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2� 1 ����38 <br /> serv�ces and subsequent charges each�ime remapp�ngs or similar ehanges occur which reasonabty might <br /> affect such determination or certi�cation. Borrower shall also be responsible f�r the payn�.�nt of any f�es <br /> �mpased by the Federa�Emergency Management Agency in coanec���n�vith�he review of an�flo�d�one <br /> determination resulting from an obj�ction by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower faits to maintain any of the caverages described abo�e,Lender may obtain insurance ca�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligation to purchase any particular type or <br /> amount of coverage. Th�refore, such coverage shall cover Lender,bu�m�ght or might not pro�ect I�orrower, <br /> �3orrower�s equity in the Property,or the contents of the Property,against any r�sk,hazard ar liability and <br /> might pro�ide greater or lesser coverage than vvas previously in effect. Borrower acl�owledges that the cost <br /> of the insurance�overage so obtained might significantly exceed the cost of insurance that Barrower could <br /> hav�obtained.Any amounts disburse�by Lender under this Section 5 sha11 become additional debt of <br /> Borrower'secured by this Security Instrument. These amounts sha��bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> da�e of disburserr�ent and�ha��be payable,with such interes�,upon notice from Lender to Borro�ver <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> A�t insurance�olicies required by Lender and rene�vals of su�h p41i��es sha��be subject ta Lender's right to <br /> disappro�e such po�ic�es, sha11 include a standaxd martgage clause�and s�all name Lender as martgagee <br /> andlar as an additionalloss payee. Lender sha11 have�he right�o hold the policies and renewai cer�ificates. <br /> If Lender requi.res, I�orrower sha11 promptly give to Lender a11 receipts of paid premiums and renewal <br /> no��c�s. If Borr�wer obtains any form of insurance coverage� not otherwise required by Lender, for darnage <br /> to,or destruction of,the Property, such policy shal�include a standard mortgage clause and sha11 name <br /> Lender as mortgagee and�or as an additionalloss pa��ee. <br /> In the event of��ss, Borro�ver sha�1 give prompt notice to the�nsurance carri�r and Lender, Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrawer. Unless Lender and Borrower other�vise agre�i�a <br /> �riting,an�insuran�e proceeds,v�hether or not the unde��ying insurance was required b�Len�er, shail�be <br /> appiied to restaration or repair of the Proper�, if the restoration ar repair is ecanomically feasible and <br /> I,.ender's securi�r is not 1es�ened. Uuring such repair and restoration p�riod,Lender shall have the right�o <br /> �iald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to inspec�such Property to ensure the <br /> work has been completed t�Lender's satisfaction,pravided that such inspectian sha11 b�undertaken <br /> promp��y. Ler�der may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration�n a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as�he�vork is completed.Unless an agreement is made in writing Qr Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall n�t be required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings an such proc�eds. Fees for public adjusters,ar other third parti�s,retained by Bonov�er <br /> sha11 not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and sha�l b�the sole obligat�on of Bonower. If the restoration <br /> or repair is not economically feasible ar Lender's s�curity v�rou�d be lessened,�he�nsurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,�uhether or not then due,with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. 5uch insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order pro�ided for in�e�tion 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the Praperty,Lender ma�f le,negotiate and settle any availab�e in�urance claim and <br /> related matters. If Ba�ro�rer d�es not�espond�ithi�.�4 da�ys to�notice fro�n Lender that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered to sett�e a claim,then Lender may negotiate and s�ttle the claim. The 3�-day period wiii <br /> begin when the notice is given. In e�ther event,or if Lender acqu�res the Praper�y under Section 2�or <br /> ot�ierv�ise,Borrov�er here�y assigns to�.en�ier ta}Borrower's rights to any in�urance pr�ceeds in an amount <br /> not to exceed�he amounts unpa�d under the Note or this Sec�rity Instrument,and�b}any other of <br /> Bonower's rights(other than the right to any refun.d of unearn�d premiums paid by Borrower}under a�� <br /> insurance policie�covering th�Property, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage of the <br /> Property, Lender may use the insurance graceeds ei�her to repair or restore the Proper�y or to pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Ma�1Fr�eddie Mac UN�FQRM lNSTRUMENT W1TH MERS Form 3U28�Ifl1 <br /> VMP� VMPCA4NE)443Q�}.04 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financlal Se�rices Pag�7 of 17 <br /> q�3349649671 4233 253 �717 <br />