2� 1 ����87
<br /> 11.Assignment of Niiscellaneous Proceeds;F�rfeiture.A��Misce�lan�ous Proceeds are hereby assigned to and
<br /> shall�e paid�o Lender,
<br /> If the Proper�y is damaged,such Miscellan�ous Proceeds shall be app�ied to res�oration or repair�f the Praper�y,if
<br /> the restora�ian ar repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is nat Iessened.During such repair ar�d r���arat�on
<br /> period,Lender sha�l have�he righ�to hold such Miscellan�ous Proceeds until Lender has had an flpportunity��inspect
<br /> such Property to ensure the vvork has�aeen comple�ed to Lender's satisfacti�n,provided that such inspe�ti�n shali be
<br /> under�aken prompt�y.Lender may pay f�r the repairs and restoration in a single disbursement ar in a series of p�rogress
<br /> payments as�he work�s�ompl�ted.Unless an agreem�nt is made in writing ar Appli�ab�e Law requires�nteres��o be
<br /> paid on su�h Mxsce�laneaus Proceeds,Lend�r sha�1 no�be required to pay Borrovver any�n�erest or earnings on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds,If�he r�s�ora�ion or repa�r�s nat econ�mica�Iy feas��l�or Lender's security v�rould�e lessened,
<br /> �he Misce�iane�us Praceeds shall be applied�o the sums secured by this Securi�y�nstrumen�,vvhe�her or na�then due,
<br /> wi�h the excess,if any,paid to Borrower. Such M�scellaneaus Praceeds shall be applied in the arder pravided for in
<br /> Section 2.
<br /> In�he e�ent of a total taking, destruc��on, or loss �n��lue af�he Proper�y,�he Mis�ellaneous Pro�eeds shall be
<br /> applied �o the sums secured by th�s Security �nstrument, wh�ther or not then due, with the excess, �f any, paid to
<br /> B orrower.
<br /> �n the��ent of a par�ia�taking,destructxon,or loss�n�a�.ue of th�Property in which�he fair market�alue of the
<br /> Property immediately before�he par��a1�aking,destruc��on,or loss in�ralue is equal to ar greater than the amount af�he
<br /> sums secured by�his Security Instrument ina�m�diately befare the pa.rtial�aking, destruc��vn, aar�oss �n�aXue,unless
<br /> Borrawer and Lender otherwise agree�n wri�ing,the sums se�ured�y this Secur�ty zns�rumen�sha11 be reduced by the
<br /> amoun�of�he M�scella.neous Proceeds multiplied by�he fal�o�ing fracti�n:�a}the to�al amount of�he sums secured
<br /> imm�diateiy before the partial tak�ng,des�ructian,or Ioss in�alue di�ided by�b}the fair m.arket value af the Praperty
<br /> immedia�eiy befare�he partia��aking,des�ruction,or loss�n va�ue.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In�he e�ven�of a partial taking,des�ruc��an,�r loss in value of�he Prop�r� in vvhich th�fair mark�t�alue of the
<br /> Property immedia�e�y before�he partial takizag,d�struc�i�n,or loss in�a�ue is less than the amount af the sums secured
<br /> �mmediately b�fare�he par��al�ak�ng, des�ruct�on, or 1�ss in value, un�ess Borr�wer and Lender o�herv`rise agree in
<br /> wri�inb,the Misce��aneous Proceeds shal�be applied to the sums secured by�his S�curi�y Ins��ument whether ar not the
<br /> sums are then du�.
<br /> If the Proper�y rs abandoned by Borrovver,or if,after notice by Lender�o Borro�er tha�the�pposing Pa.rty(as
<br /> defined in the nex�sen�ence}offers to mak�an awaxd to se�tle a cla.�m for damages,8arrower fails to respand ta Lender
<br /> vtiri�hin 3�days after�he da�e the no�ice is g�ven,Lend�r is authoa��z�d�a collec�and app�y the M�scellaneous Proc�eds
<br /> ei�h�r to r�storation or repair of�he Proper�y or to�he sums s�cuxed by�his Se�urity�ns�rumen�,vvhether ar not then due.
<br /> "�p�osing Par�y"means the third party�hat awes Borrov�er M�sce��ar�.eous Fr�ceeds o�r th�par�y agains�u�hom B�rrower
<br /> has a right of action in regard ta Misce��ane�us Proceeds.
<br /> B�rrovver shall be �n defaul� if any action ar proceed�ng, whe�h.er civil ar c�iminal, �s begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> jud�ment,cvuld resul�in farfeiture of th�Prope�r or o�her rnateria�i�npairment of Lender's in�erest in�he Proper�y or
<br /> rights under th�s Securit�Ins��rument.Borrawer can cure such a defaul�and,if accelera�ian has o�curred,reinsta�e as
<br /> provided in Sec�tan �9,�y causing�he action or proceeding�a be dismiss�d with a rulin�that,�n Lender'��udgrnent,
<br /> precludes forfei�ure�f�he Proper�y or oth�r material impairment of Lender's interes�in the Property or r�ghts under this
<br /> Security�nstrument.The praceeds of any avFraxd or claim for damages tha�axe attributable to the�rnpairment of Lender's
<br /> in�e�rest in the Property are her�by assi�ned and shail be paid ta L�nd�r.
<br /> AI�Misceilaneaus Proceeds�hat are not applied t�ares�oration or repair of the Property shall be applied in th�arder
<br /> pro�ided for in Sec�ion 2.
<br /> 12. Borrawer Nat Relea��d; Forbearance By Len�ler Not a ,Wa��er. Extens�on of the ��me for paymen� or
<br /> modi��atian of amortizat�on�f the surns secur�d by this S�curity�ns�rument granted by Lender t�Borrower or any
<br /> Successor in�n�eres�of Bor�ower sha�.�n�t operate�o release the liability of Borrower or any Successors�n�n��rest of
<br /> Bor�ow�r.Lend�r sha1l not be r�quired�o commence praceedings agains�a�ay Successor in Interest af Barrov�r�r ar ta
<br /> refuse�o extend time far payment or other�vise modify amorti�a��on af the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument by
<br /> reason af any demand made b�the�riginal Barrower o�r a�y Successors in�nteres�of Borra�er.Any f�rbearance by
<br /> Lender in exercising any right or remedy including,withaut Iimita�ian,Lender's acceptanc�of payments from�hird
<br /> NEBRAS�A-5ing{e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT Form D28 �1 �,:
<br /> Page 8 of�3 �
<br /> ios,inc. Borrower�s}��i�ials�
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