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<br /> 1NHEN RECaR�3ED I1llAIL T�:
<br /> Five Points 6ank
<br /> 5outh Branch
<br /> 3'�'�"1 W.5�olley Pk. Rd.
<br /> Grand lsland NE 688�'1 F�Fi REC�RDER'S USE DNLY
<br /> ������D�O�'[�'i�9���7�34����5 2�16�
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST is dated January 5, 2a'��, amvng JERRY G DIMMITT and PATTY J
<br /> [�1MM1TT; HUSBAND and VIIIFE {"Trustvr"}; Five Paints Bank, whvse address is 5outh Branch,
<br /> 3�'�1 11�. 5tvlley Pk. Rd.. G�and Island, NE �$8�1 �referred ta helvv►► sametimes as "Lender"
<br /> and sometimes as "Benefi��ary"}; and Fi�e Points Bank, whose address is P.❑ Bvx '15�7, Grand
<br /> Island. NE 688D2-7�D7 {referred ta belv►n► as ''Trustee"}.
<br /> CDNVEYANCE AND GRANT. F8r�aluahle cansiderativn, Trus�vr conveys to Trustee in trustr WITH POWER �F SALE,
<br /> �ar the bene�it v� Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustar's right, tit�e, and infierest in and �o �khe �a[lawing described reaf
<br /> praperty, together with all existing vr subsequen�ly erected or a���xed bui�dings, imprv�emen�s and fixtures; al�
<br /> easem�nts, righfis o� way, and appurtenanc�s; af� wafier, wa�er rights and di��h rights {in�luding stock in ut�lities wi�h
<br /> � ditch vr irrigati�n righ�s}; and all other righfis, r�yalties, and prafii�s relating tn the �ea� properfiy, including withoufi
<br /> limita��on ail minerals, oil, gas, geo�hermal and similar mat�ers, tthe "Reai Praperty"} lvcated in HALL
<br /> Cvunty, 5tate of Nebraska: �
<br /> L�TS SEVEN �7}. EI�HT {$}, N1NE {9}, TEN {�i�}, ELEVEN t'!'1} AND T'I!�'ELVE {'12}, 1N
<br /> The Real Property vr its address is commonly known as 374 �l11 FR�NT ST, ALDA, NE �88'i�.
<br /> CR�SS-C�LLATERALiZATI�N. ln addi�ion tv the Nate, �his Deed ❑f Trust secures ai! obl�ga#ions, debts and IFabili�ies,.
<br /> p�us interest �thereon, o�F ei�her Trustar or gorrow�r t❑ Lender, vr any one ar more �� fihem, as weCf as al! c[aims by
<br /> Lender against Borrower and Trustor ❑r any ❑ne vr m�re ❑f them, whe�her now existing vr hereaf'ter arEsing, whe�her
<br /> re�a�ed or un�re�ated t❑ the purpose �f the Note, whe�her �ofuntary or atherwise, whether due ❑r no� due, di�-ect ❑r
<br /> indir�ct, determined ❑r undetermin�d, absolute ❑r con�ingen�, liquidated or unliquidated, whe�her Bvrrower ar Trustor
<br /> may be liab�e indi�idua��y or jaint�y with others, whe�her obfiga�ed as gua�-antor, surety, accommodatEon party or
<br /> o�he�-wise, and whether reco�ery upon such amounts may be ar hereafter may becvme barred by any sta�ute ��
<br /> limitations, and whether the obliga�ion to repay such amoun�s may be or hereafker may hecame atherw�se
<br /> unen�rorceai�le.
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addition to �he Note, this ❑eed of Trust secures all fu�ure adWances made by Lender t�
<br /> Bvrrower❑r Trus�ar whether or no��he advances are made pursuan�to a commifimen�. Specifica��y, without(imi�a�k�on,
<br />