� 2� 1 ����73
<br />� ASSl�NI�lIENT �F RENT�
<br /> Loan Nv: 'I�1292��7 {Continued} Page 4
<br /> which Lender deems in Lender's so�e d€scre�ion to �e sufficient fia cure the de�fauft and thereafker Gon�inues and
<br /> carnplefies all reasonabfe and necessary steps sufficient t❑ praduce complian�e as saan as reasvnably practicaf.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES DN DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence o�any E�en�❑�f De�faul�and a�any�ime thereafter, Lender
<br /> may exercise any ane or more v�the�ollowing righ�s and �emedies, in additian to any ofiher rights ❑r remedies pro�ided
<br />; by law:
<br /> Accelerate Indela�edness. Lender shall ha�e �he right at i�s �ption to declare �he en�ire Inde�tedness immediate�y
<br />, due and payable, includ;ng any prepaymen�pena[fiy fihat gorraw�r wauld be required to pay.
<br />: Collec� �Rents, Lender shall haWe the right, without nvtice t❑ Barrowe�- ar Gran�or, ta take possession af the
<br />; Property and collec� the Rents, �ncluding amaun�s pas� due and unpaid, and apply the net pro�eeds, over and
<br />; abo�� Lender's cvsts, agatnst the Indelatedness. )n furtherance o� �khis righ�, Lender sha11 ha�e all �he rights
<br />' prv�ided for in the Lender's Right to Recei�e and Cvllect Renfis Secfiion, aba�e. lf the Ren�s ar� cvllec�ed 1ay
<br />' Lender,then G�-antvr i�-re�v�ably des€gna�es Lender as Granto�-'s a�torney-in-fact t� endorse instruments recei�ed in
<br /> paymen��hereo�in�he name ❑f Grantor and�❑ negatiate the same and collec�the pr��eeds. Paymen�s by tenants
<br /> or vther users fi❑ Lender in respanse to Lender's demand sha�� satisfy the obligativns �vr which the paymen�s are
<br />, made, whether or nvt any proper grounds �or fihe demand exis�ed. Lender may exer�ise its righ�ks under �his
<br />' subparagraph ei�her in person, by agen�, v�through a �ecei�er.
<br />; ��her Remedies. Lender shall ha�e all other righfis and remedies pro�ided in this Assignment or the Na�e or by
<br /> iaw.
<br /> Elec�ion o�Remedies. Elec�ion by Lender tv pursue any �-emedy shall na�exclude pursuit of any a�her remedy, and
<br /> an electian fi❑ mak�expendifiures ❑r to take ac�ion tv perform an obli�afiion❑f Grantor under fihis Assi�nment, after
<br /> Gran�or's failure t� perform, sha�t no�a��e��Lender's right to declare a de�ault and exercise its remedies.
<br />� Attorneys` Fees; Expenses. lfi Lender institutes any suit or action to enfvrGe any o�fihe fierms afi this Assignment,
<br />� Lende�- sha�i be enti�led t❑ reco�er such sum as �he cvurt may adjudge reasonabfe as a��orneys' -�ees at t�riat and
<br />� upan any appeal. VIlhe�her or not any court action [5 in�ol�ed, and tn the extent n�t prahibited �y law, a11
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender`s opinion a�e necessary afi any fiime �or the pro�ec�tion af ifis
<br /> in�erest or the enforcement of i�ks rights shall becvme a par�af�he lndeb�edness payable on demand and shall bear
<br />. interes�at the Nvfie �-ate from�he dafie��F�he expenditure untii repaid. Expenses cvvered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without �imita�ion, haweWer suhject�o any lim��s under applicable �arrv, Lender's at�vrneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br />' expenses, whether or not there is a IawsuEt, in�luding attvrneys` fees and expenses �Far 1�ankruptcy praceedin�s
<br /> {including efforts to m�dify❑r�acate any au�omatic s�ay or injunc�ion}, appeals, and any anticipa�ed pos�judgment
<br />. colt�c�ion ser�ices, �he cost of searching records, olataining �itle reports {including f�reclosure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br />' reports, and appraEsa� �ees, tifile insurance, and fees for �he Trustee, �v �he exten� permifited by applicahle Iaw.
<br />; Grantor also wil[pay any c�urt�os�s, in addition-�o a11 o�her sums pro�ided by law.
<br />, NtESCELLANE�US PRDVt51�NS. The following miscellaneaus pro�isions are a par�❑�this Assignment:
<br />, Amendmen�ts. This Assignmen�, tage�her with any Relafied Documen�s, constitu�es �he entire understanding and
<br /> agreement of the parties as to �he matters set forth in this Assignment. Nv altera�ion o� ❑r amendmenfi to this
<br />� Ass�gnmen� shall be effec���� unless g�ven in writing and signed by �he party ❑r parties sought�o be �harged ar
<br />. bound by�he alteratian or amendment.
<br />� Captivn Headings. Caption headings in this Assignmenfi are for can�enience purposes ❑nly and are not to be used
<br />, to interpre�or de�ine the pro�isions vf this Assignmen�. �
<br />� Govern�ng Law. This Assignment will be gvverned by �federal �aw applEcahle to Lender and, #v the extent no�
<br />;
<br /> preempted by federal lav►r,the�aws ���he S�ate o�Nebraska withaut regard#o its confli�ts of!aw prorrisions. This
<br />; Assignment has been a�cep#ed by Lender in fhe Sta�e of Nebraska.
<br />�
<br />; Choice of Venue. 1�fihere is a lawsuit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's request fi❑ submifi�o the jurisdiction o�fihe
<br /> � courts o�Hall Cvunty, State af Nebraska.
<br />� Join� and Several Liabiii�y. All obligatEons ❑� 6o�-�ower and Grantar under this Assignmenfi shall be jvin� and
<br />� se�e�al, and all referenc�s fi❑Gran�or shall mean each and e�ery Gran�ar, and al[ r-eferences to Bvrrowe�shall mean
<br />� each and e�ery Bar�-ow�r. This means �hat each Grantor signing bef�w is respansible fvr al� ob�iga�kians in this
<br />� Assignmen�.
<br /> � . , ,
<br />, Merger. There sha!! be n❑ merger vf the in�erest or estate �rea�ed by fihis assignment with any ❑�her interest or
<br /> estate in the Property a�any fiime held by vr for the benefit❑f Lender in any capacity, without the written consen�
<br />� o�Lender.
<br /> lnterpre�ation. �"�y ln alf cases where �here is mvre than one Borrower or Grantor, then a�� words used in this
<br /> Assignment in�he singular shaff �e deemed t❑ ha�e been used in the p�ura! where the contex� and cvns�ructivn so
<br /> require. {2} I�more than one person sEgns this Assignment as "Grantor," �he ❑b�igatians ❑f each Grantor ar-e join�
<br /> and se�eraE. This means �ha�k if Lender brings a Eawsu�t, Lender may sue any ❑ne �r more of �he Grantars. 1�
<br /> Bvrrowe�-and Grantvr are nvt fihe same persan, Lender need no�sue Sorrower first, and that Borrower need not f��
<br />: joined in any lawsuit. �3y The names gi��n ta paragraphs or secti�ns in fihis Assignment are for convenience
<br /> purposes❑nly.They are nvt to be used ta in�er�refi ar define the pra�isions❑f this Assignment.
<br />