2� 15�8�37
<br /> Transfer of the Pr�perty ar a Beneficial InterQs�in Borrower.�f alI�r ar�y par�of the Prap�r�y or�ny interes�
<br /> in it zs sold or �ransferred �or if a �enefc�ax interest in B�rrovver �s so�d c�r transferred and Borrower zs no� a
<br /> natura� perstin} wi�hou� Lender's prior wri�ten consen�, Lender may, at its �:pti�n, re�uire �mmedia�e payn�en� in
<br /> fu�l of alI sums secured by �h�s Security Instrument. However, �h�s op�ifln shall not be exerc�sed b� Lender if
<br /> e�ercise is pr�hi���ed by federal�avv as of th�date of this Securifiy Ins�rument,
<br /> �f Lender exerc�ses �his op�ion, Len�ier shall give B�rra�ver n���ce of acc�:Ieration. The notice sha�1 pro�ide a
<br /> per�od of n�t l�ss �ian �he minimum number of days es�ab�ished by App�i���b�e Lavv from �he da�e �he no��ice is
<br /> de��vered or mailed tiv�thin �vhich Borro�er mus� pay a1� sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�rument. Zf Borrvvver
<br /> fa�ls �o pay these sums prior to the expiratian af�th�s period, Lender ma� invoke any rern�dies permit�ed t�y �his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument wi�hout fur�her notice or demand on�orrower.
<br /> Borrower's R�ight to Re�nstate. �f B�rr�wer meets cer�a�n conditinns, �c�rrawer sha�I have the right �o have
<br /> enforcement�f�his Securi�y�ns�-ument disc�n�inued a� any time pri�r t� �h�; earizer of: �a} 5 days ��r such o�her
<br /> per�od as App�icab�e Lav�may sp�cify for reinsta�emen�}before sa�e of the P���perty pursuant to any p��t�v�r af sa�e
<br /> cantained in �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�; or �b} en�ry vf a �udgmen� enfor�:�ng this Security �nstrurn.ent. Th�se
<br /> cflnd��i�ns are �ha� Barrower: �a} pays L�nder al� sums �rhich�hen�vaul.d b�� due u.n�er �his Security �nstr��men�
<br /> and the Cantract as if no accelera�ion had occurred; �b} cu.res any defaul�af a��y oth�r co�enan�s Qr agreemen�s; �c}
<br /> pays a11 expenses zncurred zn enfnrcing�his Securi�y Ins�ru�ment,inc�ud�ng,b�u.t not�imited�o,reasonab�e�.ttorneys'
<br /> fe�s to �he e�tent p�rmi�ted by law; an.� �d} takes such aG�ian as Lender ma�reasonably require�a assure�.at�he
<br /> li�n of this Secur��y Zn��rument,Lender's rights in the Pr�perty and Borrovv�r's obliga�ion�o pay�h� sum�secured
<br /> by �his S ecurity Instrument sha�� c�n�inue unchanged. Up on rei.nstatement u.�r B�rrow�r, �his S ecuri�y Instr�ament
<br /> and �he obligatians secured hereby sha�l rema�n fu�ly effec�ive as if n� acce:lerat�on had occurred. H�vvever, th�s
<br /> right t�reinstate sha11 not apply in the cas�of acGelerati��under the section#it�ed Transfer nf the Property or a
<br /> Benef��ial In�erest in Borro�ver.
<br /> Ha�ardous Sub�ta�ces.Borravver shall x�ot cause ar perrriit the presence,us��, disposal, s�arage, flr rel�ase�f any
<br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ances an ar in�he Praper�y.Borrovver sha��na�do,nor allo�t�v anyone else�.fl d�,anyth�ng aff�ctxng
<br /> the Pr�perty that is in viola�ion �f any Enviranmental L�a.,w. The precedin� t�ro sen�ences shall not apply�o the
<br /> pres�nce,use,ar storage on the Praper�y�f sma��quantities of Haza.rdous Su��stances that are genera�ly re�og�.�zed
<br /> to be apprapria�e to narma�res�dentia�uses and�o rnain�enance of the Property.
