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2� 1 ����37 <br /> satisfact�on, provided that such inspection shali be under�aken promp�ly. Lender may pay for�he repairs <br /> and restoration in a single disbursem�nt or in a ser�es of progress pa�rments as�he work�s completed. <br /> Unle�s an agr�ement�s made rn wri�ing or Appiicab�e Law requires�nter�st to be paid on such <br /> Miscel�an�ous Praceeds, Len�er shaii not be pay Borrovver any in�eres��r�arnings on such <br /> MYscellan�ous Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not ecvnomicai.iy feasible or Lender's security wou�d <br /> be�essened, �he Miscellaneous Proce�is shall be appl�ed�o�he sums secur�d by�his Security Ins�rument, <br /> whether or not then due, w�th the excess, �f an�r, paid to Barrower. Such M�sce��aneous Praceeds shall be <br /> appixed in the order provided for�n 5ec�ion�. <br /> In the e�ent of a tota�.�aking, destructian, or loss in yalue of the Property, the Misce��aneaus Proc�ed�sha1� <br /> be applied to the sums th�s Secur�ty Instrurnent, whether ar no�then due, with the excess, if any, <br /> pa�d to B�rrower. <br /> In the e�ent of a part�al tak�.ng, destruct�on, ar loss in Walue of the Praperxy in fh�fair market�alu�of <br /> � the Proper�immediatexy befvre the part�a�taking, destructron, or Iass�n�aiue is equal ta ar greater than th� <br /> amount af the sums�ecured by this Securi�y Instrumen�immediate��before�he partial taking, destruction, or <br /> Iass rn�alue, unl�ss Borrower and Lend�r v�herw�se agre�in wri�ing, the sums seccured by th�.s Security <br /> Instrument sha��be reduced by the amoun�of the Mi�ce��aneous Prac,e�is mu�tiplied by the fo��vvving <br /> fraction: �a}�he�ota1 amaunt of the sums secured immedxate�y befare the partxa�taking, destruction, or loss <br /> in Wa1ue dxvxded by�b}the fair market�alue of the Property xmmediately before the partiai taki.n.g, <br /> d�struction, or xoss in�a�ue. Any balance shail be paxd to Bvrrov�er. <br /> In the e�ent of a parxia.I taking, d�S�TllC�1Q�l, or loss xn value of the Property in which the fair market�al.ue of <br /> th�Prop�r�y immedxately before the partial takYng, destruction, �r loss in value�s xess than�he amount of the • <br /> sums se�ured imm�aliately before the parCxal taking, destruct�on, or Ioss in�aiu�, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwis�agree�n writing, the M�sr.�:llaneous Proceeds shall be app��ed�o the sums secured�y th�s <br /> Securit}�Instrumen�wh�ther ar noti the sums are then due. <br /> If the Praperty xs abandoned by B�rrow�r, or if, after nntice by Lender to Borrower that the C�pposing Party <br /> �as def ned in�e next sentence}aff�rs to make an award ta settle a claim for dam,ages, Borrower fails xn <br /> respond�o Lender wxthin 3�da�s after the d.a.fie�he notice is gx�ren, Lender�s autharized.ta coX�ect and app�y <br /> the Miscel�aneaus Proceeds ei�her to r�s�ora�ion ar repair af the Praperty or to�he sums secured by this <br /> Security �nstrumen�, whether or not then due. "�ppasing Par�� mean,s the third party that ov�res Borrav�er <br /> Misce�Ianeous Proc�ceds or the part�y against�vhom B�orrower has a r�gh�of ac�ion xn regard�o Miscellaneou5 <br /> Praceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or crim�inal, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, couid resuxt xn forfeiture af�he Froper�or o�her materia� impairment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Property or righ�s under this Secur�ty Ins�rument. Borrower ean eure such a defauxt and, if acceleration has <br /> accurred, reinsta�e a.s prnvided in Section 19, by causing the ac�ion or praceeding ro be dismi.ssed�v�th a <br /> ru�xng�ha�, in Lender's judgment, precludes farfeixure af the Property ar other ma.terial i�mga.irment of <br /> Lender's interest in th.e Proper�y or r�ghts und�r th�s Se�urity Iristrument. The proceeds of any award or <br /> c�aim for damages that are a�ribu�able tn the impai.rment of Lender's in�erest xn the Property are h�reby <br /> assigned and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> A�1 M�scellaneous Praceed.s that are not app�ied�o r�storation or repair of�he Prap�rty shall be appiied in the <br /> order pro�vided for in�ction 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie�amify-�anni�MaelFre�die ilAac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3�28 11D'1 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE)�9 302?.�0 <br /> Walters K�uwer Financial Servi�es Page'1 Q of 9 7 <br />