2� 1 ����38
<br /> ��I. HazardousSu�astances.As used in this Section 21: �a} "Hazardou.s�Su�star�cQs"are those substances
<br /> defined as toxic or ha�ardous subs�ances,pollutants,or wastes b�Enviro��x�tal La�a�.d the f��I�wing
<br /> substances: gaso�ine,kerosene,other flammable ar toxic petrol�um product�,toxic pesti�ides and herbicides,
<br /> valatile so�vents, materials conta�ning asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; �b}
<br /> "�nv�r�nmer��al�.a�"m�an�federallaws and laws of�he juri�di�tion where the F}roper� is located�hat
<br /> relate to hea�th, safety or en�ironmenta.�prote�tion; (c} "E���ronine��al Clear���"��clud�s�ny response
<br /> action, remedial acti�n, or removat action, as de�n�d in Environrriental Law; and(d}an "Er�viror�iraer�tal
<br /> �`orxditiorc"means a condition that can cause, contribu�e�o, or other�v�se trigger an�n�iranmental��eanup.
<br /> Borrawer shall not cause or permit the presence,use,disposal, stor�.ge,or release of an�Ha�ardous
<br /> Substa�ces,or threaten t�re�ease an��3a�ardous�ubsta�.ces,on or�n.the Prop�rty, B�rra�ver shal�not do,
<br /> nor a11�w anyone etse to do,anything affec�ing the Property(a)that is in�iolat�an of any Env�ra�.vm�nta�
<br /> Law, �b}which creates an Environmenta.l Conditian,or(c�which,due to the presence,use,or release of a
<br /> Hazardou�Su�bs�anc�,creates a eondition that ad�erse�y affec�s the�alue of�he Property. The preceding�ua
<br /> sentences shall no�apply to�he presence,use,or stora�e�n the Property of small quantities��'Ha�ardflus
<br /> Substaaces that are g�nerally recogn�zed to be apgropriate to r�ormaX residential uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Property�including,but not limited to,hazardous sub��ances in consumer products).
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gi�e Lender written notice of(a)any investigation,c�aim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action by a�.y governmenta�ar r��ulat�ry ag�ncy ar pri�ate part�involving the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substanee or Environmental Law of vvhich Borro�ver has actual knowledge,�b}any Environmental
<br /> Condition, including but not limit�d to,any spillin�� Ieaking,discharge,re�ease or threat of release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and(c)any condition caused by the�resence,use or re�ease of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which adversely affec�s the value�f the Proper�y. If$orro�ver 1�arns,or is notified by an�ga�e���.ta.�or
<br /> regulatory authority,ar an�private party,that an�removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affec��ng the Property is necessary,Borrower shal�promptly ta.ke a�I necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordanc���th Environxnen�ta�La�.I�othing herein�ha�I�reate any obligati�n on�ender for an
<br /> Environmental C�eanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform�a�enants.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follaws:
<br /> 22. A�celeration;Remedies.Lender sha��give notxce to Bor�vwer prior to acce�erativn foll�wing
<br /> B�rrov�er's breach of any cu�enant ar agreement in this Security Ins�rument�but not pri�r to
<br /> acceleration under Section 18 unless Applicable L�w pro�ides o�herwi.se�, The nat�ce shall specify: �a}
<br /> the default;�b��he a�tian.requi�ed t�cu�re the defaults�c}a dat�,nat less than 3U days frvm the da�e
<br /> the no�i�e is given to Barrvwer,by which the default must be cured; and�d�that failure t� �ur�the
<br /> c�efault an vr before the dat�spec�f ed in the nvt�ce may result in accelerativn�f the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sale of the�roperty.The na�ice shal�further inform B�rrawer of the
<br /> right to re�nstate after a�ceieration�nd�he right ta�r�ng a c�urt actian to asser�t�e nQn-existence of a
<br /> default ar any other defense of B�rrower to a��e�eration and sale.If the default��not Cured on vr
<br /> before the date specified in the notice,Lender at its apti�n may require immediate payment�n�u��of
<br /> all sums s�cured by this Se�urity Instr�ument wit��ut�f�.rt�ie��demand and may invake the pvwer of ss�e
<br /> and any other reme�.ies permitted b�Applicable Law.Lender shall be entit�ed to�ollect aIi expenses
<br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section 2�,including,but n�t limited to,reas�nable
<br /> attarne�s'fe�s and cvsts of title evidence.
<br /> qU334��49671 q�33 Z53 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFneddie Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT VIIITH MERS Form 3�2g�lQ1
<br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE)(1302).44
<br /> Wo4�lers}tlr�wer Fir�ar��ia�Services Page 14 of 7�
<br />