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2� 1 ��� 179 <br /> for the repairs and restoration in a s�ngle payment or in a series of progress pa�ments as the work is <br /> compi��ed. �f the�nsurance or condemnati�n praceeds are not suff�cient t� repa�r ar res��re th� Prflper�y, <br /> Borrower is no� r��ie�ed of Borrower's obliga�ian for the comp�et�an af such repa�r�r res��rat�on. <br /> Lender or�ts agent may make reasonabl�entries upon and �nspec��ons of�he Proper�y. �f it has reasonable <br /> cause, L�nder may �nSpect the�nter�or of the impravements on the Proper�y. Lender shal� g�ve Borrower <br /> not�ce at the time of or prior ta such an interior inspecti�n spec�fy�ng such reasona��e cause. <br /> S. Barrawe�'s Lvan Applicativn. Borr��v�r shal�be in default if, durzng th�Loan appii�atian pracess, <br /> Borrower or any persons or en��t�es act�n� at th�direction of Borrower or w�th Borrower's knawledg�or <br /> consen�ga�e materiall� false, misiead�n�, or inaccura�e informatian or sta�ements to Lender�ar failed to <br /> pr��ide Lender with ma�erial informa�ion} �n cannect�on w�th the Loan. Mat�rial repr�s�ntations include, but <br /> are n�t��mi�ed��, representat��ns concern�ng Borrower's o�cupancy of th�Property as Borrawer's prin�ipai <br /> reszd�nce. <br /> �. Prvtection af Lender's Interest in the Praperty and Rights Under this Security �nst�rum�nt. �f�a} <br /> Barr�wer faiis �o perfarm�he c�venants and agreernen�s contained in this Security Ins�rument, ��} there is a <br /> �egal proceeding �ha�might signif�cant�y affect Lender's in�eres� in th�Property andlor rights under this <br /> ��curit� Ins�rum�n� �such as a praceed�ng �n bankrup�cy, proba��, for condemnatian or forfeiture, for <br /> enfnrcem�n�af a I�en�vh�ch may at�ain pr�orzty over�h�s S�curity �nstrument or ta enforce lav�s or <br /> regula��ons}, ar�c} BorrovWer ha� abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay f�r whatever is <br /> reasnnab�e or appropr�a��ta pr�t�ct Lender's int�res� in�he Proper�y and r��hts under�hzs Security <br /> �nstru�nen�, inc�ud�n�protec��ng andlor ass��sing �he va�ue of th�Proper�y, and secur�ng andlor repairing <br /> th�Proper�y. Lender'�actions can inC�ud�, but are not limited�a: �a}pay�ng any sums s�cured by a���n <br /> �vhich has pr�ori��aver thi�Security �nstrument; �b} appearing in court; and �c}paying reasonable a��orneys' <br /> fees�o protect i�s interes�in�he Proper�y andlor r�gh�s under�his Securi�y In�trum�nt, inciuding its secur�d <br /> p�si�ion in a bankrup�cy proceed�ng. Se�ur�ng th� Praper�y in��ud�s, bu� �s not lim�t�d to, �n�ering�he <br /> Proper�y t�ma�e repaizs, chang��acks, replace or�oard up daors and w�n�nws, dra�n�at�r fr�m pipes, <br /> eliminate bu�lding ar o�her c�de v�oiations ar dang�rous cand�t�ons, and hav�u�i�itz�s turne�.�n�r off. <br /> Although Lender may�ake action under this Sect��n 9, Lender does no�have ta do s�and is nat under any <br /> du�y or ob�igat�on�a do so. �t �s agr�ed that Lender incurs no iiabi�ity far n�t tak�ng any or ai� ac��ans <br /> author�zed under th�s Sect�on 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this Sectian 9 shall become addi�ional debt of Barrower secured b� <br /> this Se�urity�nstrument. Thes�amaunts shall bear interest at th�Nate rate from the date of dis�ursemen� <br /> and shall b�payabl�, wi�h such irzt�r�st, upan n�tice frnm Lend�r to B�rrower requ�s�ing pa�men�. <br /> �f�his Securzry �nstrument zs on a i�as�hold, Borrflwer sha�� comply with a�� �he provis�ons flf the�ease. �f <br /> B�rrower acqu�res f�e����e to�he Pr�perty, the �easeho�d and the fee��t�e sha�� no�merge unless Lender <br /> agree�to the merger in writing. <br /> "10. 11llv�tgage �nsurance. �f Lender re�u�red M�r�gage Insurar���as a c�nd�tion of making the Loan, Borrower <br /> sha11 pay�he pr�miums requ�red�o main�azn the Mar�gage�nsuran���n�ffec�. If, for any reason, the <br /> Mor�gage�nsuranc��ov�rag�required by Lender cea�e�to�e availab��fram th�m�rtgage�nsur�r that <br /> prev�ous�y pravided such insuranc�and Borrower was required t�make s�parate�y des�gnated payments <br /> tflward�he prem�uxns fflr Mor�gage�nsurance, Barrower shall pay the premium�s required�a�bta�n c�verage <br /> substan�ia��y equi�a��nt to�he Mor�gage�nsurance pre�iaus�y in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to <br /> the cast�o B�rr�wer of the Mortgage �nsuran�e previausly in effec�, from an a��ernate mortgage�nsurer <br /> s�lected by Lender. �f substantia��y equ��alent Mor�gage�nsurance coverage is no�availabie, Barrawer shal� <br /> NEBRASKA-5inc�Ie Fami{y-Fannie MaelFrecfdie Mac UNEF�RM INSTRLJMENT Farrr�3Q2$11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�i 4�30Zy <br /> Wv[ters Kluwer Financiai Ser�ices Page 8❑f 17 <br />