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2� 15�8�39 <br /> Transfer of the Prvp�r�y�r a�3eneffc�a�In�erest in Bvrrovver.�f aI�or any part of�he Property or any interest <br /> in i� is s��d or �ransferred �or if a ben�f c�a� �n�eres� in Barro�er xs so�d or transferred and Bnrra�ver is nat a <br /> na�ura� person} vvithout Lender's prior wr��ten cons�n�, Lender may, a� i�s op�iQn, re�uire immedia�e payment in <br /> full �f a�1 sums s�cured by th�s Security Instrun�.exz�. Hav�vever, �his aption sha�l nat be e�erc�sed by Lender �f <br /> exercise xs prohib��ed�ay f�deral lavv as of the date of this 5ecuri�y�nstrument. <br /> If Lender exerc�ses �his aptifln, Lender sha�� g�ve Borrov�rer no�ice of acce�era�ion. The n�tice sha�1 prov�de a <br /> periad of no� less �han�he m�i�imum number of days estab�ished by Applicab�e Law from�he dat� the no��ce is <br /> de��vered ar mai�ed v�ri�hin which Borro,wer must pay a11 sums secured by thzs Security Yns�rumen�. �f Borro�ver <br /> fail� to pay these sums prior to �he expiratzan of this p�ri�d, Lender xnay invoke any remedies permi��ed by this <br /> 5ecur�ty�nstrument vvi�hou�fur�her notzce or demand vn Barr�wer. <br /> Borrovver's Right to Reinstat�. �f Borrawer meets certain cond��ians, B orrawer sha1� have the r�ght �a have <br /> enfore�ment of this Securi�y Ins�ru�men� d�scont�nued at any t�me prior t� �he ear��er of �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> per�od as App�icab�e Law may spec�fy f�r reins�atement}bef�re sa�e�f the Properfiy pursuant to any povver of sale <br /> �on�ained in �his 5ecurity Instrumen�; or (b} entry of a judgmen� enforcing �his 5ecuri�y Instrurnent. Those <br /> cand��ions are �ha�Borr�w�r: �a� pays Lend�r al� surns vvhi�h then vvould be due tu�der this Security �ns�rumen� <br /> and the Contrac�as�f no ac�e�er�.t�on had occurred; (b�cures any default of any o�her c�venan�s or agreements; �c} <br /> pays all expens�s incurred in enforcing this 5ecuri�y Ins�rument,including,bu�n��lim�ted ta,r�as�nable a�t�rneys' <br /> fees to the e��en�p�rmitted by Iaw; and�d} �akes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanably requ�re to assure tha�the <br /> lien of this 5ecuri�y Instrumen�,Lender's rig��s in the Pr�perty and Borrovver's a�liga�i�n�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by t�iis Secur��y Instrumen�shal� con�inu� un�har�ged. Upon r�instatemen�by BarroWer, �his Se�uri�y �ns�rument <br /> and�he a�a�igat�ans secured hereby sha�� remain fully effective as if na accelerat�on had occurred. Howev�r, �h�s <br /> right�o rei�sta��sha�l no�appl�r in the case of ac�e�eration under�he section�it�ed Transfer af the Praperty�r a <br /> Benef�cia�Interest in Borrower. <br /> Hazar�ious Substance�.Borrower sha��not cause ar permit the presence,use, dispasal, storage, ar release�of any <br /> Hazaxdous 5ubs�ances on or�n the Praperty.Borrovver sha�1 nnt do,nor allow anyane e�se to do,anything affecting <br /> the Property that is in viti�ati�n of any Environrnen�a� Law. The preceding �vvo sentences shall n�t apply tn the <br /> presence,use,or s��rage on�he Praper�y of small quantities of Hazardous Subs�ances that are genera��y recognized <br /> �a be appropr�a�e to normal resid�n�ia�uses and��ma�ntenance of the Praperty. <br /> Borr��ver shall promptly gi�e Ler�der wri��en not�ce of any invest�ga�i�n,claim, demand,lau�suit or�ther action by <br /> any g��ernmen�al �r regulatary agency ar pr�vat� par�y involving �he Properry and any Hazardous Subs�a.nce or <br /> Env�ronmental Lavv of v�rhich Borro�ver has actual kno�vvledge. 