2� 15�8� 14
<br /> full of al� sums secured �y �h�s Secur��y �nstrurra�r��. ��v�ever, ���s �p�i�n sh��l� n�� be exerc�sed by �ender if
<br /> e�erc�se is prohibi�ed by federal�avv as af���e da�e af this��curi����rs�rument.
<br /> If Lender e�erc�ses this �p�t�on, Lender shal� ���� B�r�a�ver n���ce af acceler,��ion. The �atic� sha�1 pro�ide a
<br /> period of n�� less than �he minimur�� n�.�mber Q��.�.ys estab�ished by .�pp�icabl�� Lavv fr�rn �he dat� the no�ice �s
<br /> de�iWer�d �r ma�l�d w��h�n wh�cl� ��rrawer m�s� pay all surns s�cured by �his Secur�ty Yns�rument. �f�3arr�wer
<br /> fa�1s �� pay �hese sums pr��r �a the e�p�rat��n vf�his �eri��, �ender may inv���e any�-err�ed�es per�n���ed by this
<br /> Securi�ty�nstrumen�v�itl�ou�fur�her��tice��dem�.��d����3orr�w�r.
<br /> ]�orrower's 1�.��h� �� l���ns��teo I� �or�r�vver n��e�s �e�-�ain c�nditions, Borra��ver �ha�� ha�e ���e righ� t� have
<br /> enfor�ement �f th�� Se�uriiy r�st�umen� dis���.t�nu�e� at���y �i�ne pri�r to the ea�r�ier of: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> perifld as App�icable L�w ma�specify for reiras�a�e�n�n�t�before sale of�h�Prope�.y pursuant�o any power of s�.�e
<br /> c�r�tain�d ia� �his S�curi�y �ns�r��mer�t; ar �b� e���y �f a j ud�m�n� enforG�ng fihis Security �nstrumen�. Tho�e
<br /> canditions are �:ha� �o�-ro�nrer: (a� pays Lender all sums vvhich �:hen v��u�d �� due ur�der thxs Security �nstrument
<br /> and the Con�ract as if n�ac�elera�ion had�c�u�-red; (�}cures a�y default of any c��her�o�enan�:s or a�reemen�s;�c}
<br /> pays a�l e�penses in�urred�n enforc�ng���is Se�urity Ins#:rumer��, �nclud�ng,�ut�{���im}�ed��,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> fe�s�o �h� e�ten��ermi�:�ed by lavv; and�d�tak�s �uch a��i�r�as Lender may r���s�na�l�require ta ass�.re�hat the
<br /> lien �f�his Security Ir�stru�-r�ent, Le-�der'�righ�s in th� pr��e�-�.y and Borrower's ��b�iga�ion t�pay the sums se�ured
<br /> �b� �his �ecuri�y Ins�ru�r�en� shal� coniinue unchan�,ed. �Jpon rei��si.atement by �►orrovt�er, �his Secur�ty �nstrum�n�
<br /> and th� ab�iga�ions secured here�� shal� rema�n f�al�� effective as if no acc�ler��ti�n had oG�urred. Howe�er, �his
<br /> r�ght�o r�ins�a��sha��nfl�a�p�y���the case af a�ce�er��ifln u��d�r�he sec��on�itl€,d�'�-a��fer of th�Prop�r�y o�-a
<br /> �e�ef�c�al�nter�st�n��rro��a-.
<br /> I�Cazardau�Su�s��r��es.�3orrc�wer sha1�n�t cause ����r�r���t�e presence,use, c��sposal, starage, �r re�eas�of�.ny
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in�he Prop��-ty: Ba��ovver sh�,l�no�t do,nar al�ow a�y�ne els���do,anythi�g affecting
<br /> the Proper�y �ha� �s ir� vi�lation �f any Environmen�al L�.w. The preceding �v��a sentences shal� not apply tv �he
<br /> presence, use,or s�orage on the Praperty of smal�quan��ti�s�f Hazardous Su�s�a.nces that are general�y recognized
<br /> ��be app��pria�e t����mai r�s�d�n�ial uses a�d�o�nai���e��ance of���e Prope�.�.
<br /> �orr���ver sha�l prornpt�y g�We L��d�r written��ot����f a��y inWes�igati�n,claim, ��emand, �awsui�ar�ther ac�pan by
<br /> any g�vernmenta� ar�-egulatory ager�cy ��• pr�va�.e par�y inv�lrr�n� ihe Property and any ]H�.zard�us Substance or
<br /> Envir���mental Lavv of w]hi��� �orrav�rer has ac�ua� kr���u�edge. If �3Qrro���r learns, ar is no��fied by a�y
<br /> gavernmenta�or regulatory au�hor�ty,that a�y rexr�ov�i�r�ther remed�atian�f��ny ��a�ar�ous Subs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Prope�ty is necessary, B��-r�wer sha�1 �romptly ta��e a�l -�e�es�ary re�n:�d�a1 �.�ti�ns �n acc�rdan�� ���h
<br /> Env�ran.mental La�nr.
<br /> As used in this paragra�h, "Hazardous Substanc�s" are those substances de�n�c� as toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by En�rirorn�nen�al L.aw and �he follo��ng subs��n�es: gasa����e, k�rosene, oi:�:er flamma�le or tox�c petroleum
<br /> produ��s, ta�ic pes�icides �nd herbicides, ��la�i�� so�ven�s, �-na��rials contain���g asbes��s or forr�a�d�hyd�, and .
