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2� 1 ��� 179 <br /> sentences shall not apply to the pres�n�e, use, or storage on th�Praper�y of sma�� quan��t�es of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are generaily recognized ta be apprapr�ate ta normal residentiai uses and��maintenance flf <br /> the Property 4�nc�ud�ng, but n��Iim�ited to, hazard�us substances in cansumer products}. <br /> Borrower sha11 pramptly g��� Lender written notice of�a} any investigatian, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> a�tzon by any gavernmenta� or re�ulatory agency or pr�vate party inv��ving�he Propert� and any �azardous <br /> Substa.nce or Env�ranmenta� Law of wh�ch Borr�wer has actual knowledge, �b} any En��ronmental <br /> �ondit�an, �nc�uding bu�not �zmited�a, any spi��ing, l�aking, discharge, reiease or�hrea�of re�ease flf any <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstan�e, and �c} any c�ndition caused b� the presence, use or re�ease of a�azardous Subs�ance <br /> which adversely affects�he value�f�h�Proper�y, �f Borrawer�earns, ar�s no���ed by any ga�ernm�nta�or <br /> regu�atary authori�y, ar an�private par�y, �ha�any remo�a� or other remed�at�on of an� Hazardous Substance <br /> affectzng�he Pr�p�rty �s necessary, Borrav�er shai�prflmptly �ake ai� nec�ssary remed�al actions in <br /> acc�rdance w�th En�r�ranmen�al Lavv, Na�h�ng herexn sha11 create any ob�igati�n�n Lender for an <br /> Envir�nm�nta� ��eanup. <br /> Nvn-Unifarm Car�enants. Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as fol�aws: <br /> ��, Accel�rati�n; Remed�es. Lender shall give natice ta Borrower pr�or ta acce�era��an fo��owing <br /> Barrower's�reach of any c��enant or agreement in this 5ecuri�y Ins�ruxnent �bu�no�prior ta <br /> acce�eratian under Sect�on 18 un�ess Applicable Law prvvides a�herwise}. The na�ice shali specify: �a� <br /> �h�deFau��; �b� the act�on requ�red to cure�he default; �c} a da�e, no��ess�han 3D days from the da�e <br /> �he nat�ce�s g�ven�a Borrower, by wh�ch the defau�t must be cured; and �d} �hat failure��cure�he <br /> defau��on or bef�re�he date spec�f�ed�n the no��ce may result in a�ce�era�ion of�he s��ms se�ured�y <br /> �his Securi�y Instrumen�and sa�e nf the Froper�y. 'The no�ice shall further inform Borrower of the <br /> r�gh��v reins�ate af��r acce��ra�ion and�he r�gh��o br�ng a court ac��on�o assert the non�-ex�s�ence�f a <br /> default or any o�her defense�f B�rrow�r�o acce�era��vn and sa�e. If the defau�t�s nat cured on or <br /> bef�re�he date sp�cxfied�n�he nat�c�, Lender a� i�s option may requ�re�naxned�ate pay�rnen� in fu�i of <br /> al�sums secured by �h�s Secur��y Instrument without further deaEx�a�d and�may in�oke�he pQwer of sa�e <br /> and any a�h�r rem�d�es p�rm��ted by App��cab�e Law. Lender shal��e entitled to callect a��expens�s <br /> in�urred�n pursuing�he remedies pra��d�d�n this Se���on Z�, including, but nvt l�mit�d�a, reasanab�e <br /> a�torneys' fe��and costs of t��le e�id�nce. <br /> If the povver of sa�e is in�aked, Trustee shal�record a not�ce of default�n each cvun�y in wh�ch any <br /> part�f�he Property is located and shall �mail cop�es af such no�ice in�he manner prescr�hed by <br /> Appl��a�le Law��Barrawer and ta�he other pers�ns pre��r�bed by App��cab�e Law. After the time <br /> requ�r�d by App���abie Law, Trust�e s�all give pub�ic no�ice�f sa�e to�he person�and�n the manner <br /> prescr�bed by Applicab�e Law. Trustee, �v��hvu� demand on Borrower, shall sell�he Property a� puhli� <br /> auct�vn ta�he h�ghest b�dd�r at the t�nle and p�a�e and under the�errns designated in�he notic�af sa�� <br /> �n one or nlore parce�s and in any order Trustee deternline�. Trustee may pas�pone sale of���or any <br /> parcel �f�he Property by public announcemen� at the��me and p�a�e of any pr�v�flu��y s�h�duled sa�e. <br /> Lender ar its designee ma� purchase the Proper�y a�any�a�e. <br /> Upvn rec�ip� nf paymen�of�he pri�e hid, Trus�e�sha�� del��er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> cnnvey�ng�he Prnper�y. Th�rec�tals xn the Trus�ee's deed sha�l be prima fa�ie ev�den�e of�h��ruth of <br /> �h�s�a�emen�s made�her��n. Trust�e sha��app�y�he proc�eds of�he sal��n�he fol�owing�rder: �a} to <br /> a�i co5ts and expen�e5 af exer�ising�h�e p�wer�f sa�e, and�he sa�e, �n�lud�ng the paym�n�of the <br /> Trus�ee's fees actuall�incurred and reasanab�e attorneys' fees as perm��te�by App���ab��Law; �b} �n <br /> al�sums secured by�his Securi�y Ins�rument; and �c} any�x�es�to the persan or persons�ega�ly <br /> ent���ed to it. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�tJNlFORM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 1I01 <br /> VMP� VMP64NEf t�3�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page�4❑f 17 <br />
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