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2� 1 ����55 <br /> for�he repairs and res�aratinn in a single payment or in a seri�s af progress pa�men�s as the work�s <br /> camplet�d. �f the insurance or candemnation proceeds are not suf�c�en��� repair or restore�he Property, <br /> BQrrow�r is not re�iev�d�f B�rrow�r's ob��ga��on for the comple��on of such repair�r restoratian. <br /> Lender or i�s agent may make reasanable�ntries upan and �nspect�ons of the Proper�y. If it has r�as�nab�e <br /> cause, Lender may in�pec�the interior of the�mprovern�nts�n the Propert�. L�nder shall give B�rrower <br /> nntice at the time of or prior to such an in�erior in�pectian spe��f�r�ng such reas�nable caus�. <br /> 8. Borrvwer's Lvan App�icatian. Borraw�r�hall be in default�f, dur�ng�he Loan agp�ication pracess, <br /> Barr�wer�r any p�rsans or ent���es acting at the dir�etian of Borrower or w�th Barrower's knowl�dge or <br /> consent ga�e materia��y fa�se, m�s��ad�ng, or inac�urate information or sta�em�nts ta Lender�or failed to <br /> provide Lender wi�h materia� �nformat�on} �n cannecti�n wi�h�h�L�an. Materia� representations �nc�ude, bu� <br /> are not limited�a, represen�ations cflncern�ng Bor�rnwer's occupan�y�f the Prop�rty as B�rrawer's prin��pal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Pr�tectivn vf Lender's Interest �n the Prvperty and Rights Under this Secur�ty fnstrument. If�a} <br /> B�rrower fa��s to perfnrm�he�av�nants and agreem�nts con�ained�n thzs S�cur��y �ns�rumen�, �b} there�s a <br /> �egal proceed�ng�ha�m�gh� ��gn�f��antly affect Lender'� interes�in the Property andlor ri�hts under this <br /> S�cur�ty �ns�rument�such as a pr��eed�ng zn bankruptcy, prflbate, f�r condemnation flr forf��ture, for <br /> enforcement of a lien which rnay atta�n przority�v�r th�s Se�uri�y Instrumen�ar to�nf�rce laws ar <br /> regula�ions}, or�c} B�rrawer has abandoned the Proper��, �hen Lender ma�do and pay for wha�ever is <br /> reasonable or appropria�e to pratect L�nder's intere�t�n�he Pr�per�y and righ�s und�r this S�cur�ty <br /> Instrument, inc�uding pratecting andlor assessing the�alue of the Propert�, and secur�ng andl�r repairing <br /> �he Property. Lender's actians can include, but are nat linr�ited to: �a}pay�ng any sums s�cur�d by a I�en <br /> �vhich has przorit�r over�his Sec�rity Ins�rument; �b} app�aring in court; and�c}paying reasonabl�a�t�rneys' <br /> fe�s to protec��ts �n�erest in the Prop�rt�ar�dlor righ�s under�his Se�urity Instrumen�, �nc�ud�ng �ts s��ur�d <br /> poszt�fln�n a�ankruptcy praceed�ng. Securing the Property includes, but is no��imi�ed t�, en�erzng the <br /> Proper�y to make repa�rs, change��c�s, rep�ace or board up doors and windows, drain water frorn pipes, <br /> ei�m�na�e�uil�ing or a�her�ode u�o�at�ans or dangerous�onditi�ns, and have u�i�i�ies�urn�d on or off. <br /> Although L�rzder may �ake a�t�an under th�s Sectzon 9, Lender does not have�o da sa and is nat under an� <br /> duty�r obligation��d� sa. It�s agre�d that Lender incurs n�1ia�ilit�for not�aking any or al� aetions <br /> authorized under this �e�tion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this 5ection 9 sha�� be�fl�m.e add�tiona�debt�f B�rrower secured by <br /> �h�s SeCur�ty �ns�rument. Th�se amnun�s shai�b�ar�nterest at the N�te ra�e fron�the da�e of d�sbursement <br /> and sha��be payable, wzth such �nt�res�, upon n�tic� from Ler�der ta Barrow�r reques��ng payment. <br /> If th�s Security Instrument�s on a�easeho�d, Borrnwer shal� comply with all �he pravisians�f the l�ase. �f <br /> Borrower acquires fee title ta the Property, the�easeha�d and�he f�e��t��shall n�t m�rge unl�s� L�nder <br /> agrees�a the merger in writing. <br /> '1 D, Mortgage �nsurance. �f L�nder required Mor�gage Insurance as a c�ndition of nlakin�th�Laan, B�rr�w�r <br /> sha�l pay the prem�ums requ�red to maintain the Martgage Insurance in effect. �f, far any reason, �he <br /> Mor�gage�nsurance caverage required�y Lender ceas�s to be availabl�from�he mar�gage insurer tha� <br /> pre�iausly pro�ided such�nsurance and gorr�wer was required�o make s�parately designated payments <br /> taward the premiums for M�r�gage�nsurance, Borrower sha��pay�he prem�ums required t� ob�ain co�erage <br /> substantia�ly equ��alent to the Mor�gage Insurance previous�y�n effect, at a c�st substantial�y �quivalent ta <br /> the�os��o Barr�vv�r of the Mor�gage�nsurar�ce pre�iaus�y �n effec�, ai�erna�e mor�gage insurer <br /> se�ected by Lender. �f substant�al�y equi�alent Mar�gag��nsurance co�erage�s not a�ai�able, Borrower shal� <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Farnily-Fanrti�MaelFreddie Mac tJN�F�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 71�� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}t1302} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 8 v�17 <br />
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