2� 1 ����55
<br /> sa�isfaction, provided that such inspecti�n sha11 be under�aken promptly. Lend�r may pay fnr the repa�rs
<br /> an.d res�flrati�n in a single disbursement flr in a ser�es�f progress payments as the work�s�omplete�..
<br /> Un��ss an agreement is made�n wr���ng flr App�icable Law requ�r�s interes�ta be pazd on such
<br /> M�sce��ane�us Pro�eeds, Lender sha�� nQ�be required�o pay Borrawer any int�r�st or earnings�n su�h
<br /> M�sce��aneous Proceeds. �f the r�starat�an or r�pair is n��econom.�ca��y feas�b�e�r L�nder's securi��wau�d
<br /> be�e�sened, �he Misce�laneous Proc��ds shall be app��ed t� �h��um.s secured by�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�,
<br /> wheth�r or not then due, with th�exc�ss, if any, paid to B�rrower. Such Mxsce��ane�us Prac�eds shal� �e
<br /> applied in�he arder provided far in Section�.
<br /> In th�even��f a t��a� taking, de�truction, or��ss in�alue of the Property, �he Miscel�an�ous Prac�eds sha��
<br /> b�appl�ed�o th�sunzs secured by th�s Securzty �ns�rument, wh��her or nat�hen due, with the ex�ess, if any,
<br /> paid ta B�rrower.
<br /> �n the ewen�of a partia� tak�ng, ci�structxan, or loss �n va�ue of�he Property �n which the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Proper�y imm�diat�Iy before the partial taking, destruc��on, ar�oss �n value�s equal to or�reater than�he
<br /> amoun��f the sums s��ure�by this Securit� Instrum�n� imm���ate�y befare the par�ial tak�ng, destruc��an, or
<br /> ioss in va�ue, unless Borr��ver and Len�.er�therw�se agree�n wri�ing, the sums secured by�his Security
<br /> Ins�rumen�sha��be redu��d b��he am�unt of the Mzsc�l�aneaus Proceeds multip�ied by�he fa�Iowing
<br /> frac�ion: �a} the�atal a�n.�unt of the sums secured �n�.m�dia�eZy b�fare the par��ai taking, destruc�ian, or lass
<br /> xn�a�ue dz�rided by �b}�he fair market�a�ue of the Proper�y �mme��a�e�y before the�ar��a� �aking,
<br /> des�ru�tian, or lass in value. Any balance sha�l be paid t� Borrawer.
<br /> �n�he e�ent of a par�ial taking, des�ruct�on, or IQss in valu�of the Propert�r �n which�he fa�r�nark��va�ue of
<br /> the Property immed�atel�b�f�r��he partia� taking, destruction, or loss in va�ue is �ess �han the amoun�of�he
<br /> sums secur�d immed�a�e�y b�fore�he partial taking, des�ru��ion, or loss in value, unl�ss Borrower and
<br /> Lender o�h�rw�se agr�e�n wrzt�ng, �he M�sce��an��us Proc��ds shall b�applied to the sums secur�d by this
<br /> Secur��y�n�trument whether�r not�he suxns are then due.
<br /> �f�he Proper�y �s abandoned by Borro�rer, ar if, af�er natice by Lender to Borrawer that the�pposing Party
<br /> �as de�ned in the ne��sen�enc�} offers�a mak�an award�o sett�e a c�aim for damages, Borrower fa�.�s to
<br /> r�sp�nd ta L�nder wi�hin 3�days after�he dat�th�no�zce�s g�ven, Lender�s authoriz�d to ca��ec�and appi�
<br /> th� Misce��aneous Prace�ds ei�h�r t� res�ora�ion or repair of the Proper�y ar to the sums secured by this
<br /> Se�ur�ty Instrumen�, whe�her�r not then due. "�pposing Par�y" means�he thir�par�y�hat owes Borr�wer
<br /> M��ce�Iane�us Pr�ce�d�or�he party aga�ns�wham Borrower has a right�f action in regar�to Misceilaneous
<br /> PraC�eds.
<br /> Borr�wer sha�l be in defau�t �f any act�on or proceedin�, whe�her c�vi�or criminai, �s�egun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, could result in forfei�ure of th�Proper�y or o�her ma�erzal �mpaxrment af Lend�r's interest in the
<br /> Prop�rty or rights under�his �e�urity �n�trurnent. Borraw�r can cure such a defau�t and, �f ac��leration has
<br /> occurred, reinstat�as pra�ided in 5��tion �9, by cau�ing the action or proce�ding ta be dism.issed vvith a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgment, pr��lud�s farfei�ure af the Property nr other ma�erial impairment�f
<br /> L�nd�r's �n��r�st �n the Froper�y or rzghts under this Secur�ty �ns�rument. Th�pr�ceeds of an�a�vard�r
<br /> c�a��m f�r damages that are at�r�butab�e�o the�mpa�rmen�of L�nder's inter��t zn th�Proper�y ar�here�y
<br /> as�igned and sha�l be paid tQ L�nder.
<br /> All Mi�cellaneous Pr�c��ds tha�are nat applie�to restara�ian or repair of�he Proper�y shall be appli�d in the
<br /> order pravid�d for�n Se�t�on�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannis MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3428 11��
<br /> VMP Q VMPStNEf{13D2�
<br /> Wvlters KEuwer Finaneial 5er�ices Page 1 D af 17
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