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2� 15�8837 <br /> ]Paymen�❑f 1'rin�ipal and Int�rest; ��her�harges. Bo�-rov��r shall promptly�ay when due the pri�.c�pal of and <br /> �n��rest�n th�deb�owed under�he Con�rac�and Ia�te cha.rg�s�r any�ther fees a�nd charges due under�h��ontra�t. <br /> App�icable Law. As used �n this Secur�ty �ns�rument, �he term "A.ppXicable Lavv" sha�1 mean a�� control�ing <br /> app�icabl� federal, s�a�e and la�al statu�es, regulatio�.s, �rdinances ar�d administrative rules and orders �that have <br /> the effect of lavr�}as v��l�as a�l appl��ab�e fnal,n�n-a�3p��.��.�1��]U�1C1�I❑�]1I11ariS. <br /> C��arg�s; Liens. Barrower �hall pay a�� �axes, assessmen�ts, charg�s, f nes and imposi��ons at�ributable �o �he <br /> Pr�perty which may a��ain pr�arity over�his Secur�ty �nstru.m.en�, and �easehQld payments or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the rec�uest of Lender, Borrov�er shall pr�mp�l�furnish�a Lender r�ceipts t�e paymen�s. <br /> Bnrrawer sha1�pr�mp�ly discharge any�ien v�hich has priarity a�er��is Se�urity Ins�r�meri�unless�3orrov�er: �a� <br /> agrees in writ�ng to �he paym�n� of the �b�igation secu�ed by �he lien �n a manner accep�a��e ta Lender; �b� <br /> c�ntes�s �.r� g�€�� fai�h �he lien by, ar defends against e�fo�-�err�en� of the �ien �n, �egal pr�ceedings which in t�� <br /> Lender's opinion op�rate �� pre�e�� the e�forcemen� of the lien; or �c} secures fro� the ho�der of�he ��en an <br /> agreemer��satisfac��ry�� Lender sub�rd�nating�he �ien �o�h�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�. �f L.ender determ�nes that any <br /> part of the Praperty is subje�t to a lien v��ich may at�ain pr��ri�y awer th�s Securi�y I�s�rume��, Lender may give <br /> Borrov�er a no�i�e iden�ifyin��he lien. Borr�wer shall sa��sfy the �ie�or take �ne or more of�he act�on� se�farth <br /> above within ��days of�he g�v�ng of nat�ce. <br /> II�zard �r Prop�rty Insur���ce. Barr�wer shall keep the�vem�nts no�r exis��ng or hereafter erec�ed fln�he <br /> Pr�perty insured agains��oss by fire,ha�ards included within the ter�"extended cover�.ge" and any other hazards, <br /> �ncluding flooc�s or flo�c��ng, far which Lend�r requires insuranc�. This �nsurance sha�1 be maintained in �he <br /> amoun�s and for�he periods�ha�Lender requires.The insuranc�car�i�r pro��ding the insurance sha�l be ch�sen by <br /> Borro�ver subjec� to Lender',� approval wh�ch shall no� be unreasonabl� v�i�hheld. Yf Borro�er fa�Is �o ma�ntain <br /> co�verage descr��ed ab��e, �Lene�er may, at Lender's op��on, �bta�n co�rerage to protec� Lender's righ�s �n the <br /> Proper�y in accordance v�i�h sect��n ti�led Pr��ection of Lender's l�i�hts in the Prop�rty. <br /> All insurance polic�es and renewals sha�T be accepta��e �a Lender �.�d shal� include a standard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender shall ha�e th�right t�h��d�he poliCies and renewais. If Lend�r requires,Borrov�er shal�pro�ptly give�� <br /> Lender a�l rec��pts af paid p�em�ums and rer�ewal n���ces. �n�he e�ent of Iass, I3orrav�er shall g��e promp�n�tice <br /> t�the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf of�oss�f ri��made promp��y by Borrower. <br /> Uniess Lender and B�rr�w�r �the�-v�ise agree �n v�ri�ing, �nsurance proceeds shall be app���d �a r�storat�on or <br /> repair af�he Praper�y dama�ed, if, �n Lender's soie c�iscretion, �he r�stora�ion or repa�r is economically feasible <br /> and Lender's security is n�t iessened. �f, �n Lender's sale discretia�, the res�orat��n or repa�r �s not �conomically <br /> feasi���or Lender's securi�y�vould be l�ssened,the insuran�e proceeds shal�be appl�ed t��h�sums se�ured by this <br /> Securi�y Ins�ru�nent, �he�her or no� �hen due, �ith ang� e�cess �aaid t� T3orro�rer. �f Bflrrovver aband�ns the <br /> Proper�y,or