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2� 1 ����89 <br /> �e��IC9iV�ENT �F REIVT� <br /> 4�antinu�d� �ag� 4 <br /> first class, certified or rec�istered mail postage prepaid, directed to �he addresses shov�rn near the beginning vf th�s <br /> Assignmen�. Any par�y may change i�s address for no�tices under this Assignment by gi�ing forma! writ�en natice <br /> t� the o�her parties, specifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the par�y`s address. For notice <br /> purposes, Grantor agrees to keep Lender informed a� a�f times af Grantorr5 curren� address. L]nl�ss �th�rwis� <br /> pro�ided or required by IavLr, if there is more �han �ne Gran�or, any no�ice given by Lender to any Grantor is <br /> deemed to �e no�ice gi�en to all Grantors. <br /> Powe�s vf Afitvrney. The�arious agencies and p�w�rs �f att�rney c�n�eyed on Lender under this Assignment are <br /> granted for purposes �f s�curity and may not he �evaked �y Grant�r un�il such time as �he same are renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Severabili�y. 1f a �our� v� cvmpeten� jurisdiction finds any pro�ision ❑� �his Assignmen� tv be illegaf, in�alid, or <br /> unenf�rceable as t� any circums�ance, �hat finding shall not make the offending pra�ision illegal, in�alid, or <br /> un�n'�orceable as �o any other circumstance. [f feasible, the vffending prvv�siQn shall be cvnsidered m�d�fied so <br /> that i� becomes legal, �alid and enf�rceable. lf �he of#ending prv�ision cannot be s� m�dified, it sha[[ be <br /> cansidered de[eted �rom this Assignment. Unless otherwise required by IaW� the illegality, in�alidi�y, or <br /> unen-for�eab�[ity of any prov�sion a� this Assignment sha[[ not affect #he [egality, �a[idity or enfiarceabili�y ofi any <br /> other pr��ision of�his Assignment. <br /> Sl1CCe55DC5 a�lC�A55t9R'15. Sul�ject�ra any limitations stated In�h15 A551gC11"Cl�n�❑n�I'aC15f21'❑�GI'all��1'rS lll��reS�, �his <br /> Assignment shall be binding up�n and inure tv the benefit ❑f �he par�ies, �heir success�rs and assigns, lf <br /> ownership at the Prvperty becomes �ested in a person other�han Gran�or, Lender, withou� notice to Gran��r, may <br /> deal w�th Grantor's success�rs wi�h reference t� this Assignment and the Indebtedness by way af forbearance or <br /> e�c�ension wi�thou�releasing Grantor�From the obligations of this Ass�gnment�r 1�a�ility under the [ndeb�edness. <br /> Ti�ne is of the EssenGe. Time�s of the essence in the performance of this Assignmen�. <br /> Wai�e Jury. �4�f parti�s to �his Assignment hereby �nrai►re th� right tv any jury trial in any ac�ian, praceeding, �r <br /> counte�rcl�rm brought by any party ag��nst any other par#y. <br /> Wai�er of Homestead Exemption. �rantor hereby re[eases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s of the homestead <br /> exemption laws of the Sfiate vf Nebraska as t�all lndebtedness secured by this Assignmen�. <br /> Waiver �f Right o�F R�d�mption, NDTVIIfTHSTANDING ANY �F THE PR�Vi51�N5 T� THE C�NTRARY <br /> CONTAINED 1N THIS ASSI�NMENT, G1�ANTa� HEREBY VVAIVES ANY AND ALL RIGHTS �F RE�EMPTI�N FR�M <br /> SALE IJNDER ANY �RDER aR JU�GMENT aF F�RECL�SI]RE DN GRANTOR'S BEHALF AND �N BEHALF �F <br /> EACH AN❑ EVERY PERSQN, EXCEPT JUDGMENT CREDIT�RS �F GRANT�R, ACQU1ft1N� ANY 1NTEREST fN �R <br /> T[TLE T�THE PFi�PERTY SUBSEQUENT TD THE DATE QF THIS ASSIGNIVIENT. <br /> DEFIN[Tf�NS. The �ollowing capita�iz�d words and terms shall ha�e the �ollowing meanings when used in this <br /> Assignment. Lln�ess specifically stated tv the con�rary, all references t� d�lfar amounts shall mean amvunts in lawfiul <br /> money of the United States of America. VIl�rds and terms used in the singu[ar sha[l include