2� 1 ���35�
<br /> Transfer of the Property�r a�er�eficial Int�r�st�n Borrflw�r.If a��ar any par�of the Properry or any interest
<br /> in it is sold �r transferred �or if a benef cial interes� in B�rrauTer is so�d or �ransferred and Borrower is no� a
<br /> natural person} v�i�hau� Lender's prior�rit�en cons�nt, L�nd�r may, a� i�s option, requir� immed�ate pa�m�n� in
<br /> ful� of a�1 sums �ecured by �h�s Securi� �nstrtunent. However, this optian shal� no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s proh�bited b�y federal Iaw as of the dat�flf this Securi�y�nstrument.
<br /> If Lender e�.ercises this np�ian, Lender shal� gi�� Borrovver na�ice of acceleration. Th� notice sha11 pr�v�de a
<br /> per�od �f no� less than the m�n�mum nu�mber �f da�s establi�hed by Appli�able Lavv fr�m the date the notice is
<br /> delivered or mailed�nvithin ,which Borrovver mus� pay alI sums secured by this 5ecurity �nstru.ment. If Borro�ver
<br /> fails to pay these sums pr�gr to �he expiration �f this perzod, Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed by this
<br /> Securi�y Instru�nent w�t.�iout fur�her natic�or dem�.nd�n B�rro�ver.
<br /> Barroyver's Right tfl Reinstate. Yf Bo�-ro�wer mee�s cer�ain conditions, Barrovver shall have the right ta have
<br /> enforcemen�flf this Securi�y �nst�ument discon�ir�ued a�any�i�ne pr�or�o �he earlier of: �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as App�i�ab�e Law may specify for re�ns�a�eme�t}beft�re sale ❑f�he Proper�y pur�uant to any p�vver of saie
<br /> conta�ned in th�� Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b} entry of a �t�dgment enf�r�ing this Security �nstrument. Thnse
<br /> condi�ions are t�.a�F�orro,wer: �a} pays Lender a11 sums u�hich �hen would be due under th.�s Secu.ri�y Inst�rrumen�
<br /> and�he�on�ract as if n�a acceleratian hac�occurred;�b�ctues ar�y defau�t of any other covenants or agreemen�s; �c}
<br /> pays alI expenses incurred in enfarcing this Security Ins�ru.men�, including,but no�Iimi�ed�o,reasonabl�attorneys'
<br /> fees �o the e�tent permi�ted by lavv; and �d��a�es such ac�ion as Lender ma�r reasonal��y requzre�� assure that the
<br /> lien of this 5ecu.rity�ns�rument, Lender's rzgh�s in�he Property a�d Barro�ver's obl�gatzor��o pay�he sums secured
<br /> by thi� Security Instr�u�a.ent sha�� con��nue unch.anged. Upan r��nsta�ement by B�rro�ver, �hzs Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and the ab�iga�ions secured hereby shal� r�main fully effec�ive as if no acc�lerat�an had Qccurred. However, this
<br /> right�o reinstate sha1l na�app�y i.n the case of accelera�ion under the section�it�ed Transfer of the Pr�p�rty or a
<br /> Ben�fic�a�Interest in Borr�wer.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�e�.Barrower shall n��caus�or permit the presence,use, disposal, stora�e, �r re�ease of an�r
<br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances on�r in the Property.B4rr�wer sha1l n��da,nor a��avv anyane else ta da,anything aff�cting
<br /> the PrQper�y that is in vialatian flf any �nvironme�tal Law. The preced�ng �v� sentences shall �ot app�y �o the
<br /> presen�e,use,or s�flrage on�he Proper�y af small quan��ties of Ha�ardous Substa�.ces�hat�re generally recvgni�ed
<br /> to be appropr�a�e�o normal�esidential uses and��maintenance�f�he Praper�y.
<br /> Barrnwer sha��pr�mp�l�r give Lender written n�ti�e of any z�.ves��ga��on,cla�m, demand, �avvsuit or a�her ac�ion by
<br /> any governmen�al or regula�ary agency �r privat� par�y i��olving the Property and any Hazar�ous Subs�ance or
<br /> Environmenta.l LaW of �hich B�rraw�r has actual knflw�edge. If B�rrawer learns, ar is notif ed b� any
<br /> governmental ar regulatory au�hori�y, th��any re�o�al�r flth�r remed�atifln nf any�3azardvus 5ubstance aff�cting
<br /> the Property is necessary, BorroWer shall promp��y ta�.e a�I necessary reme��a� ac�i�ns �n ac�ordance tiv��h
<br /> Environmen�al Lavw.
