2� 1 ����72
<br /> �EE� �vF TRusT
<br /> Lvan Nv: ����92a�7 {Cont�nued} Page �
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in��ac�far�he purp�se of making, execu�ing, deli�ering, �i�ing, r�ecording, and doing a��
<br /> o�h�r fihings as may �e necessary or desirable, in Lender's sole opin�on, �❑ accomplish �khe mafters referred �v in
<br /> �he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE, l� Borrower and Trustor pay all th� Indeb�edness, includ�ng without limita�ion all �uture
<br /> ad�ances, when due, and Trus�or afiherwise performs all the vb�igat�ons impased upon Trust�r under�his fleed of Trust,
<br /> Lender shall execute and de�i�er �o Trustee a request for �ull reconveyance and shall execu�e and delz�er to Trustar
<br /> suitable statements of fiermina�ian o�f any finan�ing statemen�on file e�idencing Lender's securi�y in�eres�t in�he Ren�s
<br /> and �he Personai Proper�y. Any recvn�eyanc� fee �-equired by law shall be paid by Trustor, i� permitted 1ay appli�ahle
<br />� law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of the �ollowing, a� Lender's vp�ion, shall cons�i�ute an E�ent o� Qefault under this Deed
<br /> o�Trus�:
<br /> Payment Defau[t. gorrawer fa��s�o ma�e any payment when du�under the �ndeb�edness.
<br /> D�her ❑efaults, B�rrawer or Trustor fails tv comply with ❑r to perform any ❑ther term, ❑bliga�ian, ca�enant or
<br /> condi�ion cantained in this Deed v�Trus�❑r in any o�the Related Documen�s ar ta cvmply wi�th or�� p�rform any
<br /> term, ❑bligation, ca�enant ar condi�ion con�ained in any o�her agreemen�be�ween Lende�and Borr�wer vr Trus�vr.
<br /> Cvmplian�e Defaul�. Failure �o �omply rrvi�h any other �erm, ❑bligation, co�enant vr condi�ion can�ained in fihis
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust,�he Nvte or in any of�he Rela�ed �ocu�ents.
<br /> ❑efault vn D�her Payments. Failure of Trustor within the time required 1ay fihis Deed o�F Trusfi to make any payment
<br /> far taxes vr insurance, o�-any❑ther payment ne�essary to pre�ent filing o�or�o e�fec�dis�harge of any lien.
<br /> False Sfiatemen�s. Any warranty, rep�esen�at€on ar sta�ement made or fu�nished tv Lender- �y Borrower or Trustor
<br /> or ❑n Barrower's vr Trustor's hehalf under this Deed o�Trust or the Related Documents is false or misleading in
<br /> any mafierial respec�, ei�her now or at fihe time made or �urnished or becomes false or misleading at any �ime
<br /> �hereafter.
<br /> aefeG�irrs Collateralizatian. This Deed of Trus� �r any o� �he Refated Dvcumen�s ceases to 1ae in full force and
<br /> effect �including failure ❑-� any colla�eral dvcumen�to create a �a�id and perfected security interes� or lien} at any
<br /> �ime and�or any reason.
<br /> Deafh ar Insalven�y. The death o�Borrower or Trustor, the insalvency of B�rrower or Trust�r, the appvintmen�v�
<br /> a reces�e�-fvr any par�of gvrrawer's vr Trustor's properky, any assignmen��vr the 1�ene�Fit of creditors, any type of
<br /> creditor warkvut, or the commencement a�any pr�ceeding under any bankruptcy or insol�ency �aws by❑�-agains�
<br /> Borrawer ar Trustvr.
<br /> Credi�or vr Forfei�ure P�viceedings. Commencement af foreclvsure o�- far�ei�ure praceedings, whether by judicia�
<br /> proceeding, sel�-help, repossession ❑r any ❑ther methvd, by any creditar �fi Bvrrower- or Trustor ar hy any
<br /> go�ernmental agency against any praper�y se�uring �he lndeb�edness. Ttiis includes a garnishmen� a� any �f
<br /> B�rrower's or Trustvr's accounfis, including depasi� accounts, wi�h Lender. Hvwe�er, fih;s E�ent a-� �3e�ault sha!!
<br /> not apply ifi fihere is a good �aith dispute by Borrower vr Trusto�- as to the �alidity ❑r reasonahleness of�he claim
<br /> which is�he basis ��the creditvr or�orfeiture proceeding and if Borrower or Trus�or gi�es Lender wr�tten nvfiice ❑fi
<br /> �the �reditor or fvrfieifiure proceeding and depnsits with Lender mvnies or a surety bond fv�-the creditor or�orfei�kure
<br /> proceeding, in an amaunt determined hy Lender, in its sole discre�ian, as being an adequa�e reser�e vr bvnd#ar fihe
<br /> dispu�e.
<br /> Breach o�D#her Agre�men�. Any brea�h hy gorrvwer ar Trustvr under the�erms of any other agreemen�he�ween
<br /> gorrower or Trustar and Lender tha� is not remedied wifihin any grace period pro�ided therein, including withou�
<br /> limi�a�ivn any agreemen� concerning any indeb�edness ❑r other obligation af Barrower or Trustor tv Lender,
<br />. whe�her existing naw vr later.
<br /> E�en�s Af-�ec�zng �uaranfor. Any af�he preceding e��nts accurs with respect�o any guarantor, endvrser, surety,
<br /> ❑r accommada�ian par�y af any ❑f the Indeb�edness vr any guaran�or, end�rser, surety, or accommoda�ion party
<br /> dies or be��mes incompe�ent, ❑r re�vkes ❑r dispu�es the �alidity af, �r iiability under, any G uaranty vf the
<br /> lndeh�edness.
<br /> Adrrerse Change. A material ad�erse change occurs in 6orrower's or Trustor's financia! conditivn, vr Lende�-
<br /> , belie�es the prvspe�t of payment or performance of the,lndeb�edness is impaired. , ,
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in govd�aith belie�es i�sel�insecure.
<br /> Righ�#o Cure. I�any default, other�han a de�au�t in�paymenfi, is curahle and if Trustvr has not been gi�en a no�ice
<br /> ❑f a breach o��he same prv�ision o�fihis D�ed of Trus�wi�hin the preceding twel�e {�2} months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustar, after Lender sends wri�ten notice �❑ Bar�awer demanding �ure �f such de�aul�: {1} cures the de�ault
<br /> wi�hin fifteen ��5� days; ❑r �2� i��he cure requi�-es mare than fifteen ��5y days, immediately ini�ia�es s�eps which
<br /> Lend�r de�ms in Lender's sale discretian �o be suf-�icient tv cure the defaul� and fiherea#t�r c�ntinues and
<br /> �vmpletes all reasanable and necessary s�eps suffiicient�o produc�compliance as saon as reasonably pra��ical.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEalES �N ❑EFAULT. !f an E�ent of Defaul�occurs under this Deed of Trus�, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee❑r Lender may exercise any one❑r more❑f the following righ�s and remedies:
<br />