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2� 1 ���349 <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> ���7ntinu�d� Page 6 <br /> N�TI�ES. Any natice requ�red to be given under this ❑eed ofi Trust, including without limitation any nat�ce �f default <br /> and any notice af sale shal! be gi�en in writing, and sha11 be e�F�e�ti�� when actually deliuered, when actuai�y recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimile tunless otherwise requ��ed by law�, �a►rhen depvsited with a nafianally recognized o�ernight cvurier, or, i# <br /> mai�ed, when d�posited in�he tJni�ed 5�at�s mail, as �irst class, certified ar regist�red mail pos�age prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning v#this Deed �f Trust. Ail copies of notices ❑#fore�lasure �ram �he halder ofi <br /> any lien uvhich has priority over�h�s Deed of Trust sha�� �e sent tv Lender's address, a� sh�wn near the beginning of <br /> fihis De�d o� Trus�. Any person may change his ar her address for nv�ices under this ❑eed v� Trus� iay gi�ing �formal <br /> written natice to the other person ar persans, specifying that the purpose ❑f the nati�e is tv change the person's <br /> addr�ss. F�r notice purposes, Trustor agrees ta keep Lender in�ormed at all �imes a#Trustor's current addr�ss. �Jnless <br /> otherwise prv�ided or required by la�v, if there �s m�re than one T�rus�tor, any noti�e gi�en by Lender t❑ any Trustor is <br /> deemed to be n��ic�gi�en to al�Trustors. �t will be Trustor's resp�nsibifity ta t�ll the ath�rs of the nvt�ce from Lender. <br /> Ni15CELL►4�NE�US PRQVISI�NS. The�following misceilaneous pro�isions are a part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendmen#s. VlJhat is written in �his Deed of Trust and in the Related Do�uments is Trustor's �ntire agreement <br /> v�r�th Lender concernir�g� the mat�ers c�vered by this Deed ��Trust. To be ef�ecti��, any �hange or amendment to <br /> this C]eed ❑f Trust must be in writing and mus� �e signed by whve�er will be �ound or abligated by the �hange ar <br /> amendment. <br /> Captivn Headings. �aptivn headings in this D�ed a� Trust are f�r con�en��nce purposes vnly and are nvt �to be <br /> used ta interpret ar define the pra�isians❑fi this ❑eed o�Trus�. <br /> Merg�r. There shal[ be no merger of the inter�st or�state c�eated by this Deed of Trust with any other in�erest or <br /> estate in the Property at any time held by or fvr the benefit of Lender in any capa�ity, with�u�the writ�en consent <br /> of Lende�. <br /> Gv�erning Law. This Deed af Trust wi11 be gaWerned hy federa� iavrr applicahie to Lender and, #c� the exten� no# <br /> preer�pted by federal law,�he laws af the S��te�f Nebraska without regard to i#s can�licts af law provis�ons. This <br /> De�d of Trust has b�en accept�d by Lender in the 5�ate o�F Nebraska. <br /> Chaice of Venu�. If there is a iawsuit, Trusta� agrees upon L�nde�-'s requ�st ta submit to �he jurisdic�ian of the <br /> cvur�s o'�Ha[f Cvunty, State of N�braska. <br /> Joint and 5e�era� Liabili#y. ►�II �b�igatians of �'rustor under �th�s Deed of Trust shall be joint and se�e�a�, and a�� <br /> r�f�renc�s �v Trustor shall mean each and e��ry Trus�or. This means that ea�h Trustar signing �e�Qw is <br /> responsible for ali abliga�ivns in this aeed❑f Trust. <br /> Nv Wai�er by Lendsr. Trustvr understands Lende� wili nvt gi�e up any o#Lender's rights under this Deed of T�ust <br /> un[ess Lender daes sa �n uvriting. The fact that Lende� delays ❑r Qmits �� exercise any r�ght will not mean �hat <br /> Lender has g��en up that righ�, ff Lender does agr�e in writing to gi�e up one of Lender's r�ghts, that does nvt <br /> mean Yrustor will nQt ha�e to �omply with the other prvvisi�ns �� this De�d o� Trust. Trusta� als❑ understands <br /> tha� �t Lend�r daes c�nsent �o a request, that daes nat m�an that Tr�star v+ri�� na� ha�e ta get Lender's cnnsent <br /> agair� if the situation happens again. Trustar furth�r understands tha�jus'��ecause L�nder consents�v one or more <br /> v#Trustor's requests, that dves not mean Lender will be requir�d to cvnsen�ta any of Trustor's #uture requ�sfis. <br /> Trustor wai�es pres�ntment, demand far payrr�ent, protest, and notice o�dishonvr. <br /> 5e�erabili#y. If a court finds that any pro�isivn of this Deed of Trust is not �alid ❑r shou�d nvt be enfarced, tha� <br /> fact by itsel�will no�mean tha�the rest of this Deed v#Trust wil! nv� be�alid vr enfarced. Therefore, a c�ur�will <br /> en�orce the rest of the pro�isivns of this ❑eed�f Trust e�en if a pr��ision ofi�his Qeed of Trust may be found to be <br /> �n�ai�d or unentorceable. <br /> Successars and Assigns. 