the plural, and the plural <br /> shall include the singular� as the cantext may requir�, VIlor�ds and terms n��vtherwise de�ined in this Ass�gnment sha[[ <br /> ha�e the meanings a��ributed to such terms in the Un�form Commercial Code: <br /> Ass�gnmen�. Th� word "Assignment" means this ASS[GIVMENT�F RENTS, as this ASS[GNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> be amended ar mfldified fram time to time, tflgether with a[l exh�bits and schedu[es attached�o this A551GNMENT <br /> 4F RENTS�rom time tv time. <br /> Borrower. The w�rd '"�orrower" means RADER C�UNTRYVIEVIl, L,L.C.; M�CHAEL R. �ADEFi; and MARJQR[E A, <br /> RAD�R. <br /> 1]e�ault. The wvrd "De�au[�" means the Defaul�set forth in this Assignmen�k in the section�itled "Defiaul�". <br /> Even�vf Defauit. The wvrds "E��nt ofi De�ault" mean any of the e�ents of default set f�rth in this Assignment in <br /> �he defau�t sec�ion of this Assignmen�. <br /> Grantor. The wvrd "Grantor" means RADER C�UNTRYV[E1N, L.L.C.. <br /> �uaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaran�y from guaranfor, endorser, surefiy, ar accommada�ivn party to <br /> Lender, including without fim�tati�n a guaranty of all or part o�f the Note. <br /> lndehtedness. The �rvord "lndebtedness" means all principal, in�erest, and other amoun�s, cos�s and expenses <br /> payabfe under the Note ❑r Re[ated D�cumen�s, together w�th al[ renewals of, ext�nsi�ns of, modi�icat�ons vf, <br /> consolidations o�and substitutions for the Nvte or F�elated Documen�s and any am�unts expended �r ad�anc�d by <br /> Lender to discharg� Grantor's oh[�gations or expenses �ncurred by Lender to enforc� Grant�r's obligati�ns under <br /> this Assignment, together with interes� ❑n such amounts as pro�ided in this Assignment. Spec��ica�ly, without <br /> limi�ati�n, indebtedness includes the future ad�ances set�or�h in the Future Ad�ances pro�ision, �oge�her with all <br /> interest �hereon and all am�unts that may �e indirectly secured by �he Cross-C�llatera[izati�n pro�isi�n o�F this <br /> Assignment. <br /> Lender. The w�rd "Lender" means Pinnacle Bank W KMN, i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Na�e. The word "No�e" means the promissory note da��d December Z9, ��15, �Cl th� �rig�na[ principal <br /> amount of $��Q��74.��fram 6orrow�r tv Lender,tog�ther wi�h all renewals ofi, ex�ensi�ns❑#, modi�ications <br /> af, refinancings o�, �onsolidations of, and suhs�ituti�ns�or�the pr�m�ssory not��r agreemen�. <br /> Prvperty. The w�rd "Property" means aif of Gran�or's right, fii��e and interest in and to all the Property as <br /> descri�ed in-th� "Asssgnmentrr section❑#th�s Ass�gnmen�. <br /> F�elated Documen�s. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory n�tes, credEt agreemen�s, I�an <br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, s�curity agreements, mortgages, deeds af trust, security <br /> deeds, colla�eraf m�rtgages, and a1i other instruments, agreements and d�cumen�s, whether now or herea�ter <br /> existing, execu�ed in conn���ion with the lndebtedness. <br /> �en�s. The word "Ren�s" means a[[ of Grantor's present and �uture rights, �itle and interest in, t� and under any <br /> and all present and future leases, inc[uding, �rvithout limi�a�ion, all rents, re�enue, incame, issues, roya[ties, <br /> bonuses, acc�unts recei�ahle, cash or security deposits, ad�ance rentals, pro�i�s and proceeds from the Prvperty, <br /> and other paymen�s and benefits deri�ed ❑r t� be derived -�rnm such leases v���ery kind and nature, whether due <br /> now vr later, inc�uding without limitat�on Granfior's righ�to�enforce such leases and to recei�e and collect paymen� <br /> and proceeds ther�under. <br />