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2� 15�8711 <br /> which�he�.ddress of: 1745 Sgr�n�;Rd <br /> Grand Ys�and,NEBRASI�A GSSUl,�herei�"Prvperty Address"�; <br /> T��ETHER with al� the unpro�emen�s now or herea�er erec�ed on t�.e prflperty, and a11 easem�n�s, ri�hts, <br /> a�pux�e�ances a�d rents �sub�ect hawe�er�� the rights and au�hor�t�e� given h�rein tQ Lender fia collec� and apply <br /> such rents},ail of sha�I�e deemed�o be and remain a part af the pr�perty c��ered by this L�eed of Trus�;and aIl <br /> of�he f�reg�ing, t�gether with said �roper�y �or the leas�ho�d estate if�his Deed of 7'rus�t is on a leas�holci� are <br /> here�nafter referred�a as�he"Propert�"; <br /> T� S���RE t� Lender�.a� repayment of the indebted.ness e�idenced by B�rrow�r's �o�e da�ed�]ee�rnber �, <br /> �U 15 and ext�nsi�n� and renev�als �here�f�herein "I�ote"}, in �h� �rin��}�aI sum of�.S.$15,2�4.�4, wi�h interes� <br /> th�rean, providin� for xnon�hly installm�r�ts af p�-inc�pal and �nterest, wi�h the �alanc� of�h.e �ndeht�dn�ss, �f n�t <br /> sooner pa�d,due and pa�able on�anuary 5,�02��the paymen�of a�1�ther sums,vvi�h ir���rest�her�on, advar�ced in <br /> a�carda.nce herewith ta pro�ec� the se�uri�y �f f.�iis Deed of Trus�; and the perforamance of the c��venan�s and <br /> agr�emen�s of Borrower herein c�n�a�ned. <br /> Borr�wer caven�n�s tha���rrov�er is�awfully se�s�d vf�he es�a.�e h�reby con�eyed and h�.s the right to grant and <br /> con�vey�h.e Prap�rty,and�.a��he Prvpez-�y is unencumbered, except for encumbran�es of record.Borrawer co�enan�s <br /> �ha�Borr�wer warrants ar�t�wil�def�nd general�y�he�i�le to�h�Pr�per�y against a�l claims and demands, subject t� <br /> encumbrances of record. <br /> UNI�'�RM�QVEI�I'ANTS.B�rrawer and Lender covenant and agree as fo�laws: <br /> 1. Payrnen� of Princ�pa� and In�eres�. Borrower sha�I promptly pay wh�n due the princ�pai and interes� <br /> �ndebt�dness evidenGed by�he N��e and Ia�e e�ax�es as provided in.the N�t�. <br /> �.Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subjec��to appZicab�e�aw or a written wa�ver by Lender,Barrov�rer sha��pay <br /> to L�nder�n the day monthly paym�n�s of principal a.nd intere$�ar�payable under the No�e,unt���he�o�e is pa�d in <br /> fu11, a suzn �(herein"Funds") equal tv on�-�welfth Qf the year��tax�s a.nd assessments ��nc�uding �andaminium and <br /> planne�uni�deve�op�aaen�assessments,�f any}wh�ch may at�ain priori�y�ver�hi�Dee�of Trust,and gra�u.n�ren�s Qn <br /> �he�'roperty, if any,plus onewtwe�fth of yeaxl�r premium ins�al�rnents fvr hazard insurance,p�us ane-tv�re�fth of year�� <br /> prem.ium instal�n�.ents for mQr�gage insuranc�, if any, a�l a�s reasonab�y est�.ma�ed i.nitially and from t�e t�time by <br /> Lender on�he ba�is of assessments and bi�ls and reas�n.�.b1e es�ima��s th�re�f. Barr�vrr�r sha1l na� be obligated �o <br /> �nake suGh paymen�s of Funds�a� Lend�r�o�he�x��n��ha��arrow�r mak�s suc�i paymen�s to �he holder af a prior <br /> x�ortgage ar deed Qf�rus��f s�.ch holder is an i.nst��xt�anal��nder. <br /> If Bo�-�rower pays Funds�o Lender,the Funds shal�be he�d�x an xns�x�u�iox�the deposi��o�accouEnts af wh�ch axe <br /> insu�ced or guaran�eed�by a federal �r s�a�e age�cy �includin�Lend�r if L�nd�r zs such an ins��tu��on�. Lender shall <br /> apply the Funds t�pay sa�d taxe�,assessments,insurance premiums�and ground ren�s. Lender may n�t charge f�r sa <br /> hald�ng;and applyin��he Fund�,ana�yz�r�.g said aGcourxf ar��rifyin�and said assessm�rits and bi�1s,unle�s <br /> Lend�r pays B�rrower interest on�he Funds an�appiicab�e Iav�permits Lender�n rnake sueh a�haxge.�orra�nre�and <br /> Lender may agre�in�nrri�u7g a�the�me�f execu�ion of�is I�eed of Trus�t that in�er�s�on the Funds sha�I�be pai�.�o <br /> Borrower,and uril.�ss suGh agreement is made�r app�icabl�Iaw requires�uch in�erest�o�e�aid,Lender sha�I not�be <br /> required�o pay Borrawer any v.�.�eres� or earning� an�he Func�s. Lender shali �ive�o Borrower, wi�hou�charge, an <br /> annual a�c�un�ing of�he Funds shvvving credx�s and de�b��s�n the Funds and the purpose for wh�ch debit t��he <br /> �unds was made.The Funds are p1�d�ed as addi�ional security for the sums s�cured by this Deed of 7'rus�. <br /> �f the amoun�of the�urads held by Lender,toge�her vvi�h�he future month�y ins�a�lments of�unds payable priar <br /> ta the due�a�es of taxes,assessments,insurance premiurns and grQur�d rents,�ha1�exGeed�he arnoun�required t�pay <br /> said�axes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground ren�s a.s�hey fall due, su�h excess shal�he, at Borr�w�r?s <br /> optxon, ei�her promp��y repaid t�Borrov�er or credited to B�rr�wer on manthly�nsta��ments of Funds. Zf�he a.r.�� <br /> NEBRAS�.A-5ecand Mor�ga�e-�!$D <br /> VNlPw�'6�NE}��5D9} �Imended 71�4 <br /> Page�❑f 7 <br /> BorrowEr�s}�nitsals �,�^- � <br />