2� 1 ��� 194
<br /> � ���� �� �����
<br /> ���nti����� p��� �
<br /> �r�# �r����d� �f th e �.�r�r-� �� a��li�� �� #he I r�d�bte�n��� �r�h� ����i r �r r��f�rafi�r� �f tE�e Prap�r�y.. Tf�� n��
<br /> �rQ����s��th�awar�l s]�a�l rr�.��n t�t�����d �f#�r�aym��t�f�gf r��s�n��l�����, ����r���s, �nd��t�ri-key�'����
<br /> ir���s�r�+��y T�a�t��a���n����r� �a�ne�tio�v�i�l�fh�.��r���r�tn�tr��.
<br /> I�I P��t�'1�1� �F TA���, F����►�I� �HAI��ES Bl�G��ER�f II�i�NTi AL A1..�TH�RITI��. rt1����I[�v�rir�g �ar��r��Earts r�i�f�n�
<br /> ������r�rn��t������,f���ar���1,�rg��ar�e a park�f fhi�a����f Trust:
<br /> �ur��r��T�xe�, Fee� a�d �ha�g�s. l�p�� r�q�a��t�� ��r�der, Tru�t�r���II ��e��t� s�a�I� ��cr�rn�n��-it� ���i�Qn ta
<br /> t�is ���� of Tr��f an�tak�vtirha��v�r�t��r a�tid� is r��u��ted�� L�n��r��� ��rf��t�nd ��r�tinue_��rtd�r*��i�r� �rr
<br /> i�h� ��a] Pr���r'ty. Ti ru�tor�1��1! r�irn�r�r�� ��nd���€�r all �a���, �s des�r�b�d ��[�v�r� ����tl��r v�r��C� �Il �xp�rr���
<br /> 1�1��[ri�ed ir7 r���rdi��, ��r���in� or ��ntin�sn� fhi� ���� a�f�`rus�, i��[udirta� �rith�ut Cirriit�ti�n all �a���, ����:
<br /> d��urn�r�tary sf�a�np�,a��QtE��r�h�r�����r r����i�g ar r�gi�t�r���#i�is D���Qf 3r�st.
<br /> Ta��s. 'CC�� ��1f�win� �Ftafl �o���stut� t�x�s �� �rh«� tf�is ���f�C1 �j���E£��: {'�� a �p��ifi� ta�€ �ap�n �h�s �rp� ��
<br /> ���c� �f Trust �r���r� a!i �r��y p�r��f the tn�e�t��ne�s���ur�d by�hi� ���� Qf Trus�; ��� a s��G���ta�an
<br /> �i r[��t�r 3r�r�ni�h Trt���ar i�au�hvri��d��r��uir��t�����u�t f��rrx�a�rm�n#s on�he lncle�t�dr��s,�s��ur��f b��his�p�
<br /> �f D�����Tr���; ��� a����r�tF�is ty��af���d��Trr����h�r��a���ag�it�sfi th�L�€���r�r th�h�ld�����h��r��it
<br /> ��r��rt���t; �nd ��� � s�e�i�� �a�€ �r� af� or ��ny ��r�i�r� �f th� I rt���t�����s �r �n pay�n�r��� �f princip�� �n�
<br /> in�erest r���f�by Tr����r.
<br /> 5u��e�u�n� T��s� i� �hy�a�t� v�ri�i�h tl�is ���i an �p��i�s �s �n��te� ���a���uen��� �h� ��t� �f�C�i� a��d �f
<br /> rtr�s�, thi� ���h�sh��f ���r� ��t� s�m� ��#�ct as ar� ��r��� Q� �ef�iu�lt, an� L�n��r m�y ���r�i�� �ny �r�[l �f i#s
<br /> ��ail��l� r�rr���ie� f�r an E���� �� Def�uf# a� �rpvide� �O���v�r.un���s �'n��t�r �i#��r ��� pa�r� the t� b�f�r� it
<br /> la�c�rr�����fin�U�nf, �f ��� ��n��s�s#f���a����r��r�d���b�v� i�tYr�Ta������ Li�n�s��#i�n�nd d���sit�v�rifi�
<br /> L�n��r�a�h�r a�t�f��i������r�t��Ur�t�r���r�a�ot[��r se�rity sa�i�f���ry�k�L�r�der.
