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2� 15�8� 14 <br /> Applica�b�� I1��. As used i.n th�� Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�, �he te�n "Applicable La�" sha1� m�an a�l ��ntroll�ng <br /> appiicab�e federa�, sta�e and ���ai s�a�u�es, regu�a��ans, ordinances and administra�i�e rules and orders �tha�have <br /> the effec�of�a.�v�as we�t as all app��ca��e finai,non�app�a.lable�u�i��al���nio�s. <br /> �ha�ges; �Lie�s. Bo�-rower s�aa�l pay a�I taxes, assessme���s, Charges, fnes aa�d impasiti�ns at�ri�utable �o the <br /> Pr�perty which may at�ain pri�ri�y aWer�his �ecuri�y �ns��•umen�, and �easeho�d pa�ments or ground rents, �f any. <br /> A�the reques�af L�n��r,Bor�-a�ver sha1�pr�rnptly furnish to Le����r�•e�eipts e�i den�ing the payments. <br /> B�rro�ver sha�l promp�ly d�scharge any ��en�rh�cl� has priority o��r�his Security xnstrumen�unless Barr�wer: �a} <br /> agrees in wri��ng ta �he paym�ent of�he �b�igati�n secu�-ed �ay t]he l�e� in a manner accep�ab�e to Lender; ��} <br /> contests in good fai�h the �ien by, or defends against enforce�ment flf t�he lien ;�n, �egat praceed�ngs v�hich in the <br /> Lerider's opinion operate �a �revent the enfflrcement �f�he �ien; or �c} secu.r��s from �he ho�der �f the lien an <br /> agreem�r��satisfact��y t� Lender suba�•dinat�ng the lien to this Secur�t� �ns�rument. �f Lender de�erm�nes that any <br /> part of�he P�opert�y �s subjec�to a �ien which may attain priority �ver �h�s Sec�uri�y In.strument, Lender may�ive <br /> Borrov�er � noti�e identifying the Iien. Bor�o��r sha�� satisfy�he �ien o�r�ake a��e �r mare �f the ac�i�ns se� f�r�h <br /> above v�it��in ��days�f�he giving of no�ice. <br /> HaLar� or 1'roper�� I�surance. B�rra�rer sha�l kee��he impravements n�w ex�st�ng or l�erea�ter ereCted on�he <br /> Property i�sured aga�nst lnss by fre, hazards�nc�uded�i�thin�:h�terrn"ex�ende��c�verage" and any other hazards, <br /> �nclud�ng fl�ods or fl�oding, for wh�ch Lend�r requires insurance. This ins��rance sha�� be mainta�ned �n the <br /> amaun�s and f�r�he per�ads that Lender re�uires.�he insurance�arrier�r��vid�n.g�he�nsurance shal�be�hosen by <br /> Bo�-r�v�er sub�ect t� Lender's approval wh�ch shal� not be unreasonably w�thhe�d. �f B�rr�wer fa�ls to ma�n�ain <br /> cQverage describe� a�bo�e, Lender ma�, at Lende�r's op�i�n, obta�n c��erage to protect Lender's r�gh�s in �he <br /> P��per�y�n accordan�e sectian��t��d�rn�ec��on af I�ender'S1��gh�s in th��roperty. <br /> Ali insurance policies and re��wa�s shal� be accep�able t� Lender and sha�l i��:lude a star�dard m�r�ga�e clause. <br /> Lender shall��a�e�h�right to hoi��he�ao�rcies and renew�,ls. I�Lender requir���, Borr�v�e�-shall prQmp�ly give to <br /> Lender a�1 receipts of paid�remiums and renewal n��ices. In the e�ent�f�oss, B�rr�v�er shall g�ve pr�mpt not�ce <br /> ��the insurance�an ier and Lende�r.Lender may rr�ake praof of�oss if no�made��romp�ly by B�rrov��r. <br /> Unles� Lender and F3orrovver otherwis� agree �n wri�ing, insuran�e proceeds shali be app�ied �a res�aration or <br /> repair of�he Praperty damaged, �f, i� �er�der's s��e d�scre�:ior�, �he res��ration or repair is economicaily fea�ible <br /> and Lender's secu�i�y is no� lessened. rF, in Lerider's sa�e discre�ian, the res�or����on or repair �s no� ec�nomica��y <br /> fea�ib�e or Lender's security v�rould be lesse�ed,�he��asurance prflceeds shall be��ppl�ed��th�sums secured by�h�s <br /> Se�ur�ty �nstrument, wheth�r or no� �hen due, ��i�h a�ny e�.cess paid �o Bor�•o�er. �f Borrovver abandans the <br /> Prflper�y, or does n��ansv�er within the number af days prescr�bed by Applicab�e Lav�r as set for�h in a no���e fr�m <br /> Lender�o B�rr�r�ver�hat the insuranc��arrier has affe�ed�o sett�e �.