2� 15�8837
<br /> Tr�nsfer of the Property vr a Benef�cia�Inter�st i��o�row�r.�f�:�1�r any par�of the Pr�per�y or any in�erest
<br /> �n it is s��d ar transferred �ar if a bene�cial �n�eres� �n B�rrower �s so�d or transferred and Borr�wer is no� a
<br /> na�ural pers�n� �i�hau� Lend�r's prior wri�ten consen�, Ler�der may� at ��s op�ion, require irnmedia�e paymen� �n
<br /> fu�l �f all sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen�. I�ovve�er, thi� �p�ion shal� n�� be exercised �y Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prohxbi�ed by fede�-al law as�f the date of this �ecurity In�trumen�.
<br /> �f Lender e�ercises this opti��n, Lender shall give Borrower no��c� �f accelera�ion. The not�ce sha�l pravide a
<br /> period of no� �ess �han �he minimum number af days est�.bl�shed b� Ap�licable La� fr�m the da�e the noti�e is
<br /> deli�rered or mai�ed vvi�hin which Borrower mus� pay a�l sums se�ur�d by th�s Se�urity �nstrument. �f Borrower
<br /> fails to pay�hese sums priar to �he expira�i�n �f�h�� per�od, Lender may invoke any remedi�s perm�t�ed�y this
<br /> S�curity�nstrumen�vv��haut fi�r�her noti�e or demE.and on B�rrower.
<br /> Bvrr�we�'s ]Et�g�� t� Rein��t��e. �f Borrower mee�s cer�ain �ondi�ions, �flrrower shall ha�e the righ� t� have
<br /> enforcemen�af this Security �nstrument c��scan�inued at a�.y time pr�or to the �arlier flf: �a� 5 days �or such �ther
<br /> period as App�icab�e Law may specify for reinstatemen��befare sale of.�he Pr�per�y pursuant��an�p�wer of sa�e
<br /> cantained �n �his Secur�ty ���strument; or �b} entry of a �u�gmer�t enfarcYng th�s Se�urity �nstrument. Those
<br /> condi�ions are tha� Borro�er: (a� pays Le�der al� sum� �vh�ch �hen v�ouid be due under this Security Iristrument
<br /> and the�antra��as if no acceleration had accurred;�b)�ures any default of any��her co�enan�s ar agreements;(c�
<br /> pays aIl expenses incurred in enfarcing th�s Secur�fiy�nst�ument, incl�xc�ing,bu�not��mited�o,reas�nable at�orneys'
<br /> fees�o the e�ten�permi�ted b��aw; and(d} takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasonably require ta assure tha�the
<br /> lie�a of�his Security�ns�rume:nt,Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's flb�iga�ion to pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this Security �nstrument shall �on�inue unchanged. t�pon reinstat�rnent by Borrav�er, �h�s Security Instrument
<br /> and the ob�iga��ons secured hereby sha�l remain ful�y effec�ive as if�� accelera�ion had �ccurred. Ho�e�er, �his
<br /> righ�to reinstate shall n��ap���y in the case af ac�eleratiflr�under�he sect�o�tit�ed Transf�r of the proper�y or a
<br /> B�neficial In�erest in�ar�adv�r.
<br /> �-Iazard�us Substanc�s. Borr�we�r sha��n�t cause�r p�rr�it the presence,use, d�sp�sa�, stcsrage, or r�Xease af any
<br /> Ha2ardo�s Subs�ances on�r in the Pr�perry. Borr�v5rer sh�l�no�da,no�al�ow any�ne else to d�,anything affe�t�ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty that �s in �iolation of any En��ronmen�a� La�. Th� preceding two sentences shall no� apply �o the
<br /> presence,use,or s��rage an tl�e Pr�per�y of smal�qua��tities�f Ha�ardous SubstanCes�hat ar�genera�ly recognized
<br /> to h�appropr�a�e to n�rma�r�s�den�ia�uses and to ma�n�tenance of�h�e ProperCy.