<br /> S���J�i3'Y Afi�EE��N�; F1�IAN�1N� �TAT�ME�T�. �h� ���l�wit�� ��v€���t�s r���tin� to �F�i� ���d �� �rt��t �� a
<br /> s��ur��a�r��m��t a�r�a p�r��fi thi�D����f Tr���;
<br /> �
<br /> ����ri�+ �4�r��m�nt. T�i� ir��#r�rrti�nt �}��Er canstif��� � ���ur�t�r ��r�err��r,t fa �h� ��t�n� �ny ��t�� Pra�e�jr
<br /> �n�ti'�u��s�x�ur��a a�nd L�n��r�h�[1 h�ve all �f th�ri�h#��������r�����ty�n��r th� �n i��r� ���m�r�al�od�
<br /> ���m�r��e��ro�#im�t�fam�.
<br /> S�Guri� 1����st. U���+ r����st ��r L�n��r} `�rust�r sh�l� ��ke vvf��t�v�r��'tE�r� is r�qu��t�� �y L�n��r#� p�r���t
<br /> �r�� cor,ti�,�������r'����uri�y in��r���in th�P�rs���1 �r��O�r'h�. [n���it��n��r�c���i��.tF�is l�������'r�s��r����
<br /> r��! pr���rty r�oa��sx ��r���� m��r �� ��� tim� �nd �ith�ut furth�r �uthQri�#iQr� fr�m �i'ruE�t�r� fil� �x��ut��
<br /> ��unt�r�ar#s, c����s �r r�p��C�c��or,� �f tF�i� a�� af�n�st �� � f�n�n�in� �#.a�er�t��,t. Tru�t�r sh�l� r�im��r,��
<br /> L����r f��` ��� ����r�s��i���r��d i r� p�r����i n� ��-��n�i nu�E�� t�i�s�curify in�er�s�. �Jp�n d�f��a�t, Trus��r�h��l r��t
<br /> r�rn���, s�v��` �r ti�t�� �I�� ��rs�naE ���a�r���fr�rn fh� �ro�r��. U��r� ��fa�lt, ��u���r�-sh�sl as5ernb�� ���
<br /> F�er����1 Pra��rty n�t affx�� �� #he ����erty �r� a m��n�r �n� �t a �la�� r��svn�1��� c�rtv�����,t t� T�ustar �r�d
<br /> L�n��r ar�d�rnak� i#a�ai��bl� t� ��n��r�ifi�-�ir, tl�r�� ��� d�ys a�t��r���i�'� �f�vritt�ri ��m�r�d�rarr� ��n��r t�t�►�
<br /> ���n�p�rmitk���b�r��pli�����1��u.�.
<br /> Ad�ir�ss�s. ��e r�r�ili�� addr�����.�f Tr�s��r ���b�ar� �nd L�n��r �s��ur�d �arly} ���m u�hi�� ihf�rm�#t��
<br /> �anc�m in��F�������ity in#�r���graht�d i��r t�i� E���c� �€T��t�t m��b� �b��in�d ��cl� a� r-��uir�� I�y t�� �ln�Fo�
<br /> ��rr�m�r�ia1������re��s�ted�r����first pa���f th�is���d�f�nasi�.
