2� 1 ����2�
<br /> Transfer af the Property o:r a Benef�cxal Interest in Borrovver.�f alI ar anV pa.r�of the Prop�rty or any interes�
<br /> �n �t is sold or transferr�d �ar if a �beneficial interes�t �n Borrflwe� is so�d ar transferred and Borrov�er is na� a
<br /> natural pers�n} wi�hau� Lenc3er's priar v�rritten cansent, Lender ma�r, at ��s o�tion, require immedia�e payment in
<br /> full of al� sums secured by this Security �nstrument. However, this op�ion sha�l not be exerczsed by Lender zf
<br /> exercise is pr�h�bi�ed by fed��ra1 la�w as of�he date of thi� Security�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises �his aption, Lender shall give Borrower natice of acc��era�ion. The no�ice sha11 prov�de a
<br /> period of n�� less �han�he r.runimum nurn�er of days es�ablished by App�icable Law from the date �he no�i�e �s
<br /> del�vered or mailed v�rif.hin lvhich B�rrav�er must pay aIl su.ms secured�a� th�s Secur�ty Instrument. �f Borr�wer
<br /> fa�1s to pay�hes� sums priar� to �he expiratian of this p�r��d, Lend�r rnay inv�ke any remedies permitted by th�s
<br /> Security�ns�rurn�n�vsrithout�:ur�her na�ice�r demand on Barrower.
<br /> Barra�ver'� Right to R�in��tate. If Borrovver meets cerfa�n canditions, B orrovver sha1� have the right ta have
<br /> enfarcemen�of this Se�urzty �ns�rument discontinued a�any time pri�r�o �he earlier af: �a} 5 days �or such ��her
<br /> period as Applicab�e Lav�mE�.y spe�ify for reinstatemen�}before sa1�of�he Proper�y pursuan��o any power of sale
<br /> con�azned in �h�s Securi� l:ns�rurnen�; or �h} en�ry of a �udgment enforcing �his 5ecurity Instrumen�. Thase
<br /> condit��ns are �hat Barro�re�r: �a� pays Lender aIl sums �hi.ch the�wou.�d be due under�his Secur�ty�ns�-ument
<br /> and the��n�ract as if n�acc��lera�ion had occurred; �b)cur�s any d�faul�of an�a�her cav�nants or agreemen�s; �c}
<br /> pa�rs alI expenses�ncur�ed�n enforcing this Se�urity Instrument,inc�uding,but no�lirni�ed to,reasona�ble at�arne�s'
<br /> fees �fl the extent permi�ted��y�avv; and�d} takes such action as Lender may r�asonab�y requ�.re t� assure tha��he
<br /> lien of�his Secur��y In�trum�,nt, Lender's rights in the Froperty and Borrov�er's ob�igation�o pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument ��hall Continue unchanged. Upon reins�a�em.en�by Borrower, this Security �ns�rument
<br /> and the obliga�ions secured:hereby shall rema�n fu11y effective as if no accelera�i4n had occurred. H�vvever, this
<br /> righ���reinstate shall no�ap_ply zn�the�ase of acceleratia�under�h�sec�ion ti�led Transfer of�he Property or a
<br /> Bene�cial Interest in�vrrc�wer.
<br /> Hazardous Substance�.Bo��ro�ver shal�n�t cause or permi��he pr�sence,use, disposal, s�arage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances�n or in�he Pr�per�y.Borrovver shall not do,nflr a��ovv anyone e�se�o do,any�hing affecting
<br /> the Pr�per�y �ha� is zn vi�lai:ian af any Environmental La�v. The preced�ng tvva sentences shal� n�� apply to �he
<br /> presence,use,or s��ra�e�n fne Praper�y of smal�quanti��es af Hazard�us Sub��ances t1aa�are generally recognized
<br /> to be appropriate�o norma�residentiai uses and�o main�enance of�t1�e Property.
<br /> Barrav�er sha�l promptly g�vc�Lender writ�en no�ice of ar�y invest�gation,claim, demand,lavvsu��or other act�an by
<br /> any governmental ar regula�ory agency or private party ir�volving �he Property and any Hazaxdous Sul�stance ar
<br /> Envira�men�a.I LaW of wh�:ch Borrawer has actua� k�a.o�v�edge. �f Borr��rer Iearns, or zs nat�fied by any
<br /> g�vernmen�tal ar regula�ary a.uth�rit�,that any removal ar other remediation of ariy Ha�ardous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> the Property is neces�ary, Borro�ver sha�� prompt�y take aIl n�cessary remedial actions �n accordance v�ri�h
<br /> Env�ra�men�al La�v.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "��azardous Substances" are�hose substances defned as�oxic or hazardaus substances
<br /> by Env�ronmen�a� Lav� and th.e fol�owing subs�ances: gasoline, ker�sene, other flamma��e or toxic p��ro�eum
<br /> products, �axic pesticides a��d herb�c�des, volat�le s��vents, ma�erials conta�ning asbest�s or form.a�dehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive xnaterials. As used in this paragraph, "Env�ror�menta�Laur" m�ans federal Ia�vvs and laws of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate ta healtr�,safety or en�ir�nmental pro��ctian.
