2� 15�8�83
<br /> DEEl� �F TRUST
<br /> �C�nti�ued� page 4
<br /> Trust tv Lender.
<br /> Defense o#Title. Subje�t to the exceptian in the paragraph abo�e, Trustor warr�nts and w��1 fore�er defend the
<br /> title to the Praperty against the law�u! claims��al1 persvn�. In the�►►snt any acti�n or prt��eeding i� comm�nced
<br /> that que��it�ns Trust�r's titl�vr the interest t�f Trustes or Lend�r under#his 1���d�f Trust,Trustor shall defend th�
<br /> activn a�t Trustor's expense. Trustar may�e the nominal party in such praceeding, hut Lender sh�ll be entit�ed tt�
<br /> participate in the proceeding and #❑ be r�pr�sen#ed in the �roceeding by counsel of LeRder's own �ho�ce, and
<br /> Trust�r will de�i�er, Qr cause to be deli�ered, tQ Lender such instruments as Lender ma�y request fram time ta time
<br /> to perm�t such participat�an.
<br /> Compllance Wrth Laws. Trustor warr�nts thst the Property �nd Trustor's us� of the Property �omplies with aFl
<br /> existing applic�ble laws, ordinances, and regulstions o�go�ernm�ntal authorities.
<br /> Survh►nl of Reprssantations and Warr�ntiea. Ail representatians, warrentEes. end agreem�nts made by Trustor in
<br /> this �eed of Trust shall survi�e the executian end del��ery af this Deed�f Trust, sh�it be continu�ng in nature, and
<br /> she��rema�n in full#orce end effect until suGh time�s Borr[awer's Indebtedness shell be R�id in�ulE.
<br /> CnNDEMNATIClN. The fo�lawing prv�isions �elating to condemneti�n praceedings are a part❑f this D�ed af Trust:
<br /> Procaadin�s. !f any pro�eeding in condemnetion �s tiled, Trustor shal� promptly notify Lender in writing, and
<br /> Trustor shall promptly take such �teps as may be necessary to defend the �c#ian and ohtaEn the award. Trustor
<br /> may be the nominai party tn such proceeding, hut Lender shall be sntitled ta parti�ip�ata in thg prvcseding and to he
<br /> repre��nte�d in the proceeding �y counsel �f it.� vwn chrsi��� �nd Trustar will deliv�r or cause ta he deli�ered tQ
<br /> Lender such instruments and documentetion �� mey be requested by L�nder �rom time tQ time t� permit su�h
<br /> participat�on.
<br /> Applicetion of Net Prviceeds. �f al�or�ny pan of the Property is�ondamned by eminent domain proceedings or by
<br /> eny p�oceeding or purchase in lieu❑f candemna#i�n, Ler�der may at its election require that�11 ar eny portion of the
<br /> net prac��ds of the award t�e �pplied tti the Indebtedness ar the rep�ir or r�storati�n of �he Property. The n�t
<br /> pro�eeds vf the award sh��i mean the eward �fter payment Q�all re�sonable cos�s, expenses, �n� att�rneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trus#ee vr Lender in connectian w�th the condemnation.
<br /> lMPflS#T��N aF TA]CE�, FFES AND GHARGES BY [3QVERNMENTAL AUTH�R�TIES. 7he fal�owing prv�isians relating
<br /> ta go�ernmentaE taxes, feeS and charges are�p�rt vf this D�ed of Trust:
<br /> Currerit"T�xes, Fees and �harges. Upon r�queat by Lender, Yrustar sha�1 ex�cute �uch documents in addit�on ta
<br /> this Deed of Trust and take whate��r vther ection is requested by Ler�der ta perfe�t and continue Lender's f�en on
<br /> the Rea� Property. Trustor shaii reimhurse Lander for all taxes, as described below, together with all expenses
<br /> �ncurred in recnrding, pe�rf�cting v� cvntinuing tMi� Deed of Trust, �ncluding wrtho�ut limi#�tivn 8�1 taxes, fees,
<br /> dncumentary stamps, and other cha�ges fior re��rding ar re�i�tering this De�d ofi Trust.
<br /> Tax�s. The fallowing sh�ll �anstitute ta�es tv which this sectinn applies: �1 f A 5��CIfIC ��X upon this type a#
<br /> Deed af Tru�x or upon all or any part nf the Indeb�edness secured by this Deed o'f Trust; �2f � specific tax an
<br /> Bnrraw�r which Bvrrower is authariaed or�equir�d tv deduc#from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this
<br /> type of fleed of Trust; [3y a tax an this type af Deed of Trust chergeable against the L�nder Qr the hvlder of�he
<br /> Nate; snd �4� a spe�ifi� ta� a� �I1 vr any pvt't�on ❑f ths lndsbtedness Qr on }��yments vf principal and in��rest
<br /> made by Borrower.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. I� an� tax tv which this section eppEies i� enacted subsequent to the date of this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall he�e the same effect es an Event vf D�fault, and Lender may exercise any or a�! vf its
<br /> a�a�l�ble remsdies far an E�ent of Default ea pra�ided belaw uniess Trustar eithsr t'�y pays the tax before it
<br /> �ecomes de�inquent, ar ��f cvnt��ts th�tax as pra�id�d abo�e in the Taxes �nd Liens s�ct+an end deposits with
<br /> Lender G��h or a suf#i�ient�orpor�te surety bvnd oc other s�curity seti�fa�tnry to L�nder.
