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2� 15�8598 <br /> BDRR��'�VER C�VENANTS�hat Borrower is �awfu��y se�s�d af�he estat�her�by conveyed and has�he r�ght�o <br /> gran�and convey the Praperty and �ha�the Praper�y �s unencumbered, exc�p�ftir encumbrances of record. <br /> BorrovWer warrants and will defend general�y the t��le�o the Proper�y a�ainst all c�a�ms and de��ands, subjec�to <br /> any encumbranc�s of r�card. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY INSTRUMENT�flmb�nes un�farm co�enants for nat�onal use and nfln-un�form cov�nan�s with <br /> linlit�d�arxa�ions by�ur�sd�C�ion ta const��ut�a uniforam security instrunlent ca��ring real proper��. <br /> Unifvrm Cavenants, Borrower and Lender cover�ant and agree as fa���ws: <br /> '1. Payment �f Pr�n��palr �nt�r�st■ �SG�'[7W �t�[71S, Prepayment Charg�s, and Late �harges. Barr��ver <br /> shall pay vrvhen due th�prin�;�pal of, and in�erest on, �he d�b�e�idenced h��he No�e and any prepaymen� <br /> charges and lat��harges due und�r the Nate. Borrawer shal� also pay funds for Escraw Items pursuan�to <br /> Sec�i�n 3. Paym�nts due und�r the Note and th�s Secur�ty �nstrum.ent sha��be made�n U.5. curr�ncy. <br /> �Dwe�er, if any check ar o�her ins�rument r�c�zved b� Lender as payment und�r the N����r this Security <br /> �ns�rument �s returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any ar aii subsequ�nt payments du�under <br /> the N�te and�his Security �nstrument be made in�ne or more of the follawing forms, as select�d by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} maney arder; �c}certi�e�i�h��k, bank check, tr�asurer's cheGk or cashxer's check, �rnv�ded any <br /> su�h che�k is drawn up�n an ins�ituti�n whose dep�s��s are znsured by a f�dera� agency, instrumental�ty, or <br /> entity; ar�d} E�ectronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rec�ived by Lender when r�ceived a�th� �ocation�esignated in�h� No�e ar at �uch <br /> other�ocat�on as may be�esignat�d by L�nd�r in ac�ardance with the nnti�e pr�visions �n Secti�n �5, <br /> Lender may return any payment ar par�ia� payrn�n� if the�ayment or par��al payments are �nsuffic�ent tn <br /> bring th�Laan current. L�r�der may a�c�pt any paymen�ar par��a�pa�men�znsuf����n�ta br�ng�h� Laan <br /> �urrent, w�thout waiver nf any righ�s hereunder or prejudice to �ts rights to refus�such payment or par�ial <br /> payments in the future, but Lender�s nn�ob�i�a��d�a app�y such payments at the time suc�.payment� ar� <br /> accep�ed. �f each Per�od�c Paym�n� is app�ied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pa� in�erest <br /> �n unapp���d funds. Lender may ho�d su�h unapplied funds unti� Borrow�r make�payments ta bring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower does not da sa v�ithin a reasonable period of�ime, Lender shall �ith�r apply su�h <br /> funds ar return them ta Borrawer. If n�t applied ear�ier, such funds witt �e appl�ed to the outstanding <br /> principa�balance under�he Note immediat�l�priar to forec�osure. No offse�Qr cia�m which Borrower m�gh� <br /> have na�v or in th� future agains�Lender sha1� rel�e�e Borrower from mak�n�paymen�s du�und�r the Not� <br /> and�his S�curity �nstrurnent or perfarm�ng�h�covenan�s and agreem�nts se�ured by this Securit� <br /> Instrument. <br /> �. Appl�catian �f Pay�ents ar Praceeds. Except as a�h�rwis�described in this Section 2, aIl paymen�s <br /> accep�ed and applied by Lender shall be applied in the f��Iawing ord�r of priori�y; �a} in�eres�due under the <br /> No�e; �b}principal due under th� Note; �c} amnunts due under�ec�ifln 3. Such paym�n�s sha��be app��ed ta <br /> each Per�adic Payment in the order in which ��became due. Any remaining amounts shaii be app��ed�rst to <br /> Ia�e charges, second to any other amounts due under�hzs Se�urz�y �nstrument, and �hen�o reduce the <br /> prinCipa��a�ance of the N��e. <br /> �f Lender r�ceives a payment fram Barrawer for a d�linquent Periodic Payment�vhich inc�udes a suf��c�en� <br /> amaun�to pa�any lat��harge due, th�paymen�may be app�ied to�he de�inquent payment and�he�at� <br /> �harge. �f more than one Periodic Payment �s ou�stand�ng, Lender ma�app�y any payment received fram <br /> Borrower ta the repaymen�af the Perz�d�� Payments if, and to the ex�en��hat, �ach paym�nt can be paid �n <br /> full. Ta the ex�en��ha� any��.cess��.�sts aft�r�he payment�s applied ta�he full payment of one�r more <br /> Per�od�c Payments, su�h excess may be app�ied�a any late�harges due. Valuntary pr�payments sha�� be <br /> app��ed f�rst to any pr�payment charges and then as des�ribed in the Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sir��Ee�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UN��ORM INSTRUM�NT Farm�028'11D1 <br /> VMF� VMPfi4NEi{1302) <br /> Wvlters Kluw�r Financia�Ser�ic�s Page�F of 17 <br />