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2� 15�8598 <br /> Z3. Re�fln�eyance. Upon payment of aI� sums se�ured b��hi� Se�urity �nstrum�nt, L.�nder shali r�ques� <br /> Trustee ta reconWey�he Proper�y and shall surrend�r�his Secur�ty �nstrumen�and all notes�videnc�ng de�� <br /> secured by this Security �nstrument �o Trus�ee. Trust��sha�� reeon�ey the Property w�thou�warran�y�o the <br /> person�r persons lega�ly�nt�tled to ��. Such person or persans sha���ay any recorda�ion casts. Lender may <br /> �harge such person or persons a fee far reconvey�ng the Pr�pert�, but aniy if the fee is paid�o a�hird par�y <br /> �such as the Trustee} far ser�ice� rendered a.nd the charging af the fee�s permitted und�r App��cable Law. <br /> �4. Sut�st�tute Trustee. Lender, a� �ts optian, may from��me t�time r�move Trus�ee and appoint a successar <br /> �rustee�a any Trustee appo�n�ed hereunder b�an ins�rument r�corded in the c�un�� �n which this 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstrumen� is recorded. �i�hout con�eyan�e of the Proper�y, the success�r�rus�ee sha�� �ucceed�o ali the <br /> t�tl�, pawer and dut�es canferred upan Trus�ee her��n and by Applicable Law. <br /> �5. Request for �Vvti�es. B�rrower requests �hat�op��s of the not�ce of default and sa�e be sent�� B�rrower's <br /> address �rh�ch �s the Propert� Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singi�Family-�anr�ie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3��$71D� <br /> VMP[� . VMPfi�NE��13D2f <br /> Wotters Kiuw�r Financia!Ser��c�s Page#5 af 17 <br />