<br /> SE�URITY AGF���NIENT; F�NAN�ING STATEMENTS. The fvilowing pra�isions �elating to th�s Deed o� Trust as �
<br /> �e�urity agr�ement are a part of#his �eed of Trus#:
<br /> Security Agrrement, This instrurnent shall cQnstitute a Security Agreement to the extent any of the Prvp�rty
<br /> constitut�s fixtures, and L,ender shall ha�re�II�#the rights v�a se�ured p�r�y under the llni�Fc�rm Commereia� Cade
<br /> as amended fr�m time t�t�me.
<br /> Security Interest. Upon request by Lender, �`rustcar shaii take whatever action is requested hy L�nder tv per�ect
<br /> and c�ntinue Lender's security inte�est �n #he R�nt� and Pe�rsnnal Prapert�. In addition t� recvrding this �]eed af
<br /> Trust in the real prflperty rec�rds, Lend�r m�y� et eny time and without �urther authorizat+on frvm Trus#vr, file
<br /> executsd �ounterpar�s, capies ar repraduGtions of this Deed of Trust �s a financing statement. Trustor �hall
<br /> reimburs� L�nder for all exp�n��s incurred in per�ecting or�vn�inuing this security interest. L�pvn default, Trus�ar
<br /> shall not rema�a, se�er ar det��h the Personel Proparty �rom the Property. Upon default� Trustor ehef� assembie
<br /> any Persona� Property n�t affixed to the Pr�perty in a msnner�nd at a place reesonably cvn�enient#o Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a►►ailable ta Lender within three t3� days after receipt of written demand fr�m Lender ta the
<br /> gxtent permitte�i kay appl+c�ble I�w.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addreSses af Tru�tt�r tdebtar) end Lender �secured partyy from which inform��ian
<br /> conGern�ng the security in�erest gran#ed by this []eed o�Trust may be ohtained {ea�h as rsquir�d by the Uniform
<br /> Cflmmercial Codej ere as stated an the first page of this D�ad of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The following pro�is�ons reiating to further assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-faGt are a part o�f this Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Furth�r As�ur�ncea. At any t'rme. and fram t�rrre�tv tima, upon reques�of Lender� Trustor wil! make�, execute and
<br /> deli�er,ar w�l!cause tv iae m�de,executed�r dei�i�►ered.tfl L�nder vr to Lender's designe�. and when requested by
<br /> Lender� �ause to b� �iled� recorded, refiied. or�racorded, es the Gase may be, at such#imes and in such affices
<br /> and plac�s as Lendar m�y deem appr�priate, enY �nd a�l such mortgeges, deeds af trust, security deeds, security
<br /> egr�em�nts, �inancing at�tsments. Gon�inuet�on statements� instruments of further �ssuranGe, certi��cates, and
<br /> other dacum�nts a� may� in the sale opinion a�Lender, be n���s�ary vr de��r��le in�rder to effactuate, �omplers,
<br /> pertee#. cvntinue, o� preserve (1 f Sorrower's and Trustor's vbliga#ions under the Nate, this C�ead o�Trust, and
<br /> the RelatBd ❑v�uments, and t�y the lis�ns and sscurity in#grests created hy th�a Daed af Tru�t aa firat and pr'ror
<br /> liens on thg Rroperty, wh�th�r nvwr vwned or hereafter act�uire�i by Trust�r. �nle�ss prahibited by 1ew ar Lender
<br /> agrees tv the cantrary in writ�ng� Trustor sh�t� re�mbu�s� Lender�or a�i costs and e�xp�nseS incurred in cvnnecti�n
<br /> with the matters referred�v in t�+s paragraph.
<br /> Aitorney-�n-Fa�t. If Trustar�ails tv do any vf the things referr�� ta in the prec�d�ng peragraph, l.ender may do sv
<br /> far and in the name o#Trus�or and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trustor herehy i�re�ocably appoint�
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney-in-fact for the purpose of making, executing, deii�errng, fifing, re�a�rding, �nd doing all
<br /> other thin�� as may be necessary or desirabla, in Lender's s�le opinian. t� a�camQlish the matterg referred tv in
<br /> the preceding paragrap#�.
<br /> FULL PERFaRMANGE. If Barrvw�r end Trustvr p�y ell the lndehtedn�ss whan due, and Trustor otherwise performs a��
<br /> the�k�iigetivns impvsed upon Trustor under#h�s Dead of Trust, Lende�shell exe�ute and del��er#a Trustee e request�or
<br /> ful� recan�eyance and shall execut�and deli�er ta Trustar suitable statements af tsrminatian of any finencing statement
<br /> an fil�e�idencing Lender's ss�urity inter�st in the Rents and the Personel Prvperty. Any re�onr►eyan�e fee require� by
<br />