<br />�
<br /> I
<br />� 2� 1 ����73
<br /> - ASSIGN111'iENT �F RENTS
<br /> Loan Nv: 1�'i�9�D�7 {C�tltinued} Pag� �
<br /> consolida�ions ❑f and substitu�ions �or�he Note ❑r Related I�ocumen�s and any amvunfis expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender �a discharge Grantor's ❑bligations ❑r expenses incurred by Lende�- to en�Force Crant�r's vbligations under
<br />; this Assignmen�, toge�her wi�h in��rest ❑n such am�un�s as pro�ided in fihis Assignment. Specifically, wi�hou�
<br />� limitation, Indebtedness includes �he future ad�anc�s se�k�or�h in the�Fu�ure Ad�an�es pro�isivn, together with all
<br />, interest �hereon and all amoun�s �khat may he indirecfi�y secured 1ay the Cross-Colla�eraliza�ion pro�ision of this
<br />, Assignment.
<br /> ,
<br />� Lender. The ward "Lender"�means Five Points gank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Note. The word "Nate" means the promissary no�te dated January 5, 2016, in the or���nal prin�ipal amount
<br /> vf $��,793.49 from Borr�wer t❑ Lender, �agether wi�h all renewafs ❑�, extensions vf, mvdi�ica�ivns of,
<br />. refinan�ings o�, conso�ida�ians of, and substitutfons fivr fihe promissory nate ❑r agreemen�k.
<br /> Praperfiy. The word "Praper�y" means all �f Grantar's �-igh�, ti�le and interes� in and tv all�the Property as
<br />! described in fihe "Assignment" section of this Assignmenfi.
<br />;
<br />� Related Documents. The words "Related Docum�nts" mean all promissory no�es, credi� agreements, Ivan
<br />� agreements, en�ironmen�al agreemen�s, guaranties, security agreemen�s, martgages, deeds of trus�, securi�y
<br />� deeds, colla�era� mortgages, and all v�her instrumen�s, agreements and documen�s, whether now vr hereafter
<br />�
<br />� existing, executed in connec�ian with�he (ndebfiedness.
<br />` Ren�s. The word "Renfis" means a[[ af Grant�r's presen� and future rights, fiifile and in�erest in, �❑ and under any
<br />,
<br />! and ai� presen� and future ��ases; including, wi�hout limi�kation, all rents, re�enue, inc�me, ;ssues, royal�ies,
<br />' bonuses, accaunfis receiWable, cash ar security depvsits, ad�ance rentais, pro�fits and �roceeds from �he Property,
<br />�
<br />; and other payments and benefi�s deri�ed ❑r to be deri�ed fram su�h leases ❑f eWery kind and nature, whe�her due
<br />� naw ❑r�ater, includ�n� wifihaut limi�a�ian Grantor's right to enfvrce such �eases and �a recei�e and col�ec�paymen�
<br />� and proceeds�hereunder.
<br />� D�CL]MENT 15 EXECUTEi3 aN JANUARY 5, ��'i 6.
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<br /> �n�his day l�e�ore me,the unders�gned Notary Public, personally appeared JERRY G DIMMITT and PATTY J D111J1MITT ,
<br /> Husband and V1Ci�e,to me known to b��he indi�iduals described in and wha execu�ed the ASSICNMENT DF RENTS, and
<br /> acknowledged tha� they signed the Assignmen� as �heir free and volun�ary act and deed, �ar the uses and purpases
<br /> �herein menfiioned.
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<br />; . Given under my hand and official s�al this � day o� ,20 �
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<br /> �F�IIEflAL{�QTARY-5ta����N�b�aSlta Printed Name: r�,'
<br />� �� D�l�A A PR1�E No#ary PubliG in a d fvr he Sta�e of /�
<br />� M ��mm.Ex . �
<br /> ��" � � ���'��r��#� Residing at � �
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<br /> My�ommission expires �
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