2� 1 ����38
<br /> 4a� An�such agreements will n.at affect th�a�nounts that Bvrruwer has agreed ta pay fnr Mart�age
<br /> Insur�nce,or any other terms�f the Laan.Such agreements wii�n�at increase the am�un�t
<br /> Barrnw�r vr�ill�v�e f�r�I�rtgag��nsuran�e, an�they�vi�l not entitle Borrower to any refund.
<br /> (b� Any such agreements�.��not affect�he right�Bnrr�wer ha��if a�y-w�th respect to the
<br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeovvners Protection Act of 1998 or any ather law.These rights
<br /> may include the r�ght ta receive certain disc��sures,tv request and flbtain canc�e�i�tivn tif the
<br /> Mortgage Insuran�e,t�ha�e the Martgage Insurance terminated automatically,andl�r to receive
<br /> a refund of any 1Vlortgage Insuran�e prernium�that vr�ere unearned at the tim�of such
<br /> canc�llat�on or terminatxan.
<br /> 1�I. Assignmentof IVfiscel�aneousProceeds;Forfeiture.�ti�VIisce��aneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to
<br /> and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> If the Property is damaged, such M�scellaneous Proceeds shall be appl�ed to resto�'ation or repair of the
<br /> Property, if the restoration or repair xs economically feasible and Lender`s security is not l�ssened. During
<br /> such repair and restora�ion period, Lender sha11 have the righ�to hold such Misce��aneaus Praceeds until
<br /> Lender has had an apportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been cara�pleted to L�nder's
<br /> satisfact�on,provid�d that such inspection sha11 be un�ertaken prompti�. Lender may pay for the r�pairs and
<br /> restoration in a sing�e dis�u.rsem�nt or in a series of progress pa�ments as the�vork is completed. L�n�ess an
<br /> agreement is made in writing or A�pplicable La�v requires interest to be paid vn such Miscellaneous Proceeds,
<br /> L�nder shalt n�t be required to pay Borrower any interest�r earnings on such Misc�Ila�eous Proce�ds. If the
<br /> restoration or repair�s not ec�namicaily feasible or Lender's securit��ou1d be�ess�n.�d,the Misce�laneaus
<br /> Proce�ds shall be applied to the sums secured b�this Secur�ty Instrument,wheth�r or not then due,with the
<br /> e�cess, if an�,�aid to Bor�vvver. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds sha�I�be appl�ed in the order provided for in
<br /> Section 2.
<br /> In the event of a tota�taking,destruction,or los�in va�ue af the I'raper�y,the Mis����aneous Proceeds shall
<br /> be appli�d to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,�vhether or not then due,with the exce�s,if any,
<br /> paid�a Borrower.
<br /> In the ev�nt af a partial taking,destruction,or loss�n value af the Property in�hich the fair market value of
<br /> the Praperty rmmediately before the partia�taking,destruct�on,or loss in�a1ue is�qua1 to or greater than the
<br /> amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrumeat immediately before the partial takirag,de�truction,�r
<br /> loss in�alue,un�ess Borraw�r and Lender otherwise agree in�riting,the sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> Instrument�hall be reduced by the amount af�he Misce��aneous 1'roceeds multipiied by the f�llowing
<br /> fraction: [a}the tota.l amount of the sums secured immediately before the partia�taking,d�struct�on,or loss
<br /> in value divided�y�b}the fair mark�t value of the Property immediatet�before the partiat taking,
<br /> des�ruction,or loss in va�ue,Any ba�ance shai�be paid to B�rro�er.
<br /> In the event of a partia�taking,destruction,or Ioss in�a�ue�f the Praperty in which the fair marke�value of
<br /> �he property immediatel�before the partial taking, destructi�n,or loss in value�s�ess than the am�un�of the
<br /> sums secured immediately before the partial ta.king, des�ruction,ar toss in�ralue,unless Borrower and
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing,th�M�scellaneous Froceeds shall be applied to�h�sums secured by this
<br /> Sec�r��t}�Instrument whether or nat the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,ar if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the�pposing Patty
<br /> �as defined in the next sentenc�}offers to make an a�ard to settle a cta�m for damages,Borrower fails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 3�days af�er the date the raotice is givera,Lender is authorized to collect and apply
<br /> the M�sce�laneous Proceeds either to restorati�n or repair of the Property or to the sums seGured by this
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingle F�mify-Fartr�ie MaefFr�ddie Mac UNlFQRM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 114�
<br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE���3Q2}.�4
<br /> Wolter's Kluwer Financial Services Page 14 of 17
<br /> q�3349649671 4233 �53 1�1.7
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