<br /> B�rrower sha��promptly give L�nder wrr��en no�ice of�ny investiga�ion,clanr.n, demand,Ia�vsui�ar o�her a��ion by
<br /> any governmenta� ar regulatory agency or pr�vate party involving �he Pr�perty and any Hazardau� Substance or
<br /> Environmen�a� Lavv �f vvh�ch Borrower has a�tual kr�owledge. �f Borrc�wer learns, or is notifi�d b�� any
<br /> g�vernmental or regu�a��ry au�h�rify,that any rem�va�or a�her remed�a�ion c►f any Hazard�us Substance aff�cting
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borrovver shall pr�mpt�y �a.�e a11 necessary ��.media� actians in accardance w��h
<br /> Environmen�al Law,
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" are�h�se substances de�'ir�ed as�oxic or hazardaus substances
<br /> by Environmental Lavv and the f�l�vvv�ng subs�a.nces: �as��i�e, kerasene, +�ther flammable ar toxic pe�roleum
<br /> products, toxzc pesticides and herbicides, vola�ile s�lvents, ma�eria�s containing asbestos �r fflrmaldehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac�ive materials. As used�n�his para�raph, "Enviran�nenta�La�" mearns federal�avvs and laws❑f the st�.te of
<br /> Nebraska tha�relate ta hea�th,safety�r environmen�a�pr��ec�ion.
<br /> Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender 5h�.�1 give x�otice to �orro,wer pr�or �n acce�eratian fo�owing �orrovver's
<br /> bre�ch of any covenamt or agre�ment�rn this Security Instrum�n�or the���ntract under vyh�ch accelerativn
<br /> is permitted �but no�prior to acce�erat�on under the �e�ti�n tit�ed Trar�sfer of the Property ar a B�n�ficial
<br /> Interest in BflrrQwer, unles5 Applicab�e Law pravides otherVvi�e}. The notice 5hal� �pecif�: {a� the de�ault;
<br /> �b� the ac�i�n requ�red tv cure the defau�t; ��} a date, not less th�n �he min��rnum number �f days
<br /> established by Appli�abl�Law fr�rn the date�he not����s gi�En �o Borrovver,by�vh�ch the�ef�u�t m�st be
<br /> cured; and �d) that fa��ure to cure the default on or before �he date s�ecif�ed in the n�tice may rQsu�t in
<br /> a�celeration af the sums securQd l�y this Se�urity I�strurnent and sale of the Property. T� th� exten�
<br /> permitted by�aw, the nat�ce shall fur�her�nform Burrovver of�he r�gh�to reins�a�e after ac�e�erativn and
<br /> �he r�ght to bring a court act�fln��asser�thQ non-existence of a defau�t��r any flther defense of Borrov�er�o
<br /> acce�eration and sale. If the default is �flt cured on ar bef4re the date ���e�ified�� the not�ce,Le�der at its
<br /> option may require imme�iate payment in full of alI �ums secured b� th�s Securit� Instrument wi�thout
<br /> fur�her demand a�d �nay invoke the power of sa�e an�l any other reme�lies permi�ted by Appl.��abie Law.
<br /> Ta the ex�en� per�utted by law, Lender shall be ent���ed to collec� alI �:xpenses xnCurred �n pursuing the
<br /> ren�edie5 pr�vided in this Sect�on,inc�uding,but no��imu.�ed to, reasonab��e attorney�' fees and cast�o�F t���e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If th�power of sale is fnvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defau�t�nt each county fn�v�ich any part of
<br /> �he Froperty�5 lo�a�ed and sha�l ma�i copies of such n�tice in the mann���pres�ribed by Ap�lf�able L�w to
<br /> Borrower and to t�e �ther per5ons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time required by Appli�cab�e
<br /> Lav�, Trustee shall g�ve public notice �f sale �o the persons and in �h� manner prescribed by Appli�able
<br /> Lav�. Trus��e,,withvut demand vn Bvrrower, 5ha�1 se��the Property at p�a�b�.�� auet�nn to �he h�.ghesf bidd�r
<br /> at�he time and plaCe and under�he terms de�ignate�in the noti�e of sa�e in one or n�ore par�els and�n any
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee deternunes. Trustee rnk�y postpone sale of all ar any ��arce� af the Property by pu�lic
<br /> announcement at th�time and place of�ny previousiy s�heduled sale.L�nder or its designee may pur�ha�e
<br /> the Pr�perty at any�ale.
<br /> Up�n r�ceip� vf payment�f the pric� bid, Trustee sh�.11 del�ver to the�L�rchaser Trus�ee's �eed c�n��y�ng
<br /> �he Property.ThQ recita�s�n the Truste�'s deed shall be prima fac�e evid�ence of�h��ru�h of th��tate�ments
<br /> �2Q4�-2415 Cocnpliance Systems,Inc.SC54-95A4-Z�I5,I I.3.1098
<br /> Cansurr�er ReaI Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2435 Pa�e�#af S www.campliancesys#eins.�am
<br />