2� 1 ���371
<br /> Nez�her Borr�wer r�a�{Lender may corn.mence,j oin, or be j ained to any jL�d�cxa�ac�ion�as either aza
<br /> ir�divzdL�al litigant or the mem�er�f a cl�.ss��ha�arzses from the o�her p�.rty's ac�zons pursua��t�o�his
<br /> Secuz z�y InStrL�rn.en�ot•t�aa�alleg�s�lla�tl�e other party ha�breachec�any pt•ov�s�o��f, o�•axzy duty owec�
<br /> by reason o�',th�s Sect��ity Instrui�en�,t�ntil sL��h F3orrower or Le��der has noti�fZed�he o�hez party�w��h
<br /> sL�ch no�i�e give�in cam.plianee w��h�IZ�requ�remen�s af Sect�a�.�5}of sti�ch a�leged breac�i and afforded
<br /> �he a�h��°pa�ty here��a�eas�r��.b�e period after the giving of sL�ch�o��Ge to ta��e c��•rec��ve ac��on. Tf
<br /> App�icable La�v pro�rides a�ime per�oc�.�rllich�m.ust elapse bef�re cer�ain act�on can b��a�en,�hat�ime
<br /> period v�i�1 b�deem��.to be��as�na.bl�for purposes�f�la�s paragra�h. The no�ice o`F acceleratinn and
<br /> ��po��tu�li�y to cure g�ve�z�c�Barr�wer�t�rsuaz���o Sec�ion 22 and�he�Z��ice�f accelera��o�l g�ven to
<br /> Barrav��r pt�rsuan��a Sec�zon 18 shal���d�emcd to sat�sfy�he not�ce anc�opp�rt��nity��talfe coz-rect�ve
<br /> ac�ion prav�sio�.s of�his S�c��on��.
<br /> �'�, �������u� ����t�����. As��sed ir�i�iis �ec�iorr��1: ��.� "H�."L�.1 C�OUS 71IU5 C�.�1G�S f} �.re�hase
<br /> �t�bst�.nces def�xzed�.s tox�c or hazardous substa�.ces,pal�u�ants,or wastes by Environme�.ta�L�.w�:nd
<br /> �he foX��wi�g�L�bs��.�ces:gas�lirie,k�r�sene,o��er flarnmab�e or�ox�c p��ralel�m prodt�cts,�oxic pes�xcides
<br /> and.herbic�d�sp vala�i�e so�vents,ma�erzals�fln�a�r��ng�.sbestos ar f�rmaldehyde,and t•adzoac�ive m.a�erials;
<br /> �b� "Enviro�nl�n�a1 Law" mea�s fed�ra�laws anc�la�vs of the�urisdic�ion vvhez e�he Fraper�y is�oca�ed
<br /> that re�ate�n�aea��h, safety or enviranmen�a�protiec�zon; �c} "Env�ronm�nta� Cleant�p'' inc�udes a�y�
<br /> resp�r�se actxc��,rernedia�ac�io�, or rexnoval aCtion, as defined in Env�ronmen�al La�v; anc��d} a�
<br /> "Env�r�nm��ta��ond�tzon"'means a�ondi�ion�1aat car�ca�.�se, �o�.tribu���a, or o�he�-wise�ri�ger an
<br /> �nvxror�mer�ta��leanL�p.
<br /> Barro�v�r sh�.11 r�ot�at�se or pe�.ni��he�r�sence,t�se, ��s�aosa�, s�orag�, or release af any Hazard�t�,s
<br /> Subs�a��es, or�hreaten�o rel�ase a�.y Hazardous Subs�ar��es, a�or in the Proper�y, Baz-row�r sha�l�o�
<br /> do,r�or�1���a�ya��eXse�:o cio,anyt�iing�.fFecting�he P�op�rty�a}that is i�l violation�f a��y Ex�v�rorimezltal
<br /> Law,�b}vvhic�crea�es an Env�r�run�nta��ondi�ian,�r���wh�eh,due����ie p�eser�ce,t�se,or relea�e o:f
<br /> a I��:z�.�dat�s S�.�bs���1�e,cre�.��s a condi�ion�h�t adv�rsely affec�s the value o�'the Proper�y.The preceding
<br /> t�vo s����n���shall n��app�y�a�he pr�sen.c�,use, or storage an�he Prop�rty of srn�.X��t�a�x�x�ies oF
<br /> H�.z�.rd.oL�.s St�.bstar�ces that a�•e g�nerall�r recagnized to be apprapriate to n�rmal r�sXden�ial lxses and t�
<br /> ma�n�en�.nce of�he Prape�-ty��ncluc�ing,b�.it���limzted�o,hazardous sl��s�a�ces zn cnrisumer produc�s}.
<br /> Borrov�rer sha�l pz�ompl:ly gzve Lenc�er writ�er��ot�ce�f�a} ar�y�nvestiga�ior�, c�aixn, d�mand,�a�rsui�ar
<br /> o�her ac�ian by a�.y governm�n�al ar regL�Tatiory age�.cy or priva�e par�y invo�vxng the Praperty and any
<br /> Hazarda�.�s St��s��.�ce or E�viro�rn.e�.�a1 Lav�af,w�.xc�.Borr�wer l�.as actL�al�x�owledge, �b�a�y
<br /> Enviran�r�.en�a��ond��ion, i�c�t�c�ing b�.��not 1imi�ed�o, a�ay spzl�ir�g,leakzng, discharge,r�I�ase or�hrea�
<br /> of�e�eas�of any Ha�ardoL�s Substa�ce, anc�.�c} a��condi��on caL�sed by�he pres�nce,��se�r release af
<br /> a Hazardous Subs�a�a.ce wh�ch adv��se�y affec�s�he value�f�he Pr�per�y,If Borrower�earns,or is n���fied
<br /> by az�.y g�v�rnmen�al�r regu�a���y autharity,or any p�r�va�e�arty;�ha�any�•exnoval ar o�her re�ned�a���n
<br /> o��.r�y Ha.z�.rdou.s�L�bs�a�zce�.ffec�ing�h�Prop�r�y�s necessary,Borrn�ver shall promp�ly�ak�all ilecessary
<br /> rern�d�al ac���ns in accar�.ance w1�h E�viroi�.en�al Law.No�h�ng h�xein shall crea�e any obligati��1 on
<br /> Lend�r far�,r�E�zv�ronmenta�Clea�.L�p.
<br /> N o r��Ll�i f o rrn ��rre n a n�s. B orrov�er�.�.d Lender fur�her c��er�an�anc�agree as follovws:
<br /> �2. A�����r�ti�n; �emedi��. Lender sha�� g�ve na�ice ta Borrower prYor ta acceier��ron
<br /> fal�o�vYng �3arro�er's breach �f �ny� �o�en�nt or agreement in thiS Secur�ty Instrumen� �bu�
<br /> HGFG-a0359
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Far�nfe MaelFreddie Mac EJNlFORM 1NSTRUMENT F'orm 3D28 110�
<br /> VM P�
<br /> a7115
<br /> Walters Kfuwer Financial 5ervices ?_���0�07'�5,2.2.3�9�-J2015�728Y Page�4 af�7
<br /> *2��9T79�� 5*
<br />