<br /> Accelera�ian; Rem�d�i�5. LEender shall g�ve na�ice ta Borrov�er pr�or fiv acce�era�ion f�l�vwing Borrower's
<br /> breach�f any cavenant or agreement in this Se�urity Instrum�nt or the Contract under�which acceleratxon
<br /> is perx�r��tted tbu� not pr�ar to acce�erat�an under the �e�tivn titl�d Transf�r of th�Prvperty ar a Bene�cia�
<br /> Interest xn B�rrower, un�e:�5 App��ca�le Lavv provides �thervvis�}. The na�i�e shall specify: �a� the defau�t;
<br /> �h} th� action requ�red tt� cure th e defau�t; �c} a date, �flt less than �he minf mum number of day5
<br /> establishQd by Appl�ca'��e I�a�v from the date�he not�ce is gi�en to B�rrotiver,by�vh�ch the default mus�be
<br /> cured; and td� that fa�lure to cure th� defau�t on or before th� date sp�ci�ed i� �he not�ce may resu�t in
<br /> accelera�ion of the sum5 ��ecur�d by th�s Secur�ty In�trumen� and sa�e vf the Propert�. Tv th� ext�nt
<br /> permitted by lavv, the not��:e shall further inform B�rrower af�he right tn reinst�te after ac�e�eratinn and
<br /> �h�r�gh�to bring a�ourt a=ct�on to ass�r�the non-existence af a defau�t ar an�o�her d�fen5e of Bvrr�vver t�
<br /> a��eleratfon and sale. If th4e defau�t xs n�t cured on or befor� the da�e spec��ed xn the n�tice,Lender at its
<br /> opf�on may requ�re irn�ne�lia�e payment in full of a� sums se�ured by �his Security Instrument wi�hout
<br /> fur��her demand and may invoke the power of sale and any a�her remed�e� perm�t�ed by Appl�cable Law.
<br /> T� the extent permitted b�� �aw, Lend�r sha�l be ent�t�ed t� ��llec� a�� e�p�nses incurred �n pursu�ng the
<br /> re�nedie5 provid�d in th�s ��ection,includ�ng,but no�Iirni�ed to� reasonab�e attorneys'fees and��s�s flf ti�ie
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the power of sa�e is��v���ed,Trustee shall re�ord a notice of defau��in ea�h county in which any part of
<br /> th�Pr�perty is located�nd sha��mail c�pies of such no�ice in th.e manner pr�scribed by App�ic�ble Law to
<br /> B�rrow�r and to the �ther per�ons prescr�bed by Appli�ab�e Ifa�. After the �irr�e requxred by App��cab�e
<br /> Law, Trustee shaxl g�ve p�;�alic not�ce vf sa�e to �he �er�vns a�d in the rnanner prescr�bed by Appiicable
<br /> Law.Trust�e,w��hou� demand on Borrower, shall sel�the Praperty at publ�c au�tion to the highest b�dder
<br /> at the t�rne and p�a�e and under the terms des�gna�ed in�he nQtice af sale�n one or more par�els and in any
<br /> order Trustee de�erm�ines. 'I'ru5tee may p��tpvne sal� tif all ur any parcel of the Pr�perty by public
<br /> annvuncement a�the tir�e��nd place nf any prev��usly�cheduled�ale.Ler�d�r or its designee may purchase
<br /> th�Prop erty at any s aiQ.
<br /> Upon receipt �f paym�r�t flf the price bid, Trus�ee sh�li dei��er to the pu�chaser Trustee's deed con�eyi�ng
<br /> the Property. Th�reci���s in the Trustee's deed sha�be pr�ma facie eviden�e of the truth of th� statement5
<br /> 0 2�44-2415�omplia�ce 5ystems,�nc.8C54-Ol?DF-2�I5.11.3.1�98
<br /> Cvns�mer Real Es#ate-�Security Instrument DL<yfl36 Page 4 af 5 www,comptian�esystems.cvm
<br />