts viiithout Lender's priar v5rri�-�en consent. <br /> Remvva2 of lmprflvements. Trustor shall no�demo�`ish or remove any�mpro�em�nts�rom the Rea� Proper�y v�ithaut <br /> Lender's p��o�irvritten consent. As a cvndi�iQn�o the remvvai o�any €mpravements, Lender may require Trustor-to . <br /> make arrangei�nents sa�isfactory ta Lend�r tv replace such Improverr�ents with lmprovem�nts a�F at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender`s agen�s and represen�atives may ente�- upon �he f�ea( Proper�y a� aII <br /> �easonabfe times ta at�end t� Lender's in�er�sts and �a inspect the�Rea� Proper�ty for purposes ❑-� Trustor's <br /> comp[iance wi�h the�erms and cond�t�ons of�his D�ed o�Trus�. <br /> Comp��anc� w►ith GaWernmental�Requirements. Trus��r shal[ prampt�y comply with all lavirs, ordfnan�es, �nd <br /> regu�ations, now or herea-�ter �n e�fect, a� aIl go�ernmentaf autharities app[ica��e to �he use ar occupancy o�F�the <br /> Propertyf inc(ud�ng v�rith�ut limitart�on� �he Am�ricans VVith�Disabili��es Ac�. Trustor may cantest in good �a�th any <br /> such �aw� ordinane�� or regula�ion and vifithhold comp[iance during any prac�eding, inc[uding appropria�e appeals, <br /> s� long as Trustor has notified Lender�n wri�ing prior to doing so and sv long as, in Lender's sale opinion, Lender's � <br /> interes�s €n �he C'raPerty are n�t�eopa�di�ed. Lender may require Trustor to post ad�quate securi�y,ar a sure�ty <br /> band, reas�na��ly satis�actary ta Lender,fio pr��ec�Lender's interest. �. <br /> Du�y�v Prv�er:t. Trus�or agrees-neither to a�andon or IeaVe unatfiended the Pr�per�yk_ Trusta� shalf do a��.other. <br /> ac�s, in addEtion�o thase acts sef forth abo�e �n�his secti�n, �nrh€ch from �he charac�er arid use�f tf�e Praper�y are <br /> reasvnably n�cessary ta protec�and pr�serve the Pr�per�y: <br /> D�UE QN SALE-CC�NSENT QY LENaER. Lender may, at Lender's option, dec�are imm�diafiely due and payab�e aI! sums <br /> seGured E�y this []eed of Trust upvn the saEe or�ransfer, wi�hvt�t Lender's priar wri��en consent, o#a�# or any part ot the <br /> Real Prope��, or any interest in the Rea� Property. A "sale �r firansfer" m�ans the�conveyance o� R�al Property�r any <br /> right, �i�1� or in�ter�st in the Rea� Proper#y; vvhether [egal, �eneficia[ ar equitab[e; whetl�er �o2untary ❑r in�ofun�a�y; <br /> vvhe�her by ❑utrigi�� sa[e, deed, insta��ment sale con�ract, land Gontract, c�ntra�t for deed, leasehold in�er�st �r�th a <br /> t�rm greater than��ree �3} years, lease--opt�on con�ract, or by sal-e, ass'rgnmeri�,�or transfer of�any bene-Ficial int�res�t in <br /> or to any land trust hfllding t�tl� to the Real Pr�per-ty, ar by anyo ufih�r method ❑�con�eyanGe of an in�eresf in �he Real <br /> P�operty. 1� any Trustor is a corporatian, par�Cnership ar limited liabi�i�y corr�pany, trans�er a�so incf udes any change �n <br /> ativnership�f mot�e than t�enty-��ve percent 425°/�� ❑�the voting stv�k, partnership interes�s o�Iimi�ed liability company <br /> interes�s, as the case may be, v� such Trus�or. Ho�vever, this opfion sha�! na� be exe�cised by L�nder if such exercise <br /> is prohib�ted by federa� �a�nr ar by Nebraska �aw, <br /> TA7�E5 �IND L1ENS. Th� fa[fowing pra�isions rela�ing�ta the �axes and liens on fihe Proper�y are par� �f this Deed af <br /> T�-ust: . � <br /> Payment. Trus�vr sha[! pay v+rhen due �and in aff events pr�a�tv delinquency} aC[taxes, speciai�axes, assessments� <br /> charg�s �inc�uding v�rater and