<br /> �C��TF�EF� A��L�RAN�E�; �4TT�I�hl�f�lN-FA�T. 7h� f��E��rin� �r��ri�i�ns r�l�tin� t� �urther ���ur�n��� an�
<br /> ����rn�y-in-f����t'e���rt�f�I�i����d�f Ti ru�t:
<br /> Furt���Ass�ran���. At�fl�r t11"R�, ���€fr�rn ti��t�t3t71�, �p�rr r�q���t�f L����r,�i r��t�r��+ri�I rr��l��, ����U��an�
<br /> d��i��r, �r-�v�l� ��u������m���,��c��ut�d ar d�liv�r��s��Ler���r�r t�_E.�r����'s d�si����,�nd�vh�� �����s�����
<br /> ���der, r.����t� ���[�d, r���rd�d: r�fs�d, �r��r�r,,�r���, �s thre �����ma� b�, ����c��im�� ar�� in s�G� �#��s
<br /> �n� p����s�s i����r ma�r���m�ppr��ria��T �t�y�r�d afl su�� �n�r#�a��s, ���ds��tr��t,����ri�i�����t s��uri�y
<br /> a�r��rn�n#�, f�nar��ir�� �����rn�r�ts, ��r�tih��tE�n ��t�rr��n��, �ns�ru��nt���f�fu�ther ��surar���a ��rti�c��e�a ���
<br /> �th�r���urnents as m��, ir��h��a�e��ir�i�n ��I�����r, ��n���ssa�r�r�d��ir��l�ir�and��#���f��tua��s�rn�a����,
<br /> p��f��, �Qn�i r�la�, �r�r����r� �'�} ']'rus��r's �b�i�a�i��s �nd�r�f��Cre�i��gr��rr��r�t,��i� D��� ���'ru��, an���r�
<br /> F����r��d.���urr��,nt�, and ��� th� li��� �t�d s��uri�y rr���rest� �r��t�d 1��r this ���d ���7r��t-�ri�t�e Pr���rt�7
<br /> vvheth�r r��w a�vn���r h�r���t�r����ir�� b�r`�ru.���r. Ur�l���p���hibi��d by���v�r L�n��r��re�s���ie��ntrary�n
<br /> v�rriti ng, Trus���-sh�I�.��irr��ur�� Len��r f�r��if c�s����� �xp�ns��ih��rr�� ir��r�r+��ti�rt�with�h� ma���s r���rred
<br /> #�in thi�para�r���r, . . .
<br /> l�,#��rn�y-inrF���. C�Trus��r f�ils ta d a a�y❑f th��f�i��� r�f�rr��t� i n #h��r����ih� pat����F�r L�r�d�r rna�r���o
<br /> f�r�nd ir� �C��.r,�m� �f Tru�t�r��� ��Tr�st�r'� ex��r���. F�r su�I� �urp�s��,Trust�r h�rek�y i�r�vQ��bl�r�����rrts
<br /> ��nd�f���rus��r's�tt�rr���-in-����.far the p��-pa��o�rr7�l�tr�gt��c�����r��, ��lEveri��,��ing, r�cor�iir�g;�n���ir��a�[
<br /> �th er�f�i��� �� m�y�e n���ss�ry ar��,sir��l�f i n L�ricl��� ��F� api n ion, �❑ a�e�rr�pf i��i #f�� rr��t��rs r�f�rr��,#� in
<br /> ���pr���r�ing�ara�ra�}�.
<br /> �l�LL�E�F�R�IAN�E.. If Tru�t�r Q�y�sll the I r����t�������rh�n d�e,�t�rmin�#�s t�� credit lir�e����unt��r�d�t.��rwi��
<br /> ��rf�rrr���[I fh��a�i��atians imp�������n�'r��t�r ur�d�r thi� a��� �f Trust, L�nd�r sha�! ��c��ut��n� ���iir�f t��r��t�
<br /> � ��q��st �F�r ��rl! rer�n��y��r�e �r�d shafl ������� �nd deliver �o Tr��t�r �uit��l� ���tt�m�nts �f fermir�at�or� �f an�
<br /> f r�an�€n� �t�fe��t�t ��s fi�� ��r�d�r��rr�� L�r����'s ���c�ri�� ir�#�r��t E� ��� F��n#s �rt�i tl�� .F����a��� Pr�pert�. An�
<br /> reG�n��y�r�c�f���'��t��r��k�y��w��all�e paE�l by�rus��rr�#��r�itte��y���li�able Ea�r_
