2� 15�8�83
<br /> �EE� �F TRUST
<br /> �Cant�nued� Pa9e �
<br /> of a s��ured party under the Nebra�ka Unifarm��mmarcial CQd�.
<br /> Fvreclosure by Power flf Sale. If L�nder ele��#s to farec�ose�by exe���se of the Rawer of Sale he�r�in conta#ned,
<br /> Lende�r sha�E noti#y T�ustee and shall dept��i#with Trustee this Deed r�f Trust and the Nate and su�h rece�pts
<br /> and e�idence o'f�xpenditures made and saGured by this�]esd of Trust as Trust�e may require.
<br /> ta� Upon receipt of such noti�e fram Lender, Trustee shali �aus�1to be record�d, publ��hed�nd deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such N�tice ❑f Default and Notice af Sal� as then required by iaw �nd by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee sh�ll. w�thaut dem�nd on Tru�tor. after such time as may then be requ�red by law and aft�r
<br /> reca���atian af such N�tice o#Def�ult ant� �fter Notice�f Sa�e ha�ing heen gi�en as required by la�, se�1
<br /> the Property at the time end piace of sale �Fixed hy it in such Notice �f 5ale, �ith�r as a ►�hole, or in
<br /> separate�ots ar parceis vr items�s Truatee sha��deem expedient, end in such order as it rt�ay determine,
<br /> at publi� auct�on t❑ the highest bid�ier for�ash in �awfu! money�f the United States paya�le at the time
<br /> af sa1e. Trustes shall deliver ta su�h pur�haser or purchasers thereof i#s �ood and sufficient deed or
<br /> desds can�eying the property sv svld, but writhvut sny coven�nt ❑r watranty� express or implied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed of �ny metters ar�acts sha!! he conclusi�e praaf o�the truth#ulne�s tl�e�reof, Any
<br /> person, including without limita�tivn Truator,Trustee, or Lender, may purchase at such sal�.
<br /> �h� As may be permitted by law� efter dedu�ting �ll cos#s, fees and expenses of Trustee �nd o# this
<br /> Trust� including�vsts of e�iden�e of title in�QnnectiQn with sa1e,Trust�e sha��ap�ply the proceeds vf sa�e
<br /> #o payment af �iy a��sums expended uruier the t�rms af this Deed a�f Trust ar under the te�rms of the Note
<br /> nat then r�p�aid, including but nv�t �imited tv aGCrued �nterest and I�te charges, ��if all t�ther sums then
<br /> secured herehy, en� �iii�the rem�incle�� if sny.to the person ar persans le�ally entitled ther�tca.
<br /> �cy Trus���may in the menn�r pro�id�d by law po��pone safe a�a11 or any partian af the Property.
<br /> Rsmad��s Not Ex�tusi�a. Trustee ar�d Lendar, and es��h ta� tham, sha�� be entitlec� ta enfarce payment and
<br /> perft�rmance of�ny indabtedness c�r obligetiv�ns secured by th��D�ed of 1"rust and to exercise ail rights�nd pvwers
<br /> under this ❑eed v�Trust, under the Note, under any a�the� Re�atsd aocumenis, or und�r any other agr�$ment or
<br /> any laws now or hereafter in fvr�e; notwithstendir�g, same ar all of such indeb#edness and vbligations secured by
<br /> this Deed vf Trust m�y now or hereafter be otherwise s�cur��l, whether by mortgage, deed af trust, pledge, lien,
<br /> as�ignm�nt or a�herwise. Neith�r the accapt�rncg of this aeed of Trust nor its enforcement. w►hether by court
<br /> action�r pursuant to the power v�F sa�e or vther pawers canteined in this Deed o�Trust, shall pre3udice vr in any
<br /> manner affe�t Ti rustee's or Lender's right to re�1i�� upan or enfvrce sny other security now ar hereafter heid hy
<br /> Trustee o�Lender, �t being agreed that Trustee and Lend�r, and each a#them, shal�be entitled to enfor�e this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any other secur�ty now ar hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such arder and manner as they �r
<br /> eith�r o� them may in their absolute discretion determ�ne. No remedy conferred up�n or reserved to Trustee or
<br /> Lender, i� intended to be exclusi�s of any oth��r�medy in this Deed vf Trust vr hy iaw pro�ided or p��mitted, hut
<br /> each sh�ll be cumulati�e and sh�l� be in addit�on tn euery other remedy giWen in this ❑eed of Trust ar n�w or
<br /> hereafter ex�sting et i�w ar in equtty�r b�sta�tute. E�ery p�vrEver or�emedy g��en by the Not��r any of the Related
<br /> Do�uments ta Trust�e or Lender or to which e�ther of them may be otherwise entitled, may tae exerc�sed,
<br /> cvn�urrentEy vr independently, from time to time and as vften �s may be deemed �xpedient by Trustee ❑r Lend�r,
<br /> and either ot them may pursus in��nsis#ent r�medies. Nathing in this Deed of Trust shall be �onstrued as
<br /> prohihiting Lend�r fram seeking a d�fi�iency judgment against ths Trustvr to the ex#ent su�h act�on is permitted by
<br /> la►►v. Election by L�nder ta pursue any remedy shell not ea�clude pursuix of any other remedy, and an e��ction to
<br /> m�ke eacpenditur�s ar to take action tv perfc�mn �n abligativn Q� Trustor under this Dged af Trust, after Trustar`s
<br /> failure to perfvrm, shall not aif�ct l.ender's r�ght to de��are a default and exerc+se+ts re�m�dies.