5ub}ect ta any limit�tians stat�d in this Deed ❑�Trust �n trans��r of Trustor's interest, <br /> th�s Deed of Trust shal� be binding upon and inure ta �he benefi� of the parties, their successors and assigns. If <br /> vwnership o�the Praperty be�omes �es�ed ir� a persvn other than Trus�or, Lende�, wi�haut notic� tv Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustar's sucGesso�s with reference to�h�s Deed �f Trust and th� lndebtedness by way a�forbearance ar <br /> �xtension wifihvut releasing Trusto��Fr�m�he obliga�ions of this �eed af Trust or liability und�r the Indebtedness. <br /> T�m�is of�he Essence. Time as of ths essence in�he performance of this Deed of Trust. <br /> VIlaiver v'� Homestead Ex�mpt"ron. Trust�� hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits o� the homestead <br /> exempti�n laws o#the 5ta�e of Nebraska as to all Indeb�tedne�s se�ur�d by this �eed of Trust. <br /> DEFiNiTfONS. Th�follvwing wvrds shaff ha�e the follawing m�anings when used �n this Deed vf Trust: <br /> �enefic�ary. The word "Ben��iciary" means Ex�hange Bank, and �ts succ�ssars and assigns. <br /> Bvrrvwer. The word "Borrower" m�ans Jerame R Rinkol and Candace C Rinkal and includes a�l �o-signers and <br /> co-makers s��ning the Credit Agreement and all�heir successors and assigns. <br /> Credit Agreement. The words "�redit Agr��ment" mean the credit agreement dated January 14, �D1�, wlth <br /> Ct'�dlt 111'1'1it []f $4�.���.��from Trustar tv Lender, '�agether w�th afi renevuals of, extensions vf, madifications <br /> of, re#inancings o�, �onsolidations of, and su�stitutions for the p�omissory note �� agreement. N�TiCE T� <br /> TRUST�R: THE CREi]!T AGREEMENT C�NTAiNS A VARIABLE IiVTEREST RATE. <br /> Deed ❑� Trust. Th� wvrds "Deed af T�us�" mean this Deed o� Trust among Trustar, Lender, and Truste�, and <br /> �ncludes tnrithout lim�tation all assignmen� and security interes� pro�isivns relating tv the Personal Property and <br /> Re n�ts. <br /> Env��on�nental Laws. The rrvords "En�iranm�ntal Laws" mean any and all s�ate, federal and local statutes, <br /> regulat�an� and ordinances r�fa�ing to the prflte�tion af human heafth or the en�ironment, including without <br /> #imitafi�on the Camprehensive En�iranmen�al F�esponse, �ompensation, and Laab�l�ty Act of 198D, as am�nded, 42 <br /> U.S.C. S�cfiion 9�4�, et s��. �"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthariza�ion Act of �98G, Pub. L. <br /> Nv. 99-499 {"SARA"�,the Hazardvus Mat�rials Transpvrta�ion A�t, 49 U.S.C. 5ection 18��, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Conser�atian and Re��very Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Sectian B9Q1, et seq., or vther applicabl� state or�edera! laws, ruies, <br /> or regulativns adopted pursuant t�eret�. <br /> E�rer�t of Defaul'�. The words "E�ent of Default'" mean any of the eWents of default set forth in this ❑eed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents af de�auft sectian of this ❑eed of T�ust. <br /> Exis�ing Indebtedness. The wards "Existing �ndebtedn�ss" mean �he indebtedness described fn the Ex�sting Liens <br /> prv�ision o�this D�ed o�Trus�. <br /> Hazardous Substances. The words "Ha�ard�us Substances" mean materials that, because o� their quantity, <br /> coneen�ration or physica�, chemi�al ar infectio�s characteristi�s, may cause vr p�se a present or potential hazard <br /> �o human hea�th or�he en�ironment when improperly us�d, treated, stored, disposed �f, generated, manu�actured, <br /> �ranspar�ed ar otherwise handl�d. Th� words "Hazardous 5ubstances" ar� used in their �ery braad�st sense and <br /> inc�ude without limita#ian any and all hazardous ar toxic subs�ances, ma�erials or waste as defined �y or listed <br /> under the Enr�iranmenta� Lav�s. The term "Hazardaus 5ubstances" alsa inc�udes, without lim�tation, p�trale�m and <br /> pe'�rQleum by-products or any fra�tian thereaf and asbestos. <br /> Improvements. The wvrd "Imprv�ements" means all existing and �utu�e impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> rrrabiie homes a�fixed on �he Real Property, facilities, additions, rep�acements and oth�� c�nstructi�n on the Rea! <br />