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2� 15�8�83 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> �C�nt�nued� Pa�e Z <br /> TRUST�R'S WAIVE�S, Trustor wai�es��f ri�hts ar def�nses arising by r�ason of�ny "one��tion" o� "anti-deficiency" <br /> ��w, or any other faw which may pre�ent Lender from bringing any act�on ag�ins# Trustor, includ�ng a cla+m far <br /> d�ticiency ta the ��ct�nt Lender is v�herwise entitled to e c�aim for de#icienGy, be�oce or after Lend�r's cvmmen�ement <br /> or�amp�etion of any foreclosure action�eith�r jud��iei�y or by exercise af a power of sale. <br /> RAYMENT AND PERF�RMANGE. Except�s t��herwise��o�id�d in this Deed❑f Trust, Snrrvuv�r and Trust�r shall pay to <br /> Lender all �ndebtedness secured �y this Deed af Trust �s it ��comes due, s�nd B�rrvw�r and Trustor sh��l strictly <br /> perform all their respecti�e❑bligations under�he Nvte,this Deed o�Trust,and the Related �ocum�nts. <br /> P�SSESS��N AND MArNTENANCE �F THE PR�PER'Tlf. Barrowec and Trustar agr�e that 8arrower's and Trustar's <br /> passession and use�af th�Praperty shal�ba�or►�rned ivy th�following pro�isians: <br /> Pos��saivn and Use. Until th� oGcurrence of en E�ent oi` ❑efautt, Trustor may {'�� remain in possessivn and <br /> contro�af the Pr�perty; {2f use, operate or manage the Pr�perty; and �3j collect the�ents from the Praperty. <br /> Duty to Meintain. Trustvr sha�l maintain the P�vp�erty in tenantahle condition and pr�mptly perform all repairs, <br /> replacements, and m�intenan�e necessary to presen►e its�a�lue. <br /> �or�r�p�ian�e Vllith En�iranmanta# L�wa. Trustor rep�resents and warrants tv Lender that: �1 f I�ucing the� period of <br /> Trust�r's awnership af the Pro�serty, therv hss l�e��no us�, g�neration, m�nu�e�tu�e, �tvrage,�r�etm�n�, disp�sal, <br /> releas� ar thr��tened r�lease of any Haz�rdous 5ubst�nce by any pers�n on, und�r, about or �rqm the Property; <br /> ��y Trust�r has no knowledge of, or reasvn#o belie�e that#her� has been, except as pre�iaus�y d'+sclased to and <br /> acknawled�ed by Lender in wri�ing, �a� �ny br�ach or �iolat+on af any En�iranmental Laws. tbf any use, <br /> g�neration, rnanufaGture, storage, tr�atment, disp�o�el, relea�e or threatened rel�ase of any Ha�ardaus 5ubstance <br /> an, under, about vr from the Praperty by any privr own�rs or oGcupants o�the Property, a�r �cy �ny actual or <br /> threa�er►ed litiga�ion ❑r �feEms af any kind hy any persvn weleting ta suGh matters; and �3f Excep# as pre�iously <br /> disc�nsed to and acknowledged by Lender in w�iting, �a� neither Trust�r n��any�enant, cvntractor, a�ent or other <br /> authvrized user o�the Property shall use, generate, manufacture,s#are, treat, dispose v�Qr release any Hazardous <br /> Substance vn, under, abaut or from the Property; and tb� any such act'r�i#y shall be�ondu�ted in compliance with <br /> a!I applicabfe federa�, st�t�, and �ocai 18ws, regu�a�tions and ar�in�ncgs, inGluding withaut limitati�n all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. T�ustor authari��s Lender and i�s ag�nts tca enter upon the Pr�perty to make such <br /> in�peGtions and tests. at Trustor's expense, as Lencier may deem appropriata to dgtermine compli�n�� of the <br /> Propgrty with this sectian ❑f the Deed o�Trust. Any �nspectinns ar tests made by Lender shaf! be #or Lgnder's <br /> purpasss only end sh�l� not he construed to create�any responsibil�ty or Ii�bilitY an the part of Lender to Trustor vr <br /> to any a�ther person. The repr�sentat�ons end w��ranties c�ntained herein are based on Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating th� Prv��rty �ar Ha�ardvus 5ub�tance9. Trustor he�reby �1� r��e�eses and wai�es any �u�ure c�aims <br /> aga�ns# Lend�r for indemnity or Gon�ributivn in the e►►ent Trustor b�cames liable for cfeanup or other �vsts und�r <br /> any such laws; and {�y agrees ta indemni#y, def�nd, and hold harml�ss Lend�r agains�any�nd e�l claims, Iosses, <br /> [iabilities, damages, penalties, and expens�s wh�ch Lender may directly or inclir�ctl�sustain a�sufFer resulting from <br /> � breach of this se�tion v�the �]eed of Trust or �s a consequen�e of any use, generat+an, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposel, r�fease or thr��tened release o��urring pria�r to Trustor's ownership ar�nterest in the Property. whether or <br /> not the� same was or should ha�e heen kn�wn tv Trustar. The pra�fsions vf this se�tion c�� the De�d of Trust, <br /> including th�obligatiQn ta indemnify and defend,�hal!surriive�he payment af the Indeb�tedness and the satisfa�tian <br /> and recan�eyance o�the Eien of�his ❑eed af Trust and�h�lf not be affected hy L�nder's acquisi�ion of any �nteres� <br /> in thg Property, whether by foreclosure�r vtherwise. <br /> Wuis�nce. Wasta. Trustor sh�fE not