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2� 15�8599 <br /> by a�ien which has priority o�rer this Secur�t�Instrumer�t; �b}app�ar�ng in courta and�c}pa�ing <br /> reasonable attorneys' f�es to pratect its in�erest in th�Property andlor rYghts under this Securit�r <br /> Instrument, including its secured pasition in a bankrupt��proceed�ng. 5ecuring the Property inctudes, <br /> but is nat limited to, entering the Property to make repaxrs,change locks,replace or board up doors and <br /> windows,drain water from pipes, eliminate building or other�ode�iolations or dangerous conditior�s, <br /> and ha�e ut��ities turned on or off.Although Lender may take action under this Sec�ion 9, Lender daes <br /> not ha�e to do so and is not under any duty or ob�igation to da so, It is a�reed that Lender incurs no <br /> lia.bility for no�tal�ing any or all actians au�thori�ed under this Section 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become addrtional debt of Borrower se�ured <br /> by this Security Instrument. These arrYounts shai�bear interest at t�e No��rate from the date of <br /> disbursement and sha�l be payable,with such Ynterest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> paymen�, <br /> �f this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, Barrflwer sha11 comply w�th al1 the pro�isions of the �ease. <br /> If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property,the leaseho�d and the fee title�hall not merge unless <br /> Lender agrees to the merger in writ�ng. <br /> �I 4, Assignmentof iVlisceilaneousProceeds;Forfe�ture.A�l Mi�ce��aneous Proceeds are hereby <br /> assigned to and sha11 be paid to Lender. <br /> If the Pr��erty is damaged,such MiscellaneQus P�oceeds sha�ll be applied to restoratia�or repair of the <br /> Property, if the restora�ion ar repair�s econ�mically f�asible and Lender's security is nat tessen�d. <br /> During such repair and restoration period, Lend�r sha��have the right to�old such Miscet�an�ous <br /> Proc�eds until Lender ha�had an oppartu.nxty to inspect such Property to ensure the vv�rk has been <br /> campieted to Len�ler's satisfaction,pro�ided that such inspection shall be underta.ken promptly. Lender <br /> may pay for the repairs and restorat�on in a single disbursement or in a series of progress payments as the <br /> �vork�s Gompleted. Urales�an agreement is made in writing or Appli�abie La�v requires interest ta be <br /> paid on such Niiscellaneous Proceeds,Lender shal�not be requ�red�to pay Borrower any in�erest or <br /> earnings on such Nliscellaneo�us Proceeds. If the restoration ar repair�s not economically feasible or <br /> L�nder's se�urity would be Iessened,the Miscellaneous Praceeds sha11 be app�ied to the sums secured by <br /> this Security�n�trument,v�hether or not then due,with the excess,if any,pa�d to Borro�er. Su�� <br /> Miscella��ous Proceeds sha�l be appli�d i�a the order pravided for in 5ection 2. <br /> In the ev�nt of a tata��aking, des�ction, �r loss in va�ue of the Propertya the Miscellaneous Proceeds <br /> shai�be applied to t�e sums secured b}�t�.is Securit�Instrument,whether or not then due,with the <br /> excess, if any,paid to Borro�ver, <br /> In the event of a partial takYng, destruction, or loss in�a�ue of the Property in whi�h the fair market <br /> �alue of the P�op�rty immediate�y before the partia�taking,destruction,or loss in va�ue is equal to or <br /> greater than the amount of the sums secured b�this Security�nstrument in�edia�e�y before t�e�art�a� <br /> taking, destruction,or loss in value,unless Borrower and L��der ot�ierwise agree in�riting4 the s�ums <br /> se�ured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount�f the Misce�laneous P�roceeds <br /> mu�t�plied by the follovving fraction: (a)�he ta�a�amount of the sums immediately before the <br /> partial ta.kin�,destruct�on,or Ioss Yn value dYvided by�b}the fair market�alue of the Property <br /> immediately before the partial taking,destruction,or�oss in value.Any ba�ar�ce sha�I be paid to <br /> Barrower. <br /> FHA Qeed of Tru�t With M�FtS-�E 913�12�94 <br /> Bar�kers System�TM VMP C� VMP4N[NE}{154fi}.UU <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�ancial Services Page�of"f 7 <br /> q�334895607� �233 322 0917 <br />