2� 1 ����37
<br /> Any application of payments, �nsurance proceeds, or MisceX�aneous Proce�ds�o principa.�due under the No�e
<br /> shali not extend or postpone th�due date, or change the amaunt, of the P�riodic P�ymen�s.
<br /> 3. Fund�for Escraw Items. Borrower shai�pay to Lender on the day P�riadic Pa�rments are due under�he
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid in ful1, a sum�the "Funds"}to pro�rxde for paymen�of amounts due for: (a}taxes
<br /> and assessments and other items v�h�ch can at�ain privri�y o�rer thxs Secur�ty�ns�rument as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b}Ieasehold pa�ments ar ground rents on the Properry, �f an�r; �c}premi.ums
<br /> for an�and a�1 insurance requ�red by Lender under�ectxon 5; and�d} Mortgage Ynsurance premi.ums, �f an�,
<br /> or an�sums paya�le by Borrower to Lender in lxeu of the pa}�ment of Mortgage Insuranc�premiums�n
<br /> a�cordance vvxth the provisians of Sect�on 1 Q. These i�ems are cal.xed "Escrow Items." At originat�on or a�
<br /> any time dur�ng�he x�rm of the Laan, Lender may requ�re that Communi�y Assaciat�on Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if any, b�escrowed by Barrovver, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s sha11 be an Es�rnw
<br /> Item. Bvrrower shalx promptl� furnish to Lender a11 notices of amounts to be pa.�d under�his Se,ction.
<br /> Barrower sha�I pay Lender th�Funds for Es�row Ytems un�ess Lender waives Borrower's ob�igation to pay
<br /> the Funds for any or a�I Escrow Items. Lender may�vaive Barrawer's obl�gation Ca pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any nr a1� Escro�v�tems at any time. Any such vvai�er ma�only be�n wr�txng. In the e�ent of such wai�er,
<br /> Barrower shall pay directly, v�hen and v�rhere payabxe, the amoun�s due f�r any Escrow Items for vvhich
<br /> paym�nt af Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if L.�nder requxres, shaii furni.sh to Lender receipts
<br /> e�idencing such payment within such time period as Lender may require. Borro�v�r's obligat�on tv make
<br /> such paymen�s and�o pro�ide receipts sha.li for a.�I purposes be deemed to be a co�enant and agreement
<br /> contained in this Secur�ty Instrumen�, a.s the phrase "co�enan�and agreement" �s used in Sec�ron 9. If
<br /> Borrower is obligated ta pay Escrow�terns direc��y, pursuant tv a waiver, and Borrower fails ta pay�he
<br /> amoun�du�for an Escrow�tem, Lender may exercxse�ts righ�s under Section 9 and pay su�h amount and
<br /> Borrov�rer shal.�th�n be ob�iga�ed under Sec�ion 9�o repay to Lender an�su�h amvunt. I.ender may re�roke
<br /> the wai�er as to any or a11 Escrow Item�at any time by a no��ce given in accordance�virh Sectian 15 and,
<br /> upvn such re�acativn, Borrower sha11 pay to Lender aII Funds, and�n such amountis, that are then required
<br /> under th�s Section 3.
<br /> L.�nder may, at any time, co�xect and hold Funds in an amoun�(a}suff�cient to permit Lender to apply the
<br /> Funds at the time specif ed under RESPA, and�b}no��o exceed�he maximum amount a Xender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shaii estimate tihe amount�f Funds due on the basis of current data and r�asonable
<br /> est�mates of e�pendxtures of future�scrow Ixems or otherv�ise�n accordance with Applica.ble La.w.
<br /> 'The Funds shali be held in an ins�itutxan whose depasits are insured by a federa.I agency, instrumenta.iit�, or
<br /> ent�t�r (includxng Lender, �f Lender�s an in�st�tu�ian whose deposits are so insured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> Lvan Bank. Lender shail app�y the Funds ta pay the Escrow Iten�no�ater than th�txme spec�fied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha�I not charge Borrower for ho�ding and applying fih�Funds, annual.��r anal�zing�h�
<br /> escrov�r account, or ve�.fy�.ng the Es�row Z�ems, uniess Lender pays Bvrrower interest on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law permits Lender to make su�h a charge, Unless an agre,�ment xs made xn wri.txng or
<br /> Applicable Law requir�s i.n.�eres��o i�e paid on the Funds, Lender shalx no�be requ�red�a pa�r Borrower any
<br /> inter�st or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Len�er can agree in w�ri.ting, hov���er, tha�interes�sha11 be
<br /> pa�d on�he Funds. Lender sha�.x give to Barrow�r, wixhout charge, an annua�. account�ng of the Funds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surp�us of Funds heid in escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender sha�i account to Borrower for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance wrth RESPA. If there is a shortage af Funds held in escrow, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha11 notify Borrawer as required by RESPA, and Borrower sh�1�pay ta Lender the amount
<br /> necessary�a m,ake up the shortage in accordance wi�h RESPA, bu�in no mare than 12 mon�hly payments. If
<br /> there is a deficiency of Funds held rn escrow, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shail notify Borrower a�
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanni�Ma�lFreddi�Mac UNIFORN[[NSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11n7
<br /> VMP� VMP6[N�}(9 302f.OD
<br /> VIIolters Kluwer�ir�ancial Services Page 5 nf'[7
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