<br /> Borrawer sha��promptly givF Lender v�rri�ten notic��f any�n�r�st�ga�.ion,claim, demand, �a�su�t�r other ac�ion by
<br /> any governme�n�al or regula��r�r ag�ncy or pri�a�e par�y invol��ng the Pr�perty and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Env�ronmenta� Law tif v�hich Borro�ver has actuai k.nav��edge. �f. Borrawer learns, or �s notifed by any
<br /> go�ernmental�r reguia�ary aut���i�y,that any removal ar�th�r rem�d�atifln af any Hazardous Substance affecting
<br /> �he Pr�p�rty �s �.ecessary, �Borrower sha�1 prornptly �a�� a�� �ecessary remediat actions in acc�rdance v�i�h
<br /> Env�ronmen�al La�v.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "�3azardous Substances" are ��ose �ubs�a�ces defned as tox�c �r hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by En�ironmen�al Law and �he f�llov��ng substances: gas��ine, k�r�sene, ��her flamn�able �r t��ic pe�ro�eum
<br /> pr�ducts, �oxic pesticides ar�d herbic�des, vn�atile s�lven�s, t�ateri��s cflnta�n�ng asbes�vs or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioactive m�terials. .�s us��d�n�his paragraph, "En�ironxnenta�La-�"means federal�a�vrrs and laws of the stat��f
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to hea��Ia,safe�y ar env�ronmental p�ro�ec�zar�. ,
<br /> A��e�erati��; �.emedi�s. �..��nder shall gi�e r���i�e to �arrov�v��- pri�r t� accelera�ion following Borrower's
<br /> breach af any cavenan��r�agr�em�m����his�ecurit��nstrume��or�he�ontra��under v�hich acceZ�ratian
<br /> �s perm��ted �but �ot pri�r t� ac��l�rat�on under��e ��ct�o� t�tied. 'I`ransfer of the Proper�y or a Ben��c�a�
<br /> In�erest in 13�rra�ver, un�e��s Applicable Law pr�vid�� ��h�rwise}. 'The no�i�e shall spe�ify: �a} �h� defau�t;
<br /> �b] the ac�ion required tt� �ur� the defau��; �c� a dat�, nat ��ss th�n �he minimum nun�ber of days
<br /> established b��ppl�cabl�I�ar�fram the da���he�a�i�e is gi��n ta �3arrovver, by which the defauit must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failur� �� �ure the default �n or �efor� th�e da�e sp��i��d in the n�t�ce m�y reSuX� �n
<br /> ac�elerat�on of the sums �ecured by thi� �ecuri#y Ins�rut�ern� and sale of �he Pr�pe�ty. To the extent
<br /> permi��ed by law, �he notic�e shall fur�her infarr� ��rr�w�r of��� right �o reinstat� after acce�erat�on and
<br /> �h�right�o�ring a cour�a�cti�n to ass��-�the��n-ex�s�e��ce�f a default ar any other defense of�3orrower t�
<br /> acceleration an� �a�e. If�h�e d�fau�� is r�at cur�d on �r��fore the date spec�f�ed in the n�t�ce, Lender at i�s
<br /> ❑pt�an �ay r�quire i�n�nec�iat� payment in fu�� �f a�i sums s��ured by this Security Ins�rum�nt withaut
<br /> fur�h�r d�er�and and rrxay in�voke t�e po►�ve� af sale �nd a�y ����er remedies perrnitted by App��cable Law.
<br /> To the ���ent permi�ted �r;y �aw, Lend�r shall �e �nt�tled tu col�ec� ail expenses �ncurr�d in pursuing the
<br /> remedie� prov�ded �n this �e�tior�, in�iuding, �but no���r�ited �o, �°�aso�ab�e a���r�reys' fees and cQsts of title
<br /> ��id�nc�.
<br /> If the p�wer of�a�� �s in�o�ked,Trusfee shal� recor� � r�ot�ce of d�fau�� in each c�unty �r� dvhich any part af
<br /> th�Prop�rty is lflcated andE sha�l mail c�pies �f such notic� in �he manner prescribed by App�ica�ie La,t�v to
<br /> B�rrovv�r and to the other persons prescribed lby Appli�a��e Law. Aft�r the time requirQd by Applicable
<br /> Lavv, Trus�ee sha�l gi�e p��b��� �n�tice of sale t� �he p�rsuns ar�c� im �he man�er prescribed by Appli�able
<br /> L�w. '�Trus�ee,v�ithout dem�and an �orruvv�r,shal� ��ll�he P�-op��ty at�ub�ic auctian to th�highe5� bidder
<br /> a�fhe�ir�e and pia��a�d u�ncler the�erms designate� in the no����of s�le in one�r mare parcels and�n any
<br /> arder Tru�tee de�err�ines�. 'T'rustee may postpone s��� of all or any par�ei of the �roperty by pub�ic
<br /> a���ouncem�nt at the time ar�d place of any pre�i�usly�c�ed���d sale.Lender or�ts designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at�ny sai�.
<br /> Upnn receip� �f pa�r�ent c�f the price �id, 'Y`ruste� sh��� deli�e� �n the purchaser Trustee'� de�d c�n�eying
<br /> the Prapert�o The recita�s �n �h�Trustee°s de�d sha�� �� prima fac�e eviden��flf the truth vf t�e statemen�5
<br /> �'?�Q4-2�15 Canr3pliance Systems,Inc.SC54-�B86-2015.1�3.1�98
<br /> Consume�-Real Estate-Security Tns€r�iment D�,2a36 Pa�;e�of 5 www.��mpliancesystems.com
<br />