<br /> ��1�T� �F aEF�4L.��.T.� rtrust�r v�riCl ��i����I�fara��u n��r�F��� a��d a�l��st if'���y��tF��f��1�wi rt� happer�: �A) ����to�-
<br /> ��mrni#s�raud �r rr��ke� � r������1 r�i�r�pr���r�#a�i�n �� �ny�irr-�e in ��nr�����n �nrith th� �r��it A�r��rr�e�rt. ��i� �a�
<br /> inc�ur��, f�r �x�rnpl�, a fal�� ����m�n� ��au� T�us���'�� �r���m�,.�s��t�r Iiabili�ies, ar an�r at�r�r ������s �f.Tr�st�r'�
<br /> financiaC ���r�iti�r�Y ��� Tru��ar���� n�t rr��e�the repay�n�r�t t�rms�f th� ����it Agr��men�. .���.Trus��r'����ti�n ��-
<br /> in��ki�n ����r:��ly ��f�c#� tE�� �al la���'�1 �r L�n��r's�i�hts in the cfl[[a��raC. T1�i� ��n i n�l u�l�, f��-��xarnp l�, fai lu r� t❑
<br /> FY"tSl��i�LC3�'f..'�I:.2����1Cl��.11'�If1��i�r��t�€�r��str��kiv��s�Q�the dw�llin�,failur�����.�r'�a��s, d�at��f�fi��r�ans li��l���
<br /> ��� ���a�rit,.�r�n�f�r �'� �itEe �r �I� �� tl�� d�r�[[in�t �r��tian �f � s�hiar I`s�n �r� �h� dv�r�[IFrtg wifi.��ut L�n��r's
<br /> ���rnissi�r�,f�r��l��ure��#��h�1d���f an�th�����n,ar�h�use�f fur��1���th����I[in�f�r pr�hibs#ed���p�s��.
<br /> F�I�HT��Na RE11�E�IES �iV DEFA���'. �f�r� Ev�r�t�f I������t c�cGurs ur�der this �����T��s#r �#�n�tim��E��r���t�r,
<br /> Tru�te�or Len�i�r r��y���r�i��at�y�n��r�ar�❑f�E��f�ll�v�i r�g r�gl�t��n�r�ti��di�s�
<br /> A�����ra�i�n l�par��ef���tt A��i���r�al��rr�e�i��. If�n�r��r�r�t����faul����ur�as��r the terrns r�f.t���r�dit
<br /> ���-�er�ent s�GUr�d li er���r, L�n��r r�ay�I��lar�al] !nd�f���dt���s���ur���b�r��h is D�e�l of Trus#����clt���r��
<br /> ��ya�1e an�th���m�sh�ll�h�r���������rr��du��nd p�����with�r���n�r pr�s�ntrR��ta��rr��r��, pr a t�st�r
<br /> r�a��c�af�n��C���. Th�r��fk�r, ��r���r�-na�:
<br /> �a� E����r in p���n �r by ager,t, wit� �r v�ri��o�rfi bri n�ing ar�� a�tior�:�� ��ac���k�gr �r �� � r��eiver
<br /> . a���iht�� b����u�t an�with�u#r���r���,���,ad�qu��y�f i#�,���u r�ty,.�n#er r�p�r��r���I��������siar�
<br /> �f���Propert�, �r�t��p�rt tf�����f, [��t��wrr�ar�e�r ir�t�i�r��m��f Tru��t��, an���ar�y��t�v��i�F� it
<br /> t����s rte��ss�ry�F d�sir�k�l�t�pr��.e�e th��alu�, m�r���ab�fity Q�-rentab[[rt`y t�f�1���r���rty,�r�ar��f
<br /> the �r���rt�r��int�r��in fh� Praperty; ir��r���e tl��i����n���r�rrt the ��o��rty�r pr���c�th������ri�y�f
<br /> �h� �r�p�rt�r; and, wit� or�nrr�haut t�l�ir�� ���s�sian .��tY�� �ra��rty, s�� #�r �r a�Fr�rw�s� ��l1���#h�
<br /> ren�s, is�u��at�d �r�i5t� �f��� ��`npert�r, in�4�r�i�g tl���������� �nd �r��aaic�, at�c� ���l�.th� ��r��, I��s
<br /> ��ts an� �3���E�����f�f��r��fa[���3� �������ian attor7l�}��`f��s,��a�y in�����dn�s�s��Ure�by�h�s a���
<br />