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2� 1 ��� 13� <br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Mxsce�xaneaus Proceeds ta principal due under rhe Note <br /> sha�1 not extend vr pvstpone the due date, or change the amaun�, of the Periad�c Payments. <br /> 3. Funds f�r�scrvw Items. Borrow�r sha11 pay xo Lender on th.e day Periodxc Payments are due under the <br /> Note, until the Note is paxd�n fu�1, a sum(the "Funds"}tn pro�ide for payment of amounts due far: �a}taxes <br /> and assessments and nther items whxch can a�tain priority.o�er�his Security Instrument as a l�en or <br /> encumbrance on the Prop�rCy; �b}leasehold paymen�s ar ground ren�s on�the Properry, if any; �c}prem�ums <br /> for any and aI1 iuisurance requxred b�Lender under 5�ction 5; and(d} Mor�gage�nsurance premiums, �f any, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrower to Lender xn lieu af�he payment of Martgage�nsurance premiums xn <br /> accardance�vitih the pro�isions of Section �.D. Thes�it�ms are called "Escrow I�ems." At orig�nat�on or a� <br /> any time during the�erm of the Loan, Lender may require tha�Cammunit�Assoc�at�on I]ues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if ar�y, be escrowed by Barrower, and su�h dues, fees and assessments shal,�be an Escrow <br /> Itern. Barrnwer sha11 promptly furnish to Lender a1�nvtices af amounts ta be under this Section. <br /> Barrower shall pay Lender xhe Funds far Escrow Items uniess Lender wax�es Barro�rer's�bxiga�xon to pay <br /> the Funds f�r an�or aII Fscrow�tems, Lender may waiWe Barrower's nb�iga��on to pa��a Lend�r Funds for <br /> any or all Es�row��ems at any time. An.y such wax�er may on�y b�xn writing. �n the e�ent of suCh wai�er, <br /> Bnrrower sha.l�pay direc�i�, when and where payab�e, th�amounts due for any Escraw Items for which <br /> paymenti of Funds has been v�ai�red by Lender and, �f Lender requires, shal� fu.rnish�o Lend�r receipts � <br /> evidencing such paym�nt wi�hin such tim�per�od as Lend�r may requxre. Borrower"s obl�gation to make <br /> such paymen�s and�o pro�ide receipts sha1l for a��purposes be deemed to be a co�renan�and agreement <br /> contained in this Security�nstrument, as th�phrase "covenant and agreement" is us�d in Section 9. If <br /> Borrower is ob�igated�o pay Escrow�tems direc�ly, pursuant to a v�raiWer, and Borrower fails to pa�Yhe <br /> amaux�t due for an Escrow�t�m, Lender may exercise its rights under Sec�xon 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrow�r sha11�hen be obl�ga�ed under Section 9 to repay to Lender an�r such amount. Lend�r may re�ake <br /> the►wai�er as ta any or ai.� Escrovv Items at any time b�a no�ice gi�en in accordance��h Se.ction I S and, <br /> upon�uch re�ocat�on, Borrawer shalx pay to Lender al.X Funds, and in such amaunts, that are�hen requ�red <br /> under this S�c���n 3. <br /> Lender ma.y, a�any time, co��ect and hoxd Funds in an amount (a} sufficien��o perm�t Lender to apply�he <br /> Funds at the tim�specif�ed under RESPA, and�b}not to exceed the maximum amount a 1end�r can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall es�xma�e the amount of Funds due on the basrs of current da�a and r�asonab�e <br /> estxmates of expend�tures of fu�ure Escrow Z�ems or otherwxs�in accordance with Appiica.ble Law. <br /> 'The Funds shall be heXd in an ins�xtution�hose depo�zts are insured by a federal agency, instrurnentalxty, or <br /> enti�y �xncluding Lender, xf L�nder is an i.nsti�ution whose depasits are so ulsured}ar in any F�dera.� Home <br /> Loan Bank. Lender shal.l app���he Funds ta pay the Escrow��ems no�a�er�han the time speci�ied under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall no�charge Barrower for holding and applying the Funds, annua�ly ana.Iyzing the <br /> escrov�r ac�ount, or�er�f�ring�he Escrow Yt�ms, uniess L.ender pays Borrovver interes�an�he Funds and <br /> Applicabie La�v perm�ts Lender ta make such a charge. Unless an agre.�ment is m.ade in wr� or <br /> Applicable Law requ�res in�erest to b�paid an the Funds, Lender shali no�be required to pay Borrower any <br /> interes�or earnings on th�Funds. Barrower and Lender agr�e in wri�ing, howe�er, that interest sha1l be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lend�r sha1l gi�re�o Borrower, w��haux charge, an annuai accoun�xng�f�he Funds as <br /> requ�red by RESPA, <br /> �f there is a surplus af Funds held xn escrav�, as defin�d under R�SPA, L.ender sha�I account ta Bflrrower for <br /> the excess funds Yn accnrdance�vith RESPA. If there is a�h�rtage of Funds held in escrow, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha11 naxif}�B�rrow�r as requ�red by RFSPA, and Borrower shall pay to L.ender the amount <br /> necessary to make up the shortage in acc�rdance�i�h RESPA, but in no more than 1 Z man�y payments. If <br /> there is a deficiency of Funds he�d in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall no�xfy Borrower as <br /> IVE�RASKA-Single�am�ly-Fannie Mae]F�eddie Mac UNEFDRIVI[NSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3D28 1 f01 <br /> VMP� VMP6tN�f{1342y.Q0 <br /> Wolters Kiuwer�inancial Services Page 5 af 17 <br /> � <br /> � <br />