d�es n�t ans�ver wi�hin�he n�mber of days p�-uscribed�by Applicab�e Law as set f�rth in a no��ce fr�m <br /> Lender�� B�rr�vver tha��he insurance �arr�er has offe�ed�o se�t�e a ��aim, �hen Lender rnay collect th� �nsurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use t�ae proceeds �� repair or rest�re �he Pr�p�rry or to pay sums secured by�hi� �ecurity <br /> �nstrume�t,vvhe�her ar no��hen due. The periad�f�ime far Borrower t�ansvver as set for�h in�he no���e v�i�l begin <br /> �vhen�he no��ce is gi�en. <br /> Uniess Lender and Bor�av�e����herv�rise agre� �n wr�ting, any applica�ion�f pr�ceeds�Q principal sha1�n�t e��end <br /> ar pastpone�l�e due da�� of��he payments due under�he �on�ract or�ha�ge�he am�unt of�he payments. If under <br /> the sec�ian ti��ed Aeee�era��nn; I�em�die�, �he Praperty �s acquirer�by Lender, Borrower's righ�to any �nsurance <br /> p��icies and pr�ceeds r�su���ng from dan�age �o the �'�oper�y priar �� �he acquis����n sha�l pass ta Lender to the <br /> ex�en�of the sutns secured b�r t�is Security�nstrurnent�mm�diate�y pr�or ta the acquisi��on. <br /> Preservat�on, Maintenanc� and Pr�te�tion of the Prop�rty; �3orrvwer'� Loan Application; Leasehvids. <br /> Borrower sha�l no�des�rfly, damage or impa�r the Proper�y, al��w t��e Pr�perry t� deteriorate, or cammit waste�n <br /> the Pr�pert�. Barrower s��all be in default if any f�rfeitur�a�t�an�r proceec��ng,wheth�r civi�or cri�m�nal, �s begun <br /> �ha� in Lender`s go�d fai�h��dgment c�uld r�su�t �n far�ei�ure of�he Pro�er�y or athervvise mater�al�� impair the <br /> lien created by thxs Secur�ty Tnstru�nen� or Lender's s�curi�y in�er�s�. B�rrav�er ma� cure such a defaul� and <br /> reins�a�e, as pr��ided in sectian����ed Barrower's Righ� �� Re�nstate, by causing�he actian vr pr�c�ed�ng to be <br /> dis�nissed v�i�h a rul�ng that, �n Lender's gaod fa��l�determina��on,pre��udes forfei�ure af�he Borrow�r's�nteres��n <br /> �he Proper�y �r other �nateria� impairmem� af the �i�n cr�a�ed by this Securi�y �nstrurnenfi or Lender's security <br /> in�ere��.�orr�vver sl�a��also be�n d�fau�t if Borrovver,du��ng the loan app�ica�i�n process,ga�e mater�a�ty false�r <br /> inaccurate informa�ian or s�a�ements to I.lender �or failec� t� provide Lender with any ma�erial informatian} �n <br /> �onnec�ian�ith the �oan ev�denced h�th� C�ntract. Yf�h�s Securi� Instrument is on a�easeha�d, B�rrovver shall <br /> comp�y wi�i�aI��he pra��si�r�s of the Iease. If.Barrawer a�qu�res fee�title�o�he Pr�per�y,�he Ieaseh�ld and�he fee <br /> ���le shal�nat merge un�ess Lender agrees���he merger�n�rrrtYng. <br /> Protecti�n of Lender's R��hts in the Pr�perty. �f Bflrr�v�er fails �o perform �he cQWenan�s and agreements <br /> c�ntained in�his S�curi� �n.�trument, or there is a lega��r�ceed�ng�hat may signif��an�1y affec�Lender's rights in <br /> the Proper�y �su�h as a proceeding in ba�rup�cy, pr��a�e, for cond�mnation ar forfeiture or to enforce �avvs or <br /> re�ula��ons}, then Lender may do and p�y far whate�re� �s ne�es��ry �� pr��ect the �alue of�he Property and <br /> Lender's righ�s in the Proper��y. ]Lender's actions may �nclude paying any sums by a lien whi�h has�r�ori�y <br /> o�er�his Secur��y Ins�rumen�., appearir�g i��cau�,paying reasonabie attorneys'fees and enter�ng a�n the Proper�y t� <br /> ma�-e repairs.A�though Lencler may take ac�ion under�h�s sect�on, ]Lender does not have�o da so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by ]�ender under this sec��on sha�l becoin� add����nal deb� �f Borrower se�ured by th�s <br /> Security Instrument. Uniess Borrower and Lender agree to a�her terms af payment, thes� amounts shal� bear <br /> C�20a4-2�15 Compliancs Systerns,Inc.8C54-�B86 W 20]S.I i.3.I Q98 <br /> CQnsum�r ReaI Esta#e-Security Inst��.ment DL2035 Pa�e?af S www.campliancesystems.cart3 <br />