7f Barr�vver Iearns, or xs not�f ed by any <br /> governmental or regu�a�ary au�hari�y, �hat any remova�or o�her remediation of any Hazardous Substance affect�ng <br /> �he Property is necessary, Barravver sha�I promptly take all necessary remedial ac�ions in acc�rdance with <br /> Environmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, '4Ha2ardous 5ubs�ances" are thos� suhs�ances defzned as tax�c or hazardous substances <br /> by Enviranmental La�v and the fallvvving substances: gaso�ine, ker�sene, other flammable or tox�c pe�ra�eum. <br /> produc�s, toxic pesticides �nd h�rbic�des, vo�atile sa�vents, materials containing asbest�s ar f�rma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�oactive materials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Envir�nmen�al Laur" means federal laws and laws of the state of <br /> Nebraska tha�relate t�heal�h,safety or enviranmental pro�ection. <br /> Accelerativn; Remed�es. Lender �hall �ive no�ice t� Barrovver pr�ar �v acce�eratiQn follow�ng Sorrower's <br /> breach af any�o�ena�t or agreement�n this Se�ur�ty Instrument or the C�ntract under wh�ch accelerati�n <br /> is permitted �but not pri�r�o acceleration under the 5ection titiQd Transfer 4f the Property or a Beneficial <br /> Interest fn B�rrower, unl�ss Applicabl�Law provides otherw�se�. The n�ti�e sha�l specify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �h} th� ac�ion requ�r�d t� cure the default; �c� a date, not �es5 than �he min�mum number of day5 <br /> e5tahlished by Applicabl�Law frvm th�date th�natice is g�ven to Bvrrower,by wh��h the de�'au�t must be <br /> �ured; and �d� that failure to �ure the defau�t on ar bef�re �he date specified in the notice may resu�t �n <br /> acceieration of �he �ums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sal� �f �he Property. T`o the ex�en� <br /> permitted by Iaw, the not�c� sha��further infarm Borroyver af the right to r��nsta�e af�er a�ce�erat�an and <br /> the right to bring a court ac��on to assert the non-existence of a defau��or any�ther defense�f Borr�wer�o <br /> a�ceieratxon and saie. If the defau�.t�s no� cure� on or b�fore th� date spe�i�ed in �he not�c�,Lender at its <br /> optzan ma� requzr� imm�d�a�e paymQ�.t in fu�l �f aIl sums s�cured by �his Security Instrument wxthou� <br /> fur�her demand and r�ay invoke the p�wer of sale and any o�her remedies permit�ed by A�px�cable Layv. <br /> To the extent pQrmi���d b� �aw, Lender �hall be entitied t� cQl�ec� all expen�es in�urred �n pursuing the <br /> remQdies provided�n �his Sectx�n,inc�ud�ng,but nflt�irni�, �easonab�e a�torneys' fee5 and costs�f�i�le <br /> ev�dence. <br /> If the p�wer of 5ale is xnvoked,TruStee shall record a noti�e of default in each coun�y�n any part of <br /> �he Property is I��ated ar�d shall mail�Qpi�s flf such noti�e in the manner prescribed by Appifeab�e Lavv to <br /> Borrower and �fl the Qther persons prescribed by Applicab�e Law. Aft�r the �ime required by Applicable <br /> Law, TruStee sha�.� give public nfltice af sale to �he per5ons and xn the manner �rescribed by Appl��ab�e <br /> Law. Trustee,wi�hout d�x�and�n Borrower, shall s��l the Praperty at public auct�on to the h�gh�st b�dder <br /> at the time and place and under�he terrns des�gna�ed in the no�ice of sale�n an��r more parcels and in any <br /> vrder Trustee determ�ne�. Trustee may postp�ne sa�e �f all or any parcei of the Praperty by public <br /> announ�ernent a�the�ime and place of any prev'QuS�y scheduled sal�.Lender or�ts des�gnee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trus�ee shall deli�er to the purchaser TruStee's deed co�.veying <br /> �he Property, The rec�ta��in the TruStee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of�he statements <br /> �2��4-2�15 CompIia.rtce Systems,Inc.SC54-2F6�-2�15.11.3.I498 <br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Page 4 of 5 www.comp] <br />