�Ia�m,th�n.Lend�r may c�ilec��he insurance <br /> pr�ceeds. Ler�der may use �:he pro�e�ds to rep�.ir or res��re �he Proper� or�o pay sums secured by�his Security <br /> �n��rumen�,whe�her or na�t�en due. Th�per�od of�ime fo�-Bo�-rawer�o answer as set for�h in the no�ice wili beg�n <br /> when the n�tice ys gi�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and �an-a�ver athe�-wis� agree in wri��r�g, an�applica���n of pr��ceeds ta principal sha�l no�extend <br /> �r postp�n��he due date of the paymer��s due under the �ontra���r change the am�un��f the paymen�s. If u�der <br /> the section titled Acc��e����on; h�erned�es, �he Prflper�y is acqu�red by Lende�-, Barr�wer's r�gh�to a�y insurance <br /> po�icies and proceeds resu�t��g from danlag� �o tl�e Praper�y pr��r �� �he acqu�s��ion shall pass to Lender ta �he <br /> extent�f fihe sums secured by�his Security�n�trument in�media�ely pri�r�o�he acquisi�ion. <br /> Preser�vat�am, �I�int�nanc� and Protectiar� �f �h� �`�rape�-�y; S�rr�wer'� ]Loan �pplicatfur�; Leas�h�lds. <br /> Borrower sha�l not dest�oy, dan�age or impa�r the Pr�perty, allow the Property�.o de�eriora�e, �r cammxt vvas�e an <br /> �he Property.Borrowe�shal�be i��.def��lt if an�f�rfe�ture action or�roceeding,whe�her ci�ii or cr�mina�, is begun <br /> tha� �n Lender's goad faith judgment could resu�� �n forfeiture �f the Pr�perty +�r o�her�v�se ma�er7a�ly �mpair the <br /> �ien crea�ed by �h�s SeGuri�.y �nstrume�� or Lend�r's se�urity �n�erest. B��-rotiver may cure such a defau�t and <br /> reinstate, as provided in sec��on�it�ed �orrov�ver'� I�ight ta �einstate, by caus���g the action vr proceeding to be <br /> dismissed v�r��h a ruling that,in L�nder's good faith de�erm�na�ion,precludes forfei�ure of the�orrav�er's�nterest in <br /> the Praper�y or other ma�eria� ��npa�rment of�he ��en created �y �h�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument ar L.ender's security <br /> in�eres�.B�rr�vver s�a�� a�so be in defau�t�f Sorro�vver,dur�ng�he l�an applica�ian pracess,ga�e mater�a�iy fa�se or <br /> inaccurate informa�ion ar s�a�emen�s tfl Lend��- �or failed �:a pro�ide Lender ��v��h any m�.�erial infarma��on} in <br /> conne��tion with�he �o�n e��den�ed by the Con�ra��. If�his S�curity �nst�umei�� �s on a�easeh�ld, Sorrawer sha1l <br /> cornply�ith all�he p�ovisians of�I��lease.If Bar�r�vv�r acq�€ir�s fee�xt�e to�he�'r�per�y,the]easeh�ld and the fee <br /> title sha�l n��merge un�ess Lender agrees��the m�rger�n vvri��ng. <br /> P�-ntecti�r� of L����r's l�igh�� i� the ]Proper��. �f Borrav�er fails �� perf�r7n the co�enants a�d �.greemen�s <br /> con�ained in this Security�ns�rumen�t, �r there is a Iegal proceed�ng that may sig;n�fican�Iy affec�Lender's r�ghts �n <br /> the Prflperty �such as a prace�ding in ban��rup�cy, pr�Ua�e, f�r c�nde�nna��on t3r forfe�ture ar to enforce laws ar <br /> regu�ati�ns}, then Ler�d��- may do and pay far �hatever �s necessa�-y t� prot�yct �he �alue of the Property and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Prop�rty. Lender's a��i�ns may inc�ude paying any sums s�,cured hy a lien whi�h has pr�ority <br /> ��er�his Se�urity�ns�ru�nen�, appear�ng�n��urt,pay�ng reas�nab�e a�orneys'f��es and entering an the Proper�y ta <br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Lender may take ac�ia�u�der�:���s sec��a�, Lender d�es r�o�haW�to do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under th�s sec��on sha�l become addiiiona� deb� af Borrower secured by �his <br /> Secur��.y Ins�ru�nent. Un�ess ��rrower and Lend�� agree to �ther �erms of p����nen�, these amoun�s shall bear <br /> ��teres� fr�m �he da�e of disb�.irsemen� at the san�e rate assessed on advances� under t�e �ontrac� arnd sha�l be <br /> payable,v�ith�n�erest,up�n no�ic�fro�n Lender��B�rrov�er reques�ing payrnen�. <br /> Q 20��-24I5 Campliance Systems,Inc.8C54-�223-2Q�5.11.3.i098 <br /> Cor�siimer Real Estate-Security Inst�-�zment DL2�35 Page 2 0�5 www,�ampliancesystems.carr� <br />