<br /> As used in�hi�paragraph, "Ha�ardaus 5ubstan�es" are�h�se substances defined as�ox�c or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� Lau� and �he fol�flWing substan�ces: gaso�ine, �eroser�e, Qther flanlm�ble �r taxic p��roleum
<br /> praducts, tQxic pesticides and herbicides, vfllatile so�ven�s, �naterials containing asbes�os �r formaldehyde, and
<br /> radzoactive ma�erials. As used in�h�s paragraph, "Environrnen�al La�v" means federal Iav��and lavvs of the st�.te of
<br /> Nebraska that relate���ieal�h,safet�r or environmen�ai pr�tect�on.
<br /> A��eleration; R�xnedies, Lender shall g�ve not�ce to ��rro�er prior �� a�c��era��on f���ow�ng Borr�vver�s
<br /> br�ach�f any��venant or agreem�nt�n this S�curi�y Instrument or the��ntrac�und�r vvh�ch accelera�ion
<br /> is perrnitted �buf not pr�or to a��elerati�n under the s��ti�n ti�ied Tra�sfer�f the Pr�p�rty Qr a B�n�ficial
<br /> Interest in B�rr�wer, unles5 App�i�able Law provides at�nerwise�. The no��ce shall sp�cify: (a� the defau��;
<br /> ��} the actx�n required ta cure the defau�t; tc� a date, nvt �es5 than the min�mum number of days
<br /> established�y Applieable Law fr�xn the date�he n�t�ce is gi�en�o Borr�v�er,by whi�lh the default m�5t be �
<br /> cured; and �d} that fai�ure to �ure th+� default on or bef�re the date s�e�i�ed in th� not�ce may resu�t �n
<br /> accelera��on of the s�ms securedl by this Securx�y Instrument and sale of the Pr�perty. To th� extent
<br /> permit�ed by law, the nvti�e sha�l further�nform Borrow�r of�he righ�t� reinstate af�er ac�elerat�an and
<br /> the r�ght to br�n�a caurt ac�i�n to ass�r�the nvn-existenc��f a defau�t vr any other defense nf Borrovver�a
<br /> a�ce�erati�n and s��e.If the defauit zs not cur�d fln or hefnre the da�e�pecif�ed�n �he not�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> op��on may requ�re �mmediate paym�nt in full of all �u�ns secured �y �his Se�urity Ins�rument wxthvut
<br /> fur�her demand and may�nvoke the po,wer of sa�e and amy o�her remedi�s permit��d by Appli�able Law.
<br /> To the extent perm.�tted by law, JLenc�er sha�� �e ent�tled to call�c� a�� expenses incurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remed�es prflvid�d in th�5 Sec�inn, in��udYng�bu� r�ot�imi.t�d�a, reasonab�e attorneys' fees and c�st�o�'�itle
<br /> e��dencQ.
<br /> If the power�f sal��s invoked, Tru�te�shall r�cord a notice af default�n �ach county in w�ich any part of
<br /> �he P��perty�5 l��a�ed and shall mai��opies flf 5uch nati��in the mann�r prescribed by Appli�able Law�o
<br /> B�rrawer and t� the other pers�n� prescribe€� by Applicabie Law. After the ��me r�quxred by App�z�ab�e
<br /> La�w, Truste� sha�� give pub�.ic n�t�ce of sa�e to �he pers�ns and in �h� manner pr�scribed by App�i�able
<br /> L�w. Trustee,vv��hout demand on �3arrovverg sha�I sei�the Prvper�y a�publi� auct��� t4 �he highes�b�dder
<br /> a�the t�me and place and under�he te�•ms designa�ed in the n����e�f sale in one or rr�a�e parceis and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee deter�runes. Trustee rrnay post��ne sale �f all flr any parcel of th� Property by pub�ic
<br /> announcement at the�ime and place of any previously sch�duled sale.Lender or its designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sa1e.
<br /> Upon receipt af payment�f the pr�Ce �b�d, TruStee shall d�liver to the�ur�ha�er Tru�tee's deed con�ey�ng .
<br /> �he Property. The rec�tals�n the Trust�e'S d�ed shall b�p�ima fa�ie evider�ce of the truth vf th� �tate�en�s
<br /> C�24Q4-2DI5 Cvmpliance SysteFns,Inc.8C54-bB3b-2015,11.3.1a98
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Secu�ity Tnstn�ment DL2036 Pa.ge 4 a�'S www.camptiancesystems.c�m
<br />