2� 1 ����� 1
<br /> sa�isfac��on, provid�d that such�nspecti�n shall be undertaken pr�mptly. Lend�r may pay for the repa�rs
<br /> and restorat�on�n a s�ng�e d�sbursement ar�n a ser�es�f progress paymen�s as�he vv�rk is c�mpleted.
<br /> Unless an agreement is made in writing or App�zcab�e Law requir�s inter�st to be paid on such
<br /> Misc�llaneous Praceeds, Lender shall no�be requ�red to pay Borrov��r any int�res�or�arnings an such
<br /> Miscellaneaus Pr�ceeds. �f�he res�ora��on or repair is nat ecanomica�ly fea�ibl��r Lend�r's se�urity wauid
<br /> be Iessened, the M�sce��aneous Proceeds sha�� be appiied to the sums secured by�his S��uri�y Instrumen�,
<br /> whether or not then due, v���h�he exc�ss, �f any, pa�d ta Borrower. Such Mis���laneous Proceeds sha��be
<br /> appiied in the ard�r pr�v�ded for in Sec�z�n 2.
<br /> �n�he��ent af a tota� taking, des�ruction, or Iass in�a�ue of th�Pr�per�y, th�M�sce��aneous Proceeds sha��
<br /> be app�ied to the sums secured by th�s S�curit� Instrument, whether or no��hen due, with the exc�ss, if any,
<br /> paid ta Borrower.
<br /> �n the event�f a par��a��ak�ng, d�struc�ion, �r��ss�n value af the Proper�y in which�he fair market�alue of
<br /> the Proper�y �mmedza�e�y before the par�ial taking, destruct�an, or Ioss in�alue�s�qual to or great�r than the
<br /> amaun�of the sunls secur�d by this Se�urity Instrument immediate��befnre�he partia� takin.g, destruction, or
<br /> lass in va�ue, un�ess Barrawer and Lender otherw�se agree in�vr�ting, the sums secured by�hzs Secur��y
<br /> Instrumen�sha��be reduced by the amaunt of th�Mi�cellaneous Pr�ceeds mu��ipZ�ed b� �he fo��ow�ng
<br /> fraction: �a} the tatal arnaunt of the sums secured immed�ately bef�re the par��al ta.��ng, destructi�n, or lass
<br /> in value di�ided by �b} �he fair marke�value of the Pr�per��r immed�ate��r�efore the par��ai taking,
<br /> destructian, or l�ss in Walue. Any balance shall be pa��1 to Borraw�r.
<br /> �n�he ev�nt of a par��a� �a��ng, destruct�an, or lass in value of the Praper�y in Vvhich the fair market�vaiue nf
<br /> �he Pr�per�y �ntimediate�y before the partia� taking, destruct�on, ar loss in va�ll�is�ess than the amoun�of the
<br /> sums secured �nvmediate�y b�fore the par��al �aking, des�ruction, or loss in va�ue, un�ess Barrower and
<br /> Lender otherw�se agree�n writing, the Misce��aneous Pr�c�eds shall be appl��d�o the sums secured by thzs
<br /> Security Ins�rument wh�ther ar no��he sums are�hen due.
<br /> If�he Prop�rty �s aband�ned by Barrflw�r, ar if, aft�r na�xee by L�nd�r t�Borr�v��r that the�pposing Par�y
<br /> �as defined �n�he nex� s�nten�e} affers to make an award ta sett�e a claim far damages, Barrawer fails to
<br /> respand to Lender wi�h�n 34�ays after the da���he na�ice is given, L�nder�s authorized�o collect and apply
<br /> th�M�sce��aneou� Proceeds��ther�o re�taratian or repa�r of�he Praper�y ar to the sums secured by this
<br /> Se�urxty �nstrument, whether�r not then due. "�pposing Par�y" means the third par�y that o�ves Barr�wer
<br /> M�sc�i�aneous Praceeds ar the par�y against whom Borrawer has a right of act��n in regard to M�scel�aneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower sha�l be in default if any actian or proc��ding, whe�her c�v�� or criminal, is begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, could re�ul� �n f�rf��tur�af�he Pr�perty nr�ther ma�erial impairment af Lender's in�erest in the
<br /> Pr�pert��r ri�hts un�er�his ���urit� �ns�rument. Borro�ver can cure su�h a defaul� and, �f acce�eration has
<br /> oc�urred, re�ns�a�e as pro��d�d�n S�ctian �9, by causing the action or proceeding�a be d�smissed wi�h a
<br /> ru�ing tha�, �n Lender's judgmen�, precludes farfei�ure af the Prap�r��or other ma�erial irnpairment of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Proper�y ar rights under�his Security Ins�rument. The proceeds�f any award or
<br /> claim f�r damag�s�hat ar�at�ri�u�able to the impairment�f Lender's interest�n�he Prflper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and shal�b�pa�d ta Lender.
<br /> A�I M�scel�an�aus Procee�s that are not appl��d�a restora�ion ar repair�f the Pr�pert� shali be applied in the
<br /> arder pr��ided f�r�n Sect��n 2.
<br /> NE6RASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 71�1
<br /> VMP 0 VMPfi�NE��13�2j
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financiat Ser�ices Page 10❑€�7
<br />