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2� 1 ��� 13� <br /> AI1 insurance pnlicies requ�red by Lender and renewals of such poiici�s sha11 be subjec�to Lender's right to <br /> disappra�e such p�1���es, shali include a standard mortgage clau��, and shal�name Lender as mortgagee <br /> andlor as an additional lnss payee. Lender sha�i ha�e the r�ght to hold the po�ic�es and renevval certif cates. If <br /> Lender requires, B�rrower shail promptly give to Lender a1�receipts of paid premiums and ren�v�ra1 n�tices. <br /> If Barrower obta.ins any form of insurance co�erage, not oth.erwxse required by Lender, far damage�o, �r <br /> destruc�ion of, the Property, such goxicy sha�I�nclude a standard mor�gage ciause and shaii name Lender as <br /> mortgagee andlor as an add�tiona.��oss payee. <br /> In the eWen�of 1oss, Borrower shalx give prompx notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> make praof of lass if no�made prompt��r by Borrower. Uniess Lend�r and Borrawer otherwise agree in <br /> vWriting, an�r irisurance proceeds, wh�ther or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, shall be <br /> applied�o rest�ratxon or repair of the Properfiy, rf the restoration ar repair is economically f�as�b�e and <br /> Lender's security is nat lessened.. During such repaxr and restoratian per�od, Lender sha11 ha�e Che r�ght to <br /> . hold such xnsurance proceeds unt�1 L,�nder has had an opportunit�to inspect such Praper�y to ensure�he <br /> �vork has be�:n completed to Lender's satisfact�on, pr��ided�hat such�n.spectian shalx be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may dxsburse prv�eeds for the repaxrs and restoration in a single paymen�or in a ser�es af <br /> pragress payments as the wark�s�omple�ed. Unless an agreemenx is made in writ�ng or App�ica.b�e Law <br /> requires interest to be pai.d an such insurance proceeds, Lender shail not be required to pay Borrawer an�r <br /> interest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or a�her third parties, re�ained by E�arrower <br /> sha,ll not be paid ou�af the�nsuranr,�prac,eed.s and shail be the sole obligatian af Borrower. If�he res�orat�on <br /> or repair�s nvt economica��y feasible or Lender's s�uritx�vvu�d be�essen�d, the insurance proc�eds sha.�l be <br /> app�ied ta the sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument, whether or not th�n due, with the excess, if any, <br /> pa�d to B�rrower. Su�h insurance proceeds shai�be applxed in th�order proW�ded for in Sectxon 2. <br /> �f Borrawer aband�ns the Prop�rt�, Lrender ma.y fi�e, nego�iate and sett�e any avai�able insuran�e ciaim and <br /> relate�l matters. �f B�rrower does not respond wi�hxn 30 days to a no��ce from Lender�ha�the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to settle a, th�n L�nder ma.y nego��ate and settle the claim. The 3Q-day per�od wi11 <br /> b�gin when the notice is g�ven, �n e�ther evenx, or if Lenc�er a�.quires the Property under S�ction Z2 or <br /> otherwise, B�rrovver hereb�assxgns to Lender�a} Barrower's r�ghts to any insurance proceeds xn an amount <br /> not ta e�.ceed the amounts unpaid under�he Nate or this Security ins�rument, and�b}any other of <br /> Borrower's r�ghts�o�her than the r�gh�to any refund of unearned premiums paid�by Barrower}under a1X <br /> insurance p�licies ca�er�ng�he Property, insofar as such rights axe app�icable fa th�ca�erage of�he <br /> Prnper�y, L�nder may use the insurance proceeds eixher ta repair or restore�he Property or�o pay amounts <br /> under th�Note or�his Secur�t�r Ins�rument, whether or nox then due. <br /> 6. �]ccupancy. Borrovcrer sha1�occupy, estabi�sh, and use the Prop�rty as Borrov�r�r's pr�ncipa.l residence <br /> wxthin 5�days after th.e execution af this Secur�ty Instrument and shai�continue to occupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's pr�n�ipal residence fvr a�ieast on�year after the da�e of accupancy, unless Lender other�ise <br /> in wri�ing, which consent shall not b�unrea.sonab�y vvithheid, or unies�extenuating circumstances <br /> ex�s�which are be�rond Borrawer's control. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, f�larntenance and Protection of the Property: Inspectivns. Barrower sha11 no�destroy, <br /> damage ar impair the Property, a.11ow the Praper���a de�er�arate ar commit was�e on the Property. 'L�V'hether <br /> vr not Borrawer�s resxding in the Proper�y, Barrower sha1l maintain the Propert��n order to prev�n�the <br /> Prop�rty from deter�ora�ing or decreasxng in�alue due ta x�s candition, Unless xt�s determined pursuan�to <br /> Section 5 that repair or res�oratian is no�ecanomica�iy feasible, Borrower sha11 promptly repair the Praperty <br /> if damaged ta a�o�d fur�her deter�ora�ion or, xf xnsurance or condemnat�on proce�s are paid in <br /> conn�ction wi�h to, or the taking of, the Proper�y, Barrower shali be responsibx�far repaxr�ng or <br /> restor�ng the Froperty�niy�f Lender has re�eased prnc�eds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proc,eeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFr�ddie M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q28 7]01 <br /> VMP� VMPfi{NE}{1302f.00 <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Finan�ial Services pag��o��� <br /> � <br /> � � <br />