<br /> Reque�t far Notice. Trustar, on b�h�lfi of Truatvr end Lender. hershy reque�ts that a cdpy of any Natice of Default
<br /> and a �vpy of any Nvtice of 5ale under this �eed of Trust bg mai�ed to#hem at the addre�ses set forth in the first
<br /> par�graph af this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> �►ttorn�ys` F�ss; Expenses. lf L�nder institutes any suit Qr action to en�c�rce any of th� terms of �his Qeed ofi
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�I be gntitled to reca�er such sum �s the court may adjudge r�asonahle as attarneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upan any appeal. Whether or not any court action is in�ol�ed� and to the extent not prohihited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinivn are necessary at any time fvr the protection of its
<br /> interest vr the enforcemen�❑f its rights sh�ll become a part af the Indebtedness Qeyah�e an demand and shall bear
<br /> int�rest at the Nvte rete fram the date o�the expenditure untii repa+d. Expenses co�ered bY this paragreph inGlude,
<br /> without limitation, hQwe�er subject to any limits under ��plicab�e law, Lender's attorneys' fees and Lender's �egal
<br /> e�p�enses� whether or not there is e 18wsu�t, including attorneys' fees end exp�nses for banl�rupfi�y proceedings
<br /> �including efforts to modiTy o��acete eny auta�matic stay or lnjunctiony, appeels,and any anticipeted post-judgmant
<br /> callection �er�ices, the cvst vf se�r�hing rec�rds, abtaining title r�ports �including fore�losure reportsy, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appreisal fees, tixle insurance, and fee� far the Trustee, t� the extent permitted by app�icable �aw.
<br /> Tru�tvr afsa w�lf pay�ny court casts, in additian ta e!i vth�r sums pro�ided by�aw.
<br /> Rights Qf Trustee, Trustee shall ha�e al1 vf the�i�hts and dutigs❑f L�nder as set forth in this section.
<br /> P�WERS AND �6Ll�ATI�NS �F THUSTEE. The�v�iowing prv��sions relatin�to th� powers �nd❑bli�atians of Trust�e
<br /> are part af this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Pow�r�vf Trustee. !n a�ditifln ta aEl pow�ra af Trustee erisin�as a m�tt�r of iaw,Trust��shall ha���h� power ta
<br /> take the�t����wing actions with re�pect to the �tr�p�erty upon the written r�equest o�Lender and Trustor: �ay join in
<br /> preparing and filing � map ar �I�t a# the Real Pro�rty. including #he dedicat�an of street� or othg� rights ta th�
<br /> publ�c; �b) join ir� r�r�n#ing any �asement or creeting any restrictian on xhe Real Property; and �cy �o�n in any
<br /> sut�ordination or❑th�r�greement effectin�th�s aeed of Trust ar the interest v�Lender under this ❑ged a'F Trust.
<br /> Truste�, Trustee sha11 mee# all qualification� r�quired for Trusteg under app���able law. in addition tv the rights
<br /> and remedies set �orth abo�e� with respect to al! or any pert of the Praperty. the Trustee shall ha�e the ri�ht to
<br /> forec�ose by notice and sale, and Lender sha�� har►e the right ta foreClose by jud�ciel fore�l�sure, in eitt�er cas� in
<br /> accordance with and to the full extent pro�ided by applicat�le�aw.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender� a#Lender's opt��n� may frvm time ta time appoint a suc�es�or Trustee t❑any Trustee
<br /> appainted und�r this Deed o�Trust by an instrum�n# executed and acknawledged by Lender and record�d in the
<br /> office �f the racarder of Hai1 Cvunty, State of Nebra�ka. The instrum�nt sha�l conta�n� in addit�on to all �ther
<br /> matters required by state law, the names flf the origina� Lender, Truste�, end Trus#ar, the b�ak and page �or
<br /> computer system r��erence� where #his Deed ❑f Trust is re�ordgd, and the neme and add�ess vf thg successor
<br /> trustee, �nd the instrumen�shall be executed�nd aGkn�wledged by all the bene��ciaries under this Deed c��Trust vr
<br /> their successors in interest. The� �uccessnr truste�, withau�con��yanc� of the Pr�perty, shall au�c�ed ta all the
<br /> title�, power, and dut�es �onf�rred upQn thg Trustee in this L7�ed of Trust and by epplicahie I�w. This procedure��r
<br /> substitutian a�7'rustee shal�go�ern to the pxclusion o#�!i other pro�isir�rts for substitution,
<br /> Nt3TIG�S. Any notice r�quired to b� gi�en und�r#hi� Dged ❑�1"rust, includir�g without limit�t��n �ny not�ce vf defaul�
<br /> ar�d any natice vf s�1� �hall be gi�gn in writing, and aha�l be s��ecti�e whsn actually deli��r�d, when actually receE�ed
<br /> hy telefac�imile 4unless otherwise r�quired by�aw�,whgn dep�asited with a n�ti�n�liy recognized o►►ernight cau��er. ar. i�
<br /> mailed, w►hen deposited in the [�nited S�ates maii, as�irs#ciass, c�rtified or register�! mail pvstage prep�aid, dir�cted to
<br /> the address�s shown n�ar ths beginning of this �a�d of Trust. AI! c�pies of nvtices c�f foreclvsure from th� hoider of
<br /> any lien wh�ch has priority v�er this ❑eed of Trust ahali be sent to Lender's address, as shawn near the beginning v�
<br />