2� 1 ��� 175
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ot�ti�lued� Page 7
<br /> sha!! opera'te as a wai�er of such right or any ather �i�ht. A waEv�er�-by Lender vf a prv�isian of this Deed af Trust
<br /> shali not prejudice or cvnstitu�e a wai�er of Lender's right otherw�se to demand strict campliance ►rvith tha�
<br /> prvWisian or any other pro�ision o# this Deed of Tru�t. No privr wai�er by Lender. nor any caurse of deaiing
<br /> between Lender and Trustor, shal� constitu�e a wai�er of any a� Lender's rights or af any of Trustor's abligations
<br /> as ta any future transac�ions. Whene�er the consent of Lender is required under this T]eed of Trust, the gran�ing
<br /> af such consen�t by Lender in any instance shali not constitute con�inuing consent to subsequent instances whe�-e
<br /> such consent is required and �n alf Gases such consen�may be granted vr withheld in the sa�e discretian of Lend�r.
<br /> Se►rerability, !f a court of campetent jurisdiction �inds any pro�isivn o�th�s D�ed of Trust to be illegal, in�a�id, ar
<br /> unen�arceable as ta any cir�ums�ance, that �inding shal! not mak� the o�fending pro�Esivn illegal, in�alid, ar
<br /> unen�orceable as to any a�her cir�umstance. f� f�asible, �he offending pro�ision sha�! �e considered modified so
<br /> that it �aecomes legal, �a1id and enfiorceable, lf the offending pro�ision cannvt be so modified, �� shall �e
<br /> �ansidered de[eted from �h�s Deed of Trust. Unless ❑therwise requir�d hy �aw, �he illegali�y, in�alidity, ar
<br /> unen��rceabifity of any pro�isinn af�his Deed of T�ust sha�l not a�fect�he lega�ity, �a[idity ar enforceability o�any
<br /> other pro�ision of this Deed flf Trust.
<br /> 5u�cessors and Assigns. 5ubject to any limitations stated in this Deed af Trust on transfer of Trustor's interes�,
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure tv the benetit vf the par�i�s, xheir successars and assigns. If
<br /> vwnership af the Prvperty becvmes vested in a person other than Trus�or, L�nder, withou� n��ice ta Trustar, may
<br /> deal with Trustor's su�cessors with reference tv this Deed of Trust and the lndebtedness by way of farbearance vr
<br /> ex�tension without releasing Trustor from the vbligatians of this Deed of Trust or liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> T�me is of the Essenc�. Time is af the essen�e in the per#armance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �Ilai�e Jury. All parties ta this Deed of Trust hereby waiWe the right to any jury trial in any action. praceed�ng, or
<br /> coun�erclaim brought by any party agains�any other party.
<br /> Vllai�er of Homestead Exempt�on. Trus�ar hereby releases and wai�es al1 rights and �ene�its of �he h�mes�ead
<br /> exemp�ion�aws a�the S�ate of Nebraska as�o all Indeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFINITlC3NS. The �vl�ovuing capita[ized words and terms shall ha�e the fQllfl►nring m�anin�s wh�n used in this De�d of
<br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated tv the contrary, a11 references �o d�l�ar amoun�ts sha�� mean amaunts in lawfu[ maney
<br /> of the United S�ates o� Am�r�ca. Words and terms used in the singu�ar shall include �he plural, and the p�ural shall
<br /> incfude the singular, as the context may require. V1lords and terms not otherwise defined in this Deed af Trus't shaff
<br /> ha�e the mean�ngs attributed to such terms in the Uni#arm �ammercia� Cade:
<br /> Beneficiary. The wvrd "Beneficiary" means Exchange Bank, and its successa�s and assigns.
<br /> 6orrower. The word "8orrower" means Midwes� Premier �n�estments, L.L.�. and inciude� ail co-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the Note and alf their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed vf Trust. The v►rords "[]eed ofi Trust" mean this Deed o� Trus� among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes w+thout limitation all assignment and �ecurity interest provisivns rela�ing tv the Personai P�operty and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> Defaulf, The word '"Default" means�he Default set forth in this Deed o#Trust in the section titled "Qefault".