sevver3, fines and impositians levied against or on account of the Proper�y, and shall <br /> pay v►�hen due a[� c[aims for wark don� on a�far services rendered or material furnished ta the Prapert:y. T�us�ar.. <br /> sha[[ maintain�h� Praper�y free ��a[� �€ens having privri�over vr equal �o�he in�erest of Lende�under this �eed o� <br /> Trus�, excep� far the <i�n �f �ta�ces ar�d assessrnents r�o� due and excep� as o�herwise provided in this ��ed o-� <br /> Trusfi. - � - � <br /> �igh�to Conte�te `�rustor rr�a}i wi�hhold pa�men��f any�ax, �ssessmen-�, vr c1a�m in canneG�ion irvith a goad faith <br /> disp�te vver t�e abligativn�to pa�,s� Iong as'Lender's interest�n the Prvper�y is nat jeapardized. 1f a.f ien�a�ises or <br /> is �i�ed as a resu�t af nanpayment, Trustor shall w��h�n fifteen ��5� days after the I�en aris�s ar, ifi a lien is �i[ed, <br /> �rvithin ��ftesn �15y days atter Trustar has natic� of�he �iling� secure �he dis�harge af the lien, or ifi requested by <br /> Lender,depos�t v�i�h Lender�ash ar a sufficient G�rporate surety bvnd�r❑ther security safiisfactary to L�nder in an <br /> amount suf-�icien�to discharge the �ien p�us any cvsts and at�orneys' fees, vr other charges that cvuld accrue as a <br /> result o�a�oreciasu�-e or sa�e under the ��en. �n any�ontest,Trustor shall de�end itself and Lender and sha�!satisfy <br /> any a�iverse�udgment befare enf�r�ement against�he P�aper�y. Trustor sha�� name Lender as an add�tianal abl�gee <br /> under any surety bond�u�rnished €n the cantes�prviceedings. <br /> Evidence���Payment. Trus�t��sha�� upon demand �urnish to Lender satisfactory e�idence of payrnent of�he�axes <br /> o�assessments and snal� authari�e the appropri��E go�ernmenta� offi�ial ta deliv�r�o Lender a� any�ime a written <br /> s���Cement��f�h��axes and assessrnen�s against the Proper�y. <br /> �Vo�ice c�f�onstr�c�ivr�. Trusfior sha[[ not��y Lender at��ast fifteen ('�5� days before �ny vvork is �ommenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnishedo or any materials are supp�ied �o �he �roperty� if any mec�anic°s iien, mafierialrrren's �ien, ar <br /> ❑ther lien cvuld be asserted on accoun-� af the work, services, ar mate�fals. Trustar will upon request of Lender <br /> furnish t❑ Len�er ad�ance assurances satis-�actary to Lender �hat Trus�ar can and will pa� fhe cos� o� such <br /> improvemen�s. <br /> PR�PERTY QAN[AGF IN5URAIVGE. Th� f��lowing pravisions relat�ng �o insuring the Prop�rty are a part of this D�ed of <br /> T�us�. <br /> i�l�a�ntenancs v�f [nsurance. Trusfior sha�� prvcure and maintain pvlicies o€ �ire Ensurance w�fh standard extended <br /> co�e�ag� endvrsemen�s on a repla�em�nt basi� fvr the -�uf[ ansut-able value eoverin.g all �mprovernents on t.he Real <br /> Proper�y in an amaunt suf�ieient tv avoid app��cation vf any cainsurance clause, and witf� a sfiandard rnvrtgagee <br /> c[ause in fa�ar o�Lender. Trustor shall a[sa procure and maintain compr�hensive genera� Iiahility insuran�e in such <br /> co�erage arr�vun�s as Lender may reques� �vith Trus�ee and L,ende� being named as addit�ona� insureds €r� suGh <br /> liabili�y �nsu�ance policies. Additionally, Trustvr sha�! ma�n�ain su�h othe� �nsurance, in��uding but not limified �o <br /> hazard, h�siness in�err�pt�vn; and bai�er insurance� a� Lend�r rnay reasc�nab�y require. Pali�ies shat� be writ�en in <br /> �vrm� amounts. cQverag�s and basis reasonab[y acceptab[e �a Lender and issued by a company or companies <br />