<br /> rad�oacti�e ma�eria�s. As used�n�his paragraph, "En�ironz��er���i Lav€►r"�neans f�deral�aws and lavrrs of�he sta�e af
<br /> Nebraska�h��rela�e�01�ea�t�i,safety or���v�r�r�me�ta�pra�ec���n.
<br /> A�ce�erataom; It�mec���s. ��r�de� shall g�v� no��ce t� ��rr�v���- pri�r �� �.�c�ler�.t��n f���owing �arr�wer's
<br /> �re��h of any���er�a��a��gr�em��t���hi�S��uri�y�r�s�rum�n��r�the Cantr-act und�r w�hich acce�erat��n
<br /> i� per�n���ed (bu����� p�-��r�� acceler�t8�r� unc���-the���t�oa� �itlec� Tra��sf����f the Prop�rty or� ��n��icia�
<br /> la�ter�s� �n �arrvvv��, un��ss ��p���a�le �L�vv pro����� �fh�rvv�s�}. rTh� nu�:��� �hall sp�cify: (a� �he d�faul�;
<br /> ��} ��e ac��o�� r��u�r�d �o �ure ��� ��fau�tg ��� � d�.�e, a��� ��ss tha� �h� m�n�mum nur��er of days
<br /> �stabli�hed ���ipp���ab��La�v►r fr�m ���da���he n��i�e is gi►v�n t�:Barror���r, �y whic� the defaul�must be
<br /> cured; and (d3 �hat failure to �ure �h� �e��.ul� o� �r b��or� �h� c��t� �pe�ii�ied i�n the natice �iay re5u�t in
<br /> acce�er��io� of the sums s���rec� b� ���s Se���-��� Ins��u��n� ��d saie �f �h� Pr�per�y. T� �h� ext�nt
<br /> permi�ted. by �aw, ���e no��ce sha�I fua-�her �r�fa�m ���-��r��r of�he right�� r��nsta�e a�t�r accel�ratian and
<br /> th�right���bring�cour��c�io�n �o����rt�h�nnn--�x���e�a��o�'a�efaul�or a���o�her�efense of�orro�ver to
<br /> ac�ele�a��o�. a�nd sa��. �f�h���fault i� n�� cu��d �n a�+ ��f��-� �he dat���e�;�f�ed i�� the �otice, Le�d�r at �ts
<br /> op�i�n �m�y �-eq�ir� �m�.�diate �ayx�ere� �� ��11 �f ��� �urr�s ��c�xr�d �y �:��i� S��ur��y Y�strur�en� wi�hout
<br /> f�rth��- d��r�a�d ��d rr�ay in����� ���� �a�ver ����.�� ��c� ��� �th�r �em���es perrni��ed by Ap�a�icable Lav►r.
<br /> To th� eate�t p�r-r�i�ted �y 1��, Le�d�r ��.��I b� e����led �� ������� ��� ex��er�ses �r�curred in pu rsu�ng the
<br /> remed�es pr�v��ded i� �hi� ���tio�, �n��u�a�g, �u� ���� �imi��c� ta, r�a���a��e a���rney�� f��s and ��s#s�f��t�e
<br /> e��denc�.
<br /> i�th� power of s��e is p���ol��d,rI'ruste��ha�l r�cord � no���e of�ef�u��in e��h cou�ty in which any par� of
<br /> �he Prop�r�y �s ��ca�ed a�d shai� ma��.��p�es of��rc� �ot�c� ir� t����nann�r��r�scribed lby Applicable Law to
<br /> �orr�vver a�d t� �he ot�er per�or�s �re�cri�b�c� by .�.pp�i���b�e L�a�v After 1�he ��r�� �-�qu�red by A��Iicab�e
<br /> La�, Trus�ee s���l gi�e p��blic a�o�i�� o��a�e �� �he p�r���� and �ra th� �,anner pres�r�bed. �y .A►pp��cable
<br /> L�w. 'I`rustee,o�vi�hou��ema�d�n ��rro��r, sha�����1�h�Pr�per��at pub�i�au�t��r� �o the��ghest bidder
<br /> ��th���me�r�d pla��a��d und�r t�Y�#�r�s desig��ted �� ����mat��e vf s��e��:�ane or m�r�par��l�and�n a�y
<br /> o��er Trus��� d�term�n��. T�'ru��e� �ay� ��o��po�� ���� �� ��� �r a�y p�.rce� �f the Property b� public
<br /> annaunce�n�n�a��h�i�i�r�e�nd� p������any pre��au�I�s���edul�d s�l�. �L�mc�er�r��s d�sig�n���nay pu�-�h�se
<br /> the Pr�perty�t�r�y sa��o
<br /> �p�� rece�p� of p��me��� of�h� p�i�� �ad, Trus��� sh�i� c�e�i��r to �h� pu�-+�has�r T�-ustee's deec� con�ey�ng
<br /> the Property. '�The re�i�a�s ��� ���e T`�•u����°�d�ed sha�� be pr��na f��ie�vide�a�e af��z�tr��h of t�e����emen�s
<br /> mad� ���rein. T�-us��� shai� app�y the pro���ds �� ��� sa�� �n �h� f��lo�+��ng �rd�r: �a� �o a�i �osts �nd
<br /> �xpe��ses �f e�r�r�isi��g the ��wer �f s�Ie, ��� �he s���, ���Iudi��� �he paym��nt af the 'Trustee'� fees ac�ually
<br /> C�2ad�-2015 Compliance Systerns,[z�c.SCS�-Q223-2D 1 S.1 I.3.l 0�38
<br /> Cansi�mer Real Estate-Security It:stnament DL.2�3G 1'age�o�� www.�amp�iancesystems.cam
<br />