<br /> En�iranmental Laws. The words "En�iranmentaf Laws" mean any and all state, fede�a� and Iocaf statutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances refating to #h� protection af human health ar �he �n�ironment, including withou�
<br /> �imitation �he Comprehensi�e En�ironm�n�ta[ Response, Compensativn, and Liability Ac�flfi 1 J$�, as amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. 5ection 9C�1, et seq. {"CER�LA"y. the 5uperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act o# �9$�, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 39-499 t"SARA"j, the Hazardous Ma�eria[s Transportatian Act, 49 U.S.C. Sect�an 18��, et seq.. the Resource
<br /> Gonser�a�ion and Reco�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 69�1, et seq., or ather applicable state or fiederal laws, rules,
<br /> vr regulativns adapted pursuan�thereto.
<br /> E�ent of D�faul�, The words "E�ent af Detault" mean any of the e�en�s of�de�aul�set�vrth in this Deed of Trust in
<br /> the��en�s flf de�ault sect�vn of this Deed of Trust. � .
<br /> Guarantor. The ward "Guarantvr" means any guarantor, sure�y, or accammodafion���party of any or all of the
<br /> [ndeb�edness.
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaran�ty" means the guaranty firam Guaran�tor ta Lender, including w�thaut limitation a
<br /> guaranty of al��r part o�the No'te.
<br /> Hazardvus Suhstances. The wards "Ha�ardous Substances" mean ma�erials �hat, hecause o� their quantity,
<br /> concentration or physical, chemicaf �r infie�tiaus characteristics, may cause ar pose a p�esent or poten�ial hazard
<br /> to human heal�h or�he en�ironmen�when improperly used, treated, stored, disposed o�, generated, manu�actur�d.
<br /> �ransported or o�her►nrise handled. The wvrds '"Hazardous Substances" are used in �heir�ery broadest sense and
<br /> include without limitation any and ai� hazardaus or �axic substances, materials or was�e as de#ined by or listed
<br /> under�he En�ironmental Law�. The term "Hazardvus 5ubstances" also includes, withou�Iimitat�Qn, petroleum and
<br /> petroleum by-products��any fraction thereo�and asbestos.
<br /> Impra�ements. The word "[mpro�ements" means al! existing and futur� impravemen�s, buildings, structures,
<br /> m�hile homes affiixed on �the Real Proper�y. faci�ities, addi�ians, replacements and other cons�ruGtion on the Real
<br /> Pro perxy.
<br /> Indeb#edness. The word "Ind�btedness" means a!I principal, interesfi, and other amounts, casts and expenses
<br /> payab�e under the Note vr Related Documenfis, together with a!! renewals o#, extensions �fi, madifications of,
<br /> conso�idations o�and substitutions fior the No�e or Related C7acuments and any amaunts expended or ad�anc�d by
<br /> Lender �a discharge Trustar's vbligations or expenses incurred by Trustee vr Lender tv enforce Trus�or's
<br /> obligations under this De�d of Trust, together with in�erest on such amounts as prv��ded in this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Specifically, wifihout lim�#ation, indebtedness includes �he fu�ure ad�ances sefi �arth in �he Future Ad�ances
<br /> pro�ision, �age�her with all interest therevn and all amvun�s that may he indirectly secured by the
<br /> Crass-Callateral�zatian pra�ision of�this Deed vfi.Trust.
<br /> Lender. The►nrord "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Nat�. The ward "'Note" means �he p�vmissory nvte da�ed January �1, �01�, 1�1 th� t�riginal principal
<br /> amount of $33�,���.�� from Trustar�o Lender, tvgether with alf rene�rvals afi, exten�ions of, modi�ications
<br /> of, refi�nan�ings of, cvnsolidations o�, and substitu�ions for the promissary nate ar agreement. N�T�CE T�
<br /> Personai Property. The words "Personal Property'" mean a!I equipment, fixtures, and other ar�icles of persanal
<br /> proper�y now or herea�ter awned by Trustor, and now ar herea�ter at�ached ar affixed 't� the Real Praperty;
<br /> �og�ther with a[I accessions, pa�ts, and additions �o, all replacements of, and a�i subs�itutions for, any af su�h
<br /> p�operty; and together v►�ith all prv�eeds �including wi�hout limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds a�
<br /> prem�umsy from any safe ar other disposi�ian of the P�aperty.
<br /> Proper#y. The word "Praperty" means collecti�ely�he Rea! Proper�y and the Per�onal Property.
<br /> Real Praperty. The wards "Real Praperty" mean�he real proper�y, in�erests and rights, as further described in this
<br /> Qeed��Trust.
<br />