cause, cv�nduct ar permit �ny nu�s�nc� nor cammit, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping v� vr waste on ar ta the Prvperty or �ny partion o� th� Property. lAl�thaut limiting the generality ofi the <br /> for�going� Trustor will not remv�e, ar gran�t�any�the� party the right to rema�re, �ny timber� mingr�ls �including <br /> oil�nd gasj, coal� clay, s�aria� �vil, gre�g!or rock products wit�out Lender's prior writt�n con��nt. <br /> Rema�a�of lmpra�ementa. Trustvr sha��nvt demalish ar remo�e any fmpro�sments from the Re��Property wit�vut <br /> Lendar's priar written cansent. As���nditian to the rema�el af any Impravements, L�nder may require Trustar to <br /> make errangements satisfectary to Lendef to repl��e such Impro��ments with Impra�em�nts af at least ��uai <br /> ��lua. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender �nd Lender's agents and �epres�ntati�es may �nter upon the Real Property �t all <br /> reasone�le times ta attend to Lender's interests and to inspe�t the Reai Praperty fvr purpases of Y�ustor's <br /> comp�iance with the t�rms and cvnditivns of this De�e�d af Trust. <br /> Campl�anc.� with �'ove+�mental Rec�uirem�nts. Trustor shali pro�ptly cQmply wi�h �11 laws. ordinances, and <br /> regulatians, n�ow or hers�fter in effect, of �II go�ernmen�al �uthori��es app[icable� to the use vr occupancy a�f�t�e <br /> Proparty, including without 1im�tatian, th� Amer���ns With Disebiliti�s A�t. Trus#or m�y cont��t in good fai#h any <br /> s�rch law, ordinance, �r regul�tion and withhold c�mpl�ance during eny pro��adfng, including appr8pria#e appeals, <br /> s❑lvng as Trustar has not��ied Lendsr in writing prio�to daing so and so fong ea, in Lende�r's so�e opinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Prope�rty are nat jeopardized. Lender may requ�re Trustar tv post adequate se�urity ar � surety <br /> bvnd� reesc�nably satisfe�tory tv Lend�r,ta prate�t L�nd�r's interest. <br /> Quty ta Protect. Trust�r agrees neith�r ta �h�ndQn or lea�e unat�ended th� Praperty. Tru�tar shall do a!� oth�r <br /> a�t�, in additivn ta those acts s�t fvrth abo�e in th�s�ection, which from the chara�ter end use o�the Prvperty are <br /> r�asonahly necessary to protect and preser�e#he Property. <br /> QUE�N SALE-CONSENT�Y LENDER. Lender may, at L�nder's option, declar�immedi�tely due and payabl� al�sums <br /> s�cure�i by this Deed af Trust upan the se��or tran�f�r, withaut Lend�r's prior writt�n cansent, of all or any part of the <br /> Real Praperty, �w any inter�st in th� Real Prop�rty. A "seie or transfer" means the con�ey�nce a�R�al Praperty ar�ny <br /> right, title or interest in th� Real Prvperty; wheth�er lggal, bene#icial �r equitabfe; whether �oluntary or in�o�untary; <br /> w►hether by autright sale, deed� �nstallment sale cflntract, land cvntra�t, con#ract f�r cleed, leaseh��d inxerest w�ith a <br /> term greater than three �3f years, lease-vpti�n �ontract, or by sale, assignment, vr transfer�f any �ene�iciai interest in <br /> or ta any land t�ust hvlding titls to the Real Prvperty, �r by any other methvd of cvnueyance of an interest in the Real <br /> Property. Haw►e��r, this aption shall n�t b�e exercisgd by Lender if �uch exercise is prohihited �y federal 1aw ar by <br /> Nebr�ska 18w. <br /> TA3CES AND LtENS. The talfowing prv�isions relating to the #exes and �igns on ihe Praperty ere p�rt vf this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymsnt. Truatar shal� pey when due �and in all��ent� prior tc�delinquency} �II taxes. speci�l fiaxes, assessments. <br /> ch�rges [includ'+ng water�nd sewe�y, �irres and �mpositions le�ie� against�r vn acca�ant of the Property� and shall <br /> pay when du� all claims for wark da�ne a�n or f�r sgrvices rendered or materieE furnished ta th� Property. Trustvr <br /> shall maintain the Prvpferty free of a��liens ha��ng p�iority o�er ar equ��ta th�interes#af Lender under this Deed ot <br /> Trust, except for the �ien of taxes and ass�ssments nat �ue �nd except as othsrwis� pco��ded in this Deed of <br /> T�ust. <br /> a�ght ta Ct�ntest. Trustor may withht�ld payment vf any t�x, ass�ssment, vr cleim in�onnectican with a gflad fa+th <br /> dispute o�er the�hliga�ian to pay, so Ivn9 as Le�nder's in�erest�n the Pro�erty is nat javpard�zed. 1f a lien arises�r <br /> is fi��d es a result of nonpaymen�, Trustvr shall withir� fift�en �`�5f days after the lien arises or, �f a lien is filed, <br /> within �fifteen �'�5y days after Trustor h�s notic� of the fi�ing, secure #he discharge af the I'r�n, ar if requested hy <br /> Lender.deposit with Lender Gash ar a sufficient c�rpt�rate surety bond af ather s�curity satisfactvry ta Lender in an <br /> amount�uffiGient to discharge th� lien p��us any cast�an�f attorneys'fees, ❑r othg